Foxe's Book of Martyrs
by Jon Fox

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II THE TEN PRIMITIVE PERSECUTIONS Nero Burns Christians in the Imperial Gardens Ignatius, “The Wheat of Christ” Polycarp Refuses to Deny Christ The Beheading of Justin Martyr Christians in the Catacombs Origen Suffers by Fire Saint Lawrence’s Bed of Iron Sebastian is Pierced with Arrows

III PERSECUTIONS OF THE CHRISTIANS IN PERSIA The Emperor Constantine Protests The Fury of Julian the Apostate The Goths and Vandals The Last Roman “Triumph” The Noble Gothic Prince The Sacrificing of Boniface Bishop Alphege Defends Canterbury

IV PAPAL PERSECUTIONS Persecutions of the Brave Waldenses The Pope Wars against the Albigenses The Massacres of Saint Bartholomew Sufferings after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes Martyrdom of John Calas

V AN ACCOUNT OF THE INQUISITION The Fierce Zeal of Dominic “The Hounds of the Lord” A Typical Inquisitory The Cruel Handling of Nicholas Burton Some Private Enormities of the Inquisition The Persecution of Dr. Egidio The Tormenting of Dr. Gardiner The Sufferings of William Lithgow The Story of Galileo Summary of the Inquisition

VI AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN ITALY UNDER THE PAPACY The Courageous End of Arnold of Brescia Hounding of Calabrian Peasants Exterminations at St. Xist Persecutions in the Valleys of Piedmont Remarkable Individuals who were Martyred The Piedmontese War Persecutions of Michael de Molinos of the Quiet Life

VII AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE AND PERSECUTIONS OF JOHN WYCLIFFE “The Morning Star of the Reformation” His Translation of the Bible His Retirement to Lutterworth The End

VIII AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN BOHEMIA UNDER THE PAPACY Persecution of John Huss Persecution of Jerome of Prague Zisca, a Notable Soldier Attacks on Bohemian Noblemen

IX AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE AND PERSECUTIONS OF MARTIN LUTHER Luther the Monk The Diet of Worms The Founding of the German Church Luther’s Writings

X GENERAL PERSECUTIONS IN GERMANY The Pope’s Alliance with Charles V How German Protestants were Tortured A Great Protestant Emigration

XI AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS Outrages in Flanders Brave Testimony in the United Provinces Death of William of Orange by Treachery

XII THE LIFE AND STORY OF THE TRUE SERVANT AND MARTYR OF GOD, WILLIAM TYNDALE Education at Oxford The Bible in English The Papist Bishop Buys Tyndale’s Bibles Tyndale is Burned

XIII AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE OF JOHN CALVIN Calvin’s Training in Paris The Uncrowned Leader of Geneva The Persecutions of Servetus Calvin as a Friend of Civil Liberty

XIV AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, PRIOR TO THE REIGN OF QUEEN MARY I The Saxon Barbarians The Danes in Ireland The Hanging of Sir John Oldcastle Smithfield Martyrs Execution of Thomas Cromwell

XV AN ACCOUNT OF THE PERSECUTIONS IN SCOTLAND DURING THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII Patrick Hamilton at the Stake Sufferings of George Wishart Brave Scotch Women

XVI PERSECUTIONS IN ENGLAND DURING THE REIGN OF QUEEN MARY Lady Jane Gray on the Scaffold Burning of John Rogers The Rev. Lawrence Saunders Bishop John Hooper Dr. Rowland Taylor Martyrdom of William Hunter Dr. Robert Farrar Other Constant Witnesses Bishop Ridley and Bishop Latimer Archbishop Cranmer Still Others of the Army of Martyrs The Death of Mary Queen of Scots God’s Punishment Upon Some of the Persecutors

XVII RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE PROTESTANT RELIGION IN IRELAND; WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE BARBAROUS MASSACRES OF 1641 Bloodthirsty Bishop Pole The Conspiracy of Dublin Wholesale Slaughter The Siege of Londonderry

XVIII THE RISE, PROGRESS, PERSECUTIONS, AND SUFFERINGS OF THE QUAKERS George Fox, Their Founder Appeals for Toleration Persecutions in the United States Attitude of the Fathers of New England

XIX AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE: AND PERSECUTIONS OF JOHN BUNYAN Boyhood of Bunyan His Life in Prison “The Pilgrim’s Progress”

XX AN ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE OF JOHN WESLEY His Gay Youth His Coming to America His Tireless Labors

XXI PERSECUTIONS OF THE FRENCH PROTESTANTS IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE, DURING THE YEARS 1814 AND 1820 The Arrest of Louis XVIII The History of the Silver Child Massacre and Pillage at Nismes Royal Decree in Favor of the Persecuted Monstrous Outrage Upon Females Outrages Committed in Villages Murder of General La Garde Interference of the British Government

XXII THE BEGINNINGS OF AMERICAN FOREIGN MISSIONSSamuel J. Mills Persecutions of Doctor Judson Prison Experiences Sufferings of Mrs. Judson and Her Children Removal and Release of the Prisoners Missionary Beginnings

Epilogue Sketch of the author

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