"When our minds are controlled by the Spirit of God, we shall understand the lesson taught by the parable of the leaven. Those who open their hearts to receive the truth will realize that the Word of God is the great instrumentality in the transformation of character." Review and Herald, July 25, 1899.
"Bible Directs the Life Aright.—The whole Bible is a revelation of the glory of God in Christ. Received, believed, obeyed, it is the great instrumentality in the transformation of character. It is the grand stimulus, the constraining force, that quickens the physical, mental, and spiritual 94 powers and directs the life into right channels." Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1, page 93, paragraph 4
"Love Transforms Character.—To those who know not the truth, let the love of Jesus be presented, and it will work like leaven for the transformation of character" Testimonies for the Church Volume 8T 60 (1904).
"To the heart that has become purified, all is changed. Transformation of character is the testimony to the world of an indwelling Christ. The Spirit of God produces a new life in the soul, bringing the thoughts and desires into obedience to the will of Christ; and the inward man is renewed in the image of God. Weak and erring men 550 and women show to the world that the redeeming power of grace can cause the faulty character to develop into symmetry and abundant fruitfulness." Prophets and Kings 233 (1917).
"Genuine conversion is transformation of character.
New purposes, new moral tastes are created. Defects of character are overcome.
Truth, with its sanctifying power, brings the entire man into obedience
to Christ.
That I May Know Him, page 94, paragraph 2
Chapter Title: Molded After His Character
When a man turns away from human imperfections and
beholds Jesus, a divine transformation takes place in his character. He
fixes his eye upon Christ as on a mirror which reflects the glory of God,
and by beholding he becomes changed into the same image, from glory to
glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. . . ." Testimonies to Southern
Africa, page 30, paragraph 2
"I saw the Lord Jesus looking with grieved countenance upon men handling sacred things, because they did not discern sacred things. He said, “Human character cannot be trusted. Unless Christ is interwoven in the character, it is valueless. Unless there is a transformation of character, there is no hope for the world.” The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, page 925,
"Jesus loves those who represent the Father, and John could talk of the Father’s love as no other of the disciples could. He revealed to his fellow men that which he felt in his own soul, representing in his character the attributes of God. The glory of the Lord was expressed in his face. The beauty of holiness which had transformed him shone with a Christlike radiance from his countenance. In adoration and love he beheld the Saviour until likeness to Christ and fellowship with Him became his one desire, and in his character was reflected the character of his Master."The Acts of the Apostles, page 545, paragraph 2
"John and Judas are representatives of those who profess to be Christ’s followers. Both these disciples had the same opportunities to study and follow the divine Pattern. Both were closely associated with Jesus and were privileged to listen to His teaching. Each possessed serious defects of character; and each had access to the divine grace that transforms character. But while one in humility was learning of Jesus, the other revealed that he was not a doer of the word, but a hearer only. One, daily dying to self and overcoming sin, was sanctified through the truth; the other, resisting the transforming power of grace and indulging selfish desires, was brought into bondage to Satan." The Acts of the Apostles, page 558, paragraph 1
"Such transformation of character as is seen in the life of John is ever the result of communion with Christ. There may be marked defects in the character of an individual, yet when he becomes a true disciple of Christ, the power of divine grace transforms and sanctifies him. Beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, he is changed from glory to glory, until he is like Him whom he adores." The Acts of the Apostles, page 559, paragraph 1
"True sanctification comes through the working out of the principle of love. “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16. The life of him in whose heart Christ abides, will reveal practical godliness. The character will be purified, elevated, ennobled, and glorified. Pure doctrine will blend with works of righteousness; heavenly precepts will mingle with holy practices." The Acts of the Apostles, page 560, paragraph 1
"Prayer is heaven’s ordained means of success in the conflict with sin and the development of Christian character. The divine influences that come in answer to the prayer of faith will accomplish in the soul of the suppliant all for which he pleads. For the pardon of sin, for the Holy Spirit, for a Christlike temper, for wisdom and strength to do His work, for any gift He has promised, we may ask; and the promise is, “Ye shall receive.” The Acts of the Apostles, page 564, paragraph 1
"Where there is a lack of home religion, a profession
of faith is valueless. . . . Many are deceiving themselves by thinking
that the character will be transformed at the coming of Christ, but there
will be no conversion of heart at His appearing. Our defects of character
must here be repented of, and through the grace of Christ we must overcome
them while probation shall last. This is the place for fitting up for the
family above.
Christ’s Object Lessons, page 408, paragraph 3
Chapter Title: To Meet the Bridegroom Without the
Spirit of God a knowledge of His word is of no avail. The theory of truth,
unaccompanied by the Holy Spirit, cannot quicken the soul or sanctify the
heart. One may be familiar with the commands and promises of the Bible;
but unless the Spirit of God sets the truth home, the character will not
be transformed. Without the enlightenment of the Spirit, men will not be
able to distinguish truth from error, and they will fall under the masterful
temptations of Satan." The Adventist Home, page 319, paragraph 2
"Enoch kept the Lord ever before him. . . . He made Christ his constant companion. He was in the world, and performed his duties to the world; but he was ever under the influence of Jesus. He reflected Christ’s character, exhibiting the same qualities of goodness, mercy, tender compassion, sympathy, forbearance, meekness, humility, and love. His association with Christ day by day transformed him into the image of Him with whom he was so intimately connected. Day by day he was growing away from his own way into Christ’s way, the heavenly, the divine, in his thoughts and feelings." Conflict and Courage, page 30, paragraph 3
"Jesus reproved His disciples, He warned and cautioned them; but John and his brethren did not leave Him; they chose Jesus, notwithstanding the reproofs. The Saviour did not withdraw from them because of their weakness and errors. They continued to the end to share His trials and to learn the lessons of His life. By beholding Christ, they became transformed in character. . . ." Conflict and Courage, page 289, paragraph 3
"Simon of Bethany was accounted a disciple of Jesus. He was one of the few Pharisees who had openly joined Christ’s followers. He acknowledged Jesus as a teacher, and hoped that He might be the Messiah, but he had not accepted Him as a Saviour. His character was not transformed; his principles were unchanged." Conflict and Courage, page 305, paragraph 2
"The teacher may bind these children to his or her heart by the love of Christ abiding in the soul temple as a sweet fragrance, a savor of life unto life. The teachers may, through the grace of Christ imparted to them, be the living human agency—be laborers together with God—to enlighten, lift up, encourage, and help to purify the soul from its moral defilement; and the image of God shall be revealed in the soul of the child, and the character become transformed by the grace of Christ." Counsels on Sabbath School Work, page 81, paragraph 1
"God takes men as they are, with the human elements in their character, and trains them for His service, if they will be disciplined and learn of Him. They are not chosen because they are perfect, but notwithstanding their imperfections, that through the knowledge and practice of the truth, through the grace of Christ, they may become transformed into His image." The Desire of Ages, page 294, paragraph 4
"The Christian worker may be Christ’s agent in drawing these children to the Saviour. By wisdom and tact he may bind them to his heart, he may give them courage and hope, and through the grace of Christ may see them transformed in character, so that of them it may be said, “Of such is the kingdom of God.” The Desire of Ages, page 517, paragraph 6
"He who beholds the Saviour’s matchless love will be elevated in thought, purified in heart, transformed in character. He will go forth to be a light to the world, to reflect in some degree this mysterious love. The more we contemplate the cross of Christ, the more fully shall we adopt the language of the apostle when he said, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Gal. 6:14. The Desire of Ages, page 661, paragraph 3
"How many today are like Peter! They are interested in the affairs of others, and anxious to know their duty, while they are in danger of neglecting their own. It is our work to look to Christ and follow Him. We shall see mistakes in the lives of others, and defects in their character. Humanity is encompassed with infirmity. But in Christ we shall find perfection. Beholding Him, we shall become transformed." The Desire of Ages, page 816, paragraph 3
"Let the youth make the Word of God the food of mind and soul. . . . Thus through faith they will come to know God by an experimental knowledge. They have proved for themselves the reality of His Word, the truth of His promises. They have tasted, and they know that the Lord is good. . . . It is our privilege to reach higher and still higher for clearer revealings of the character of God. . . . In His light shall we see light, until mind and heart and soul are transformed into the image of His holiness." The Faith I Live By, page 16, paragraph 5
"The thoughtless and wayward become serious. The hardened repent of their sins, and the faithless believe. The gambler, the drunkard, the licentious, become steady, sober, and pure. The rebellious and obstinate become meek and Christlike. When we see these changes in the character, we may be assured that the converting power of God has transformed the entire man." The Faith I Live By, page 55, paragraph 5
"The soul that is transformed by the grace of Christ will admire His divine character. . . . The less we see to esteem in ourselves, the more we shall see to esteem in the infinite purity and loveliness of our Saviour. A view of our sinfulness drives us to Him who can pardon; and when the soul, realizing its helplessness, reaches out after Christ, He will reveal Himself in power. The more our sense of need drives us to Him and to the Word of God, the more exalted views we shall have of His character, and the more fully we shall reflect His image." God’s Amazing Grace, page 229, paragraph 7
"The world needs evidences of sincere Christianity. Professed Christianity may be seen everywhere; but when the power of God’s grace is seen in our churches, the members will work the works of Christ. Natural and hereditary traits of character will be transformed. The indwelling of His Spirit will enable them to reveal Christ’s likeness, and in proportion to the purity of their piety will be the success of their work." God’s Amazing Grace, page 263, paragraph 3
"Your weakness is united to His strength, your ignorance to His wisdom, your frailty to His enduring might. So you are not to look to yourself, not to let the mind dwell upon self, but look to Christ. Let the mind dwell upon His love, upon the beauty, the perfection, of His character. Christ in His self-denial, Christ in His humiliation, Christ in His purity and holiness, Christ in His matchless love—this is the subject for the soul’s contemplation. It is by loving Him, copying Him, depending wholly upon Him, that you are to be transformed into His likeness." God’s Amazing Grace, page 293, paragraph 4
"By beholding we are to become changed; and as we meditate upon the perfections of the divine Model, we shall desire to become wholly transformed, and renewed in the image of His purity. It is by faith in the Son of God that transformation takes place in the character, and the child of wrath becomes the child of God." God’s Amazing Grace, page 302, paragraph 5
"As the dew and the rain are given first to cause the seed to germinate, and then to ripen the harvest, so the Holy Spirit is given to carry forward, from one stage to another, the process of spiritual growth. The ripening of the grain represents the completion of the work of God’s grace in the soul. By the power of the Holy Spirit the moral image of God is to be perfected in the character. We are to be wholly transformed into the likeness of Christ." Last Day Events, page 183, paragraph 2
"Brethren and sisters, it is by beholding that we become changed. By dwelling upon the love of God and our Saviour, by contemplating the perfection of the divine character and claiming the righteousness of Christ as ours by faith, we are to be transformed into the same image. Then let us not gather together all the unpleasant pictures—the iniquities and corruptions and disappointments, the evidences of Satan’s power—to hang in the halls of our memory. . . ." Lift Him Up, page 251, paragraph 4
"Be diligent in the use of every means of grace, that you may be transformed in character and may grow up to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus." Maranatha, page 44, paragraph 5
"The character of Christ is to be our character. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our hearts. Here is our only safety. Nothing can separate a living Christian from God." Maranatha, page 108, paragraph 6
"But the infinite sacrifice of God in giving Jesus, His beloved Son, to become a sacrifice for sin, enables Him to say, without violating one principle of His government, “Yield yourself up to Me; give Me that will; take it from the control of Satan, and I will take possession of it; then I can work in you to will and to do of My good pleasure.” When He gives you the mind of Christ, your will becomes as His will, and your character is transformed to be like Christ’s character. Is it your purpose to do God’s will? Do you wish to obey the Scriptures?" Messages to Young People, page 154, paragraph 1
"Cherish an Impartial, Optimistic Outlook.—There is no reason for us to fix our eyes upon error, to grieve and complain, and lose precious time and opportunities in 47 lamenting the faults of others.... Would it not be more pleasing to God to take an impartial outlook and see how many souls are serving God and resisting temptation and glorifying and honoring Him with their talents of means and intellect? Would it not be better to consider the wonderful, miracle-working power of God in the transformation of poor, degraded sinners, who have been full of moral pollution, who become so transformed that they are Christlike in character?" Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1, page 46, paragraph 5
"Depend Upon God, Not Man.—God desires to bring men into direct relation with Himself. In all His dealings with human beings He recognizes the principle of personal responsibility. He seeks to encourage a sense of personal dependence and to impress the need of personal guidance. He desires to bring the human into association with the divine that men may be transformed into the divine likeness. Satan works to thwart this purpose. He seeks to encourage dependence upon men. When minds are turned away from God, the tempter can bring them 262 under his rule. He can control humanity." Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1, page 261, paragraph 2
"In His light shall we see light, until mind and heart and soul are transformed into the image of His holiness." Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1, page 335, paragraph 1
"No One to Submerge His Mind.—God permits every human being to exercise his individuality. He desires no one to submerge his mind in the mind of a fellow mortal. Those who desire to be transformed in mind and character are not to look to men, but to the divine Example. God gives the invitation, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” By conversion and transformation men are to receive the mind of Christ. Every one is to stand before God with an individual faith, an individual experience, knowing for himself that Christ is formed within, the hope of glory. For us to imitate the example of any man—even one whom we might regard as nearly perfect in character—would be to put our trust in a defective human being, one who is 429 unable to impart a jot or tittle of perfection" Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2, page 428, paragraph 2
"Conflicts Not Created by Christ.—We are living in a solemn time. An important work is to be done for our own souls and for the souls of others, or we shall meet with an infinite loss. We must be transformed by the grace of God, or we shall fail of heaven, and through our influence others will fail with us." Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2, page 555, paragraph 3
"Evil Habits to Be Overcome.—By beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, we are actually to be changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. We expect too little, and we receive according to our faith. We are not to cling to our own ways, our own plans, our own ideas; we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove “what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of 601 God.” Besetting sins are to be conquered and evil habits overcome. Wrong dispositions and feelings are to be rooted out and holy tempers and emotions begotten in us by the Spirit of God" Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2, page 600, paragraph 3
"Through the power of Christ men and women have broken the chains of sinful habit. They have renounced selfishness. The profane have become reverent, the drunken sober, the profligate pure. Souls that have borne the likeness of Satan have become transformed into the image of God." Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2, page 601, paragraph 3
"Surrounded by an Atmosphere of Light and Peace.— Christ has made every provision that His church shall be a transformed body, illumined with the Light of the world, possessing the glory of Emmanuel. It is His purpose that every Christian shall be surrounded with a spiritual atmosphere of light and peace. He desires that we shall reveal His own joy in our lives. " Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2, page 733, paragraph 3
"The development of Christian character, tending toward this state of perfection, is a growth toward beauty. . . . As the heart becomes transformed by the renewing of the mind, the graces of the Spirit leave their impress on the face, and it expresses the refinement, delicacy, peace, benevolence, and pure and tender love that reign in the heart. . . ." My Life Today, page 153, paragraph 5
"The precious faith inspired of God imparts strength and nobility of character. As His goodness, His mercy, and His love are dwelt upon, clearer and still clearer will be the perception of truth; higher, holier the desire for purity of heart and clearness of thought. The soul dwelling in the atmosphere of holy thought is transformed by intercourse with God through the study of His Word. Truth is so large, so far reaching, so deep, so broad, that self is lost sight of. The heart is softened and subdued into humility, kindness, and love." My Life Today, page 262, paragraph 2
"No deep-seated love for Jesus can dwell in the heart that does not see and realize its own sinfulness. The soul that is transformed by grace will admire His divine character; but if we do not see our own moral deformity, it is unmistakable evidence that we have not had a view of the beauty and excellence of Christ. The less we see to esteem in ourselves, the more we shall see to esteem in the infinite purity and loveliness of our Saviour. A view of our own sinfulness drives us to Him who can pardon...." Our High Calling, page 27, paragraph 3
"Man, fallen man, may be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that he can “prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” How does he prove this? By the Holy Spirit taking possession of his mind, spirit, heart, and character." Our High Calling, page 106, paragraph 2
"The entire chapter [2 Peter 1] contains most instructive lessons in regard to the transformation of our character after the likeness of the character of Christ. The whole structure of the human character is to be rebuilt: we are to be created anew in Christ Jesus. The Scripture says, “The Lord created a new thing in the earth.” What was this? Lost man was to be recovered, sin was to be pardoned, the sinner saved, transformed in character, to become a co-worker with God. . . . All heaven was to be laid open, to supply fallen man with every spiritual blessing that he might perfect a character after the divine similitude.—Letter 77, 1895." Peter’s Counsel to Parents, page 51, paragraph 2
[Enoch] was ever under the influence of Jesus. He reflected Christ’s character, exhibiting the same qualities in goodness, mercy, tender compassion, sympathy, forbearance, meekness, humility and love. His association with Christ day by day transformed him into the image of Him with whom he was so intimately connected.— Review and Herald, Dec. 5, 1912." Reflecting Christ, page 20, paragraph 5
"By beholding we are to become changed; and as we meditate upon the perfections of the divine Model, we shall desire to become wholly transformed, and renewed in the image of His purity. It is by faith in the Son of God that transformation takes place in the character, and the child of wrath becomes the child of God. He passes from death unto life; he becomes spiritual and discerns spiritual things. The wisdom of God enlightens his mind, and he beholds wondrous things out of His law. . . . In becoming a man of obedience to God, he has the mind of Christ, and the will of God becomes his will." Reflecting Christ, page 104, paragraph 5
Christ is drawing sinners to Himself by the cords of love, seeking to unite them to Himself, that they may be laborers together with God, not in pride and self-sufficiency, but in meekness and lowliness. When sinners are converted, God is glorified before the principalities and powers of heaven and earth. These converted ones are a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. “Ye are my witnesses,” God says. By looking to Me you are to become transformed in character. By the manifestation of Christlike forbearance and love you are to reveal this transformation." Reflecting Christ, page 198, paragraph 4
"Through belief in Satan’s misrepresentation of God, man’s character and destiny were changed, but if men will believe in the Word of God, they will be transformed in mind and character, and fitted for eternal life. To believe that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16), will change the heart, and reproduce in man the image of God." Selected Messages Book 1, page 346, paragraph 1
"Then there is yet another work to be accomplished, and this is of a progressive nature. The soul is to be sanctified through the truth. And this also is accomplished through faith. For it is only the grace of Christ, which we receive through faith, that the character can be transformed." Selected Messages Book 3, page 191, paragraph 3
"Christ’s Nature Implanted in Us—1894.— Truth, precious truth, is sanctifying in its influence. The sanctification of the soul by the operation of the Holy Spirit is the implanting of Christ’s nature in humanity. It is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ revealed in character, and the grace of Christ brought into active exercise in good works. Thus the character is transformed more and more perfectly after the image of Christ in righteousness and true holiness. There are broad requirements in divine truth stretching out into one line after another of good works. The truths of the gospel are not unconnected; uniting they form one string of heavenly jewels, as in he personal work of Christ, and like threads of gold they run through the whole of Christian work and experience." Selected Messages Book 3, page 198, paragraph 4
(2 Cor. 3:18.) Grace Essential Every Day and Hour.—The sanctification of the soul is accomplished through steadfastly beholding Him [Christ] by faith as the only-begotten Son of God, full of grace and truth. The power of truth is to transform heart and character. Its effect is not like a dash of color here and there upon the canvas; the whole character is to be transformed, the image of Christ is to be revealed in words and actions. A new nature is imparted. Man is renewed after the image of Christ in righteousness and true holiness. . . . The grace of Christ is essential every day, every hour. Unless it is with us continually, the inconsistencies of the natural heart will appear and the life will present a divided service. The character is to be full of grace and truth. Wherever the religion of Christ works, it will brighten and sweeten every detail of life with more than an earthly joy and a higher than earthly peace (Letter 2a, 1892)." S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6, page 1117, paragraph 15
"The Lord has a work for us all to do. And if the truth is not rooted in the heart, if the natural traits of character are not transformed by the Holy Spirit, we can never be colaborers with Jesus Christ. Self will constantly appear, and the character of Christ will not be manifested in our lives (Letter 80, 1898). " S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7, page 969, paragraph 4
"Here in this life is the testing, trying time. The angels of God are watching the development of character, and weighing moral worth. The whole question is settled in this, Is he obedient or disobedient to the commandments of God? has the sinner been transformed in this world, through the merits of Christ, to an obedient servant, so that he is fitted to join the heavenly society?" Sons and Daughters of God, page 50, paragraph 5
"The heart in which Jesus makes His abode will be quickened, purified, guided, and ruled by the Holy Spirit, and the human agent will make strenuous efforts to bring his character into harmony with God. He will avoid everything that is contrary to the revealed will and mind of God." Sons and Daughters of God, page 98, paragraph 3
"The affections should center upon God. Contemplate His greatness, His mercy and excellences. Let His goodness and love and perfection of character captivate your heart." Sons and Daughters of God, page 99, paragraph 4
"Qualities which it is essential for all to possess are those which marked the completeness of Christ’s character,—His love, His patience, His unselfishness, and His goodness. These attributes are gained by doing kindly actions with a kindly heart. . . . Christians love those around them as precious souls for whom Christ has died. There is no such thing as a loveless Christian; for “God is love.” . . . “This is my commandment, That ye love one another as I have loved you.” This is the fruit that is to be given back to God." Sons and Daughters of God, page 102, paragraph 3
"The pure in heart see God in a new and endearing relation, as their Redeemer; and while they discern the purity and loveliness of His character, they long to reflect His image. They see Him as a Father longing to embrace a repenting son, and their hearts are filled with joy. . . ." Sons and Daughters of God, page 103, paragraph 4
"By beholding Christ we become changed. If the mind dwells upon temporal things constantly, these things become all-absorbing, affecting the character, so that God’s glory is lost sight of and forgotten. The opportunities that are within reach for them to become conversant with heavenly things, are overlooked. Spiritual life dies. . . ." Sons and Daughters of God, page 105, paragraph 4
"God is clothed with power; He is able to take those who are dead in trespasses and sins, and by the operation of the Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead, transform the human character, bringing back to the soul the lost image of God. Those who believe in Jesus Christ are changed from being rebels against the law of God into obedient servants and subjects of His kingdom. They are born again, regenerated, sanctified through the truth." Sons and Daughters of God, page 112, paragraph 2
"Constantly we behold Him who lived among men a life of perfect obedience. The more closely we behold Him, the more nearly we shall resemble Him in character, and the greater will be our efficiency in working for others. We shall be lifted far above the trials and perplexities of this life. . . . Self is to be hidden. Christ alone is to appear, full of grace and truth. . . ." Sons and Daughters of God, page 112, paragraph 4
"Let no one say, “I cannot overcome my defects of character”; for if this is your decision, then you cannot have eternal life. The impossibility is all in your will. If you will not, that constitutes the cannot ." Sons and Daughters of God, page 115, paragraph 2
"The real difficulty is the corruption of an unsanctified heart, and an unwillingness to submit to the will of God. When there is a determined purpose born in your heart to overcome, you will have a disposition to overcome, and will cultivate those traits of character that are desirable, and will engage in the conflict with steady, persevering effort. You will exercise a ceaseless watchfulness over your defects of character, and will cultivate right practices in little things. The difficulty of overcoming will be lessened in proportion as the heart is sanctified by the grace of Christ." Sons and Daughters of God, page 115, paragraph 3
"Christ sought to save the world, not by conformity
to it, but by revealing to the world the transforming power of the grace
of God to mold and fashion the human character after the likeness of the
character of Christ.
Sons and Daughters of God, page 124, paragraph 4
Chapter Title: We are Transformed by God’s Grace
How essential that we have the enlightenment of the
Spirit of God; for thus only can we see the glory of Christ, and by beholding
become changed from character to character in and through faith in Christ.
. . . He has grace and pardon for every soul. As by faith we look to Jesus,
our faith pierces the shadow, and we adore God for His wondrous love in
giving us Jesus the Comforter. . . ." Sons and Daughters of God, page 123,
paragraph 2
"The sinner may become a child of God, an heir of heaven. He may rise from the dust, and stand forth arrayed in garments of light. . . . At every step of advance, he sees new beauties in Christ, and becomes more like Him in character." Sons and Daughters of God, page 124, paragraph 5
"The Lord Jesus came to strengthen every earnest seeker for truth, He came to reveal the Father. He allowed nothing to divert His mind from the great work of restoring the moral image of God in man. And we must see that the great and important work for us is to receive the divine likeness, to prepare a character for the future life. We must appropriate the heavenly truths to our special use in practical life. And we may carry with us all the treasure of knowledge that gives us a fitness for the life that measures with the life of God." Sons and Daughters of God, page 125, paragraph 3
"The afflicted, suffering ones who sought Christ as their helper, were charmed with the divine perfection, the beauty of holiness, that shone forth in His character." Sons and Daughters of God, page 126, paragraph 4
"Christ has left us a perfect, sinless example. His followers are to walk in His footsteps. If they are not transformed in character, they can never dwell with Him in His kingdom. Christ died to elevate and ennoble them, and those who retain hereditary tendencies to wrong can not dwell with Him. He suffered all that it is possible for human flesh to suffer and endure, that we might pass triumphantly through all the temptations Satan may invent to destroy our faith." Sons and Daughters of God, page 294, paragraph 2
"In our work we meet with many discouragements. But we shall not gain a particle of strength by dwelling on the discouragements. By beholding we become changed. As we look in faith to Jesus, His image is engraven on the heart. We are transformed in character." Sons and Daughters of God, page 341, paragraph 2
"As we discern the perfection of our Saviour’s character, we shall desire to become wholly transformed, and renewed in the image of His purity. The more we know of God, the higher will be our ideal of character, and the more earnest our longing to reflect His likeness. A divine element combines with the human when the soul reaches out after God." Sons and Daughters of God, page 341, paragraph 4
"The more that the minister of Christ associates with his Master, through contemplation of his life and character, the more closely will he resemble him, and the better qualified will he be to teach his truths. Every feature in the life of the great Example should be studied with care, and close converse should be held with him through the prayer of living faith. Thus will the defective human character be transformed into the image of his glorious character. Thus will the teacher of the truth be prepared to lead souls to Christ." The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Three, page 244, paragraph 1
"No deep-seated love for Jesus can dwell in the heart that does not realize its own sinfulness. The soul that is transformed by the grace of Christ will admire His divine character; but if we do not see our own moral deformity, it is unmistakable evidence that we have not had a view of the beauty and excellence of Christ." Steps to Christ, page 65, paragraph 1
"Enfeebled and defective, needing constantly to be warned and counseled, the church is nevertheless the object of Christ’s supreme regard. He is making experiments of grace on human hearts and is effecting such transformations of character that angels are amazed and express their joy in songs of praise. They rejoice to think that sinful, erring human beings can be so transformed." Testimonies for the Church Volume Seven, page 16, paragraph 4
"The Power of Religion. By what means shall the young man repress his evil propensities, and develop what is noble and good in his character? The will, intellect, and emotions when controlled by the power of religion will become transformed. “Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” [1 Cor. 10:31]. Here is a principle underlying every act, thought, and motive if the entire being is under control of the will of God." Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce., page 98, paragraph 1
"All the truths of revelation are of value to us, and in contemplating things of eternal interest, we shall gain true perceptions of the character of God. . . . The entire character will be elevated and transformed. The soul will be brought into harmony with Heaven." That I May Know Him, page 197, paragraph 5
"God takes men as they are, with the human element in their character, and trains them for his service if they will be disciplined and learn of him. As the heart becomes transformed by divine grace, an external change is seen in true kindness, sympathy, and courteousness. The more we look to Jesus, and become acquainted with his character, the more nearly shall we conform to his image, and the more anxious we shall be to labor diligently and perseveringly to save the souls of all who will listen to the invitation of the Spirit of God." Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, June 15, 1892, paragraph 4
"He who beholds this matchless love will be elevated in thought, purified in heart, transformed in character, and will go forth to be a light to the world, to reflect in some degree this mysterious love. The more we contemplate the cross of Christ, the more we shall adopt the language of the apostle when he said, “I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, September 15, 1892, paragraph 10
"Christ is drawing sinners to Himself by the cords of love, seeking to unite them to Himself, that they may be labourers together with God, not in pride and self-sufficiency, but in meekness and lowliness. When sinners are converted, God is glorified before the principalities and powers of heaven and earth. These converted ones are a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. “Ye are My witnesses,” God says. By looking to Me you are to become transformed in character. By the manifestation of Christ-like forbearance and love you are to reveal this transformation." Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, June 11, 1900, paragraph 8
"Christ desires all to become his students. He says, Yield yourself to my training; submit your soul to me. I will not extinguish you, but will work out for you such a character that you shall be transformed from the lower to the higher grade. Submit all things to me. Let my life, my patience, my longsuffering, my forbearance, my meekness, my lowliness, be worked out in your character, as one that abides in me and I in him. Then you have power. Christ says not only, “I will give,” but, “You shall find rest to your souls.” The Gospel Herald, April 23, 1902, paragraph 8
"It is by beholding Christ, through faith, that we are to be changed into his likeness. As we meditate upon the perfection of his character, we shall desire to become wholly transformed and renewed in the image of his purity. There will be a hungering and thirsting of soul to be made like him whom we adore. The more our thoughts are upon Christ, the more we shall speak of him to others, and represent him to the world. We shall represent him in our words, in our love for the brethren, in our deep, earnest love for the souls for whom Christ died." The Home Missionary, November 1, 1890, paragraph 12
"Again: the leaven of truth, wherever it goes, makes a change in mind and heart. The entire character is transformed. While there is self-denial and the cross lying directly in the pathway of the gospel missionary, there are results to be seen for their labor. All who will receive into the heart the truth as it is in Jesus, will reveal its leavening power. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” When the kingdom of heaven is established in the heart, the whole character is conformed to the character of Christ; for the truth is a life-giving principle. The power of God is working, like the leaven, to subdue the entire being. Even the thoughts are brought into captivity to the will of Christ. The true believer becomes a new man, a new woman, in Christ Jesus." The Home Missionary, July 1, 1897, paragraph 20
"Every soul who receives Christ, is to reveal Christ to the world through a transformed character. His life is to be a continual manifestation of devotion to the will of God. By obedience to the commandments of God, man is to honor and glorify his Maker. In his own transformed character he is to magnify before the world the plan of salvation as a plan that is laid in the mercy and the love of God. The name of Jesus will be exalted by these representatives of Christ; for there is no other name given among men whereby we may be saved." Lake Union Herald, November 17, 1909, paragraph 1
“He that lacketh these things is blind.” Unless transformed in character, from grace to grace, there are many who will be unable to discern the needs of a dying world. May God help those who are now indifferent to be reconverted, and to realize their responsibilities in these times of well-nigh universal apostasy, when so many know not that the time of their visitation is near." North Pacific Union Gleaner, March 9, 1910, paragraph 11
"God is in earnest with us. Those only who are converted will enter into the kingdom of heaven. What would we think of Christ manifesting no warmth of love, no disposition to help those in need? Yet many who profess to be His followers are cold and unsympathetic. They make little effort to help those with whom they come in contact. They are not transformed in character. Their words show that they are not converted. They have none of Christ’s tenderness. Their unamiable traits of character, their lack of sympathy, show that they have lost their first love. They need to repent and be converted; for Christ is greatly dishonored by their selfishness. The Saviour does not abide in their hearts, or they would be touched with the feeling of others’ infirmities. They are self-centered, harsh, unaccommodating." Pacific Union Recorder, February 9, 1905, paragraph 5
"The glory of God is His character, and to us it is manifest in Christ. It is by beholding Him that we become changed,—by contemplating the character of Christ, learning His lessons, obeying His words. Enlightened by His Spirit, the believer sees no virtue or merit in himself. There is naught but deformity. But he beholds Jesus, and the glory of the Redeemer manifested in His atoning sacrifice, and His justifying righteousness, His fulness of grace, not only to pardon but to sanctify, fills his whole soul with admiration of the holiness and love of God; and in contemplating this goodness and mercy and love, he becomes transformed in character." The Present Truth, December 29, 1892, paragraph 6
"Contemplating things of eternal interest will give true perception of the things of God. The respect and reverence due to God will be exhibited in the daily life and character. The soul will be brought into harmony with Heaven. The entire character will be elevated and transformed. The believer will be made Christ-like, and finally obtain an entrance into the city of God." Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, January 1, 1880, paragraph 13
"By beholding, we become changed. Through close study and earnest contemplation of the character of Christ, his image is reflected in our own lives, and a higher tone is imparted to the spirituality of the church. If the truth of God has not transformed our character into the likeness of Christ, all our professed knowledge of him and the truth is but as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, August 4, 1891, paragraph 3
"We must have the light of Christ in our own hearts in order to give it to others. We want the light to practice by, a living principle in the soul, that the character may be transformed. The preacher cannot bring the people to a higher standard than he himself reaches. But when the laborer for God works in humility, God will bless and strengthen him, and crown his labors with success." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, April 19, 1892, paragraph 7
"If parents would bring their children up in the fear of the Lord, they themselves must walk in the way of the Lord. If they neglect to educate and train themselves: if they cherish those traits of character which disqualify them for patiently training their children in right habits; if they will not take the responsibility of reaching a high standard for themselves, failing to become sanctified through the truth and transformed in character, how ca they impress upon their children the necessity of forming correct habits? Such parents cannot elevate the souls of any within the sphere of their influence." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, April 13, 1897, paragraph 6
"Have we given ourselves up to do God’s will? Are we transformed by the grace of Christ? Some claim to be in Christ, while their special work is to make void the law of Jehovah. Shall we take their word for it? Shall we accept their assertions? How shall we distinguish God’s true servants from the false prophets who Christ said should arise to deceive many?—There is only one test of character,—the law of Jehovah." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, February 6, 1900, paragraph 12
"All the instruction that any one needs in order to gain eternal life is found in the Word of God. This Word is a revelation of the divine will, given to us that by a daily study of it, our characters, showing daily improvement, may become transformed to the likeness of the character of the great Medical Missionary. " Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, January 12, 1905, paragraph 1
"That law is the mirror into which we also are to look attentively to see ourselves as we appear in God’s sight. It is Heaven’s great standard of right, with which we are to compare our life and character. Because the law points out our sins and declares our guilt, we are not to trample it under our feet, or to turn from the picture where our character stands revealed. We are not to forget what manner of persons we are, and make no effort to remove the defects from our moral character. We must exercise repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. We must be doers of the word, and not hearers only. The heart, the seat of the affections, must be transformed, the moral nature renewed by grace." The Signs of the Times, March 3, 1881, paragraph 4
"The soul is exalted and transformed by dwelling, not
on self and on the sorrows and hardships that surround us, but on the glories
of the eternal world. Unbroken communion with God gives increased knowledge
of his truth and will, and of the soul’s susceptibilities and powers; and
the result will be unselfish motives and right traits of character. There
will be no darkness or gloom to reflect to others. More of Heaven in men
on earth would make religion attractive, and win souls to Christ.
The Signs of the Times, November 16, 1891, paragraph
Article Title: Christ the Power That Draws Men to
Man must be emptied of self before he can be in the
fullest sense a believer in Jesus; and when self is subdued, then the Lord
can make of man a new creature. New bottles can contain new wine. Truth
will be received into the heart, the character will be transformed into
the likeness of Christ; the Son of God will be revealed to the world by
his followers, as the Father was revealed to the world by the Son. And
all who reveal Christ, are revealing the Father also." The Signs of the
Times, March 5, 1885, paragraph 11
"The parable of the lost sheep places man in the position of one who is helpless and undone. All are lost unless they are transformed in character. The lost condition of the sheep necessitates the coming of the True Shepherd, that, at any cost to himself, he may seek and save those that are perishing. Those who are wise in their own conceit do not realize the position in which they are placed by this parable. The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which is lost. Doth not the shepherd leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost he find it?" The Signs of the Times, January 15, 1894, paragraph 4
"Every one who truly becomes the disciple of Christ will be tested and tried. If the human agent will fully determine that he cannot and will not live without Christ, he will be an overcomer. Although, like Peter, James, and John, he may reveal defects of character, yet he will receive the lessons of reproof from the Saviour, and will be transformed in character. The angels of God will be around the tempted soul who is striving for the victory. His determination, his importunity, will bring to him the necessary strength and grace." The Signs of the Times, July 18, 1895, paragraph 4
"But the same resistance to light is manifested now as was manifested in the days of Christ. O, why did not the Jewish nation know and understand Jesus? He could have been everything to them. “In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. . . . That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” The Signs of the Times, July 18, 1895, paragraph 8
"No one of us has the power to save himself. Jesus, the world’s Redeemer, can alone give power to reform, to believe in himself as the Restorer. He alone can break every yoke. All the outward ceremonies of the Jews, all their sacrificial offerings, were of no virtue, for the One prefigured in them stood in the midst of them, and, sad fact, they knew him not. He came unto his own, the nation he had redeemed from Egyptian slavery, but they would not receive him. " The Signs of the Times, July 18, 1895, paragraph 9
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name; which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.” “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” The Signs of the Times, July 18, 1895, paragraph 10
"Wherever the holy precepts of God are observed, it is an evidence that the word and the Spirit of God have penetrated the human heart and transformed the natural character. The law of God is the true standard of character, and the commandments can not be disregarded and ignored without detriment to character. Wherever there is departure from the precepts of Jehovah, the moral attributes are deformed. “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” The Signs of the Times, April 2, 1896, paragraph 2
"God is love, and all who truly serve Him will reveal His purity of character. They will be transformed into His image. Their form of speech will be changed. Hasty words of censure, a passionate spirit, are inspired by the enemy of all good. The children of God are patient. They are merciful, even as Christ is merciful. They are kind, pitiful, tender-hearted, and firm as a rock to principle. " The Signs of the Times, February 1, 1899, paragraph 9
"In all ages those who have rendered obedience to God have been transformed in character; and in these last days, when iniquity abounds on every hand, our wisdom and understanding before all people will consist in our obedience to the standard of righteousness. The favor of God is promised only to those who obey. “If ye keep My commandants, ye shall abide in My love,” the Master declares. Not in great talents, not in great possessions, not in grand appearance, but in humble service to our Maker, is our strength, wisdom, and understanding. " The Signs of the Times, May 7, 1902, paragraph 12
"Those who are indeed adopted into the family of God are transformed by His Spirit. Self-indulgence and love for self is changed for self-denial and supreme love for God. No man inherits holiness of character by nature, nor can any man, in his own strength, become loyal to God. “Without Me,” Christ says, “ye can do nothing.” Human righteousness is as “filthy rags.” But with God all things are possible. In the strength of the Redeemer, weak, erring man can be made more than a conqueror over the evil that besets him." The Signs of the Times, June 14, 1905, paragraph 6
"In our day, workers who have been following a wrong course must make a decided reformation, else the blessings they have received will be turned into a curse. And this reformation can be made only by untiring perseverance. Wrongs are not righted, nor is character transformed, by a few feeble, intermittent efforts. Sanctification is not the work of a day or a year, but of a life-time. Without continual efforts and constant endeavor, there can be no real advancement in the divine life, no attainment of the victor’s crown. " The Southern Watchman, January 17, 1905, paragraph 5
"Faith works by love, and purifies the soul, expelling the love of sin that leads to rebellion against, and transgression of, the law of God. This true love in the heart always leads its possessor into harmony with the commandments of God; for through the agency of the Holy Spirit, the character is transformed, and the mind and will of the human agent are brought into perfect conformity to the divine will, and this is conformity to the divine standard of righteousness. To those who are thus transformed, Christ will say, “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” The Youth’s Instructor, February 17, 1898, paragraph 4
"My dear young friends, have you wholly given yourselves up to God, to do his will? Are you transformed by the grace of Christ? Some claim to be one with Christ, while their special work is to make void the law of God. Will you accept their assertions? How will you distinguish God’s true servants from the false prophets that Christ said would arise to deceive many? There is only one test of character,—God’s holy law. " The Youth’s Instructor, September 22, 1903, paragraph 10
"The chastening that came upon the king of Babylon wrought reformation in his heart, and transformed him in character. He now understands God’s purpose in humiliating him. In this chastisement he recognizes the divine hand. Before his humiliation he was tyrannical in his dealings with others, but now the fierce, over-bearing monarch is changed into a wise and compassionate ruler. Before his humiliation he defied and blasphemed the God of heaven, but now he humbly acknowledges the power of the Most High, and earnestly seeks to promote the happiness of his subjects." The Youth’s Instructor, December 13, 1904, paragraph 3
The more that the minister of Christ associates with his Master, through contemplation of his life and character, the more closely will he resemble him, and the better qualified will he be to teach his truths. Every feature in the life of the great Example should be studied with care, and close converse should be held with him through the prayer of living faith. Thus will the defective human character be transformed into the image of his glorious character. Thus will the teacher of the truth be prepared to lead souls to Christ. " Redemption: or the Resurrection of Christ; and His Ascension, page 61, paragraph 2
"The men that brought up an evil report of the promised land died by the plague, while Caleb and Joshua lived; but though the Lord thus manifested his power to slay and to keep alive, the leaven of evil that had been introduced worked so effectually that the people would have stoned God’s faithful witnesses. They were not transformed in character. They were prepared, as we have seen men prepared in our day, to exalt their judgment, and pervert the judgment of God. " Rolling Back the Reproach, page 25, paragraph 2
"The way of every one is dark or light, and it is easy to settle the question. Who are letting their light shine by good works? Our profession of faith proclaims the theory of the truth, but it is our practical piety that holds forth the Word of life. The Word of God presents a system of practical truths that are to have a decided bearing upon life and character. If men are not transformed, ennobled, sanctified, if they do not make it manifest that they love purity and holiness, they are not representing Christ." Special Testimonies Concerning the Work and Workers in the Pacific Press, page 22, paragraph 1
"Selfishness, worldly policy, and worldly principles are not consistent with Christian character. No man can live to please himself, and still enjoy the approval of God. Worldly conformity and worldly attachments are expressly forbidden in the word of God. The warning voice is lifted, “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” The mighty power of the Holy Spirit is to work, producing a new character, a new birth, “that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church, page 3, paragraph 2
"As ministers of the gospel of Christ we need to study the example of our Master. How pitiful and courteous Jesus was. How tenderly He entered into the feelings of others. Touched with the feeling of their infirmities, He wept with those who wept, and with those who rejoiced He could rejoice. Such a character will not be without an influence on the characters of His followers. Those who educate their minds to dwell on the perfections of Christ will represent Him to the world. . . . " Manuscript Releases Volume Eight, page 309, paragraph 1
"Christian character is developed, not by a life of
meditative abstraction, but by a life of earnest, unselfish effort. The
time in which we are living calls for solid work—for work that is right
to the point. We must meet the foe on the right hand and on the left. The
lives of the combatants for the truth are not to be filled with bustle
and excitement and display, to the neglect of personal piety. Vigilant
watching is to be combined with earnest working. Every Christian grace
is to be incorporated into the character. We are to be diligent “in business;
fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11).—Ms 44, 1905, p. 6.
(“An Appeal for Faithful Stewardship,” March 29, 1905.) Released March
17, 1Manuscript Releases Volume Eleven, page 252, paragraph 3
Chapter Title: Pantheism and the Alpha of Heresies
If you are transformed, and your character is formed
after the character of Christ, it will be pleasing to God for you to remain
in a position of responsibility. If you refuse to be transformed, if you
look to men of the world, and cherish worldly ambition, turning from God
to human beings, you will become an instrument of deception in the hands
of Satan until at last you will have no power to break away from the snare.
If you continue to work as you have been working, you will become one of
the chief of sinners. But the eternal God has thoughts of mercy toward
you, and He will abundantly pardon you through Jesus Christ if you will
repent and turn to Him with full purpose of heart." Manuscript Releases
Volume Eight, page 310, paragraph 2
"The Lord has a work for us all to do. And if the truth is not rooted in the heart, if the natural traits of character are not transformed by the Holy Spirit, we can never be co-laborers with Jesus Christ. Self will constantly appear, and the character of Christ will not be manifested in our lives. The Saviour represented the Word of God by a pearl of great price. When He sent His disciples forth, He warned them: Cast not your pearls before swine. (See Matt. 7:6.) They understood His meaning. He had placed in their possession truths of the highest value." Manuscript Releases Volume Eleven, page 373, paragraph 2
"By walking in the light given, they would better understand their own individual character. Those who think they can improve upon God’s plan, that some other course would be better than that which Christ has laid down in His Word, savor not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. They harden their hearts and close their eyes in regard to the ways of the Lord, and prefer their own ways. Unless these are transformed in every respect—in thought, in word, and in deed—they will be requested to take the lowest seat." Manuscript Releases Volume Eighteen, page 38, paragraph 3
"Including Breaking With Secret Societies
The truth as it is revealed in the Word of God is
a sanctifier, else it is of no value to us. The question is, What has the
truth done for us personally? Has it transformed us into Christ’s likeness
of character? Have we, under its refining, ennobling influence become pure
from every defiling sin?" Manuscript Releases Volume Twenty, page 282,
paragraph 5
"Including Breaking With Secret Societies
The great and precious words of the Bible are treasures
of knowledge, and its power you do not know by individual experience. God
calls you to take a higher stand. You need to be transformed in character.
The Lord will use you as a vessel unto honor if you will cooperate with
God." Manuscript Releases Volume Twenty, page 289, paragraph 1
"Camp Meeting; Abiding in Christ and
We greatly long for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
of God upon every soul that receives the truth, that they may be transformed
in character, sanctified and made pure and holy, fit vessels for the Master’s
use. [1 Peter 1:22, 23, quoted. Manuscript Releases Volume Twenty-one,
page 235, paragraph 4
"There is a heaven of bliss, free from all dissension, free from all selfishness, free from poverty, sickness, oppression. Then I entreat you who have a heaven to gain and a hell to shun, do not be presumptuous. Link up in the closest relationship with Christ, and depart from every species of iniquity. That character which expresses the glory, the character of Christ, will be received into the Paradise of God. A renovated race will walk with Christ in white, for they are worthy. The likeness of Christ’s character is revealed in every soul. There is a new heaven, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. O shall we not here form characters after the divine similitude? Shall we not become transformed into the likeness of God? If Christ died to destroy the work of the devil, it is essential for us to understand what these works are. " The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, page 1429, paragraph 2
"Christ came to our world to restore in man the moral image of God. He came to bring fallen human beings power to obey God’s commandments, that in them might be restored the divine character, that in their lives might be adorned with the holiness of God. Of those who are thus transformed in character it is said, “Now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly, wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city.” Spalding and Magan Collection, page 324, paragraph 3
"We can be saved only by forming characters like the character of Christ. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit will be shown by the outflowing of heavenly love. The Lord Jesus is our Sinbearer. God covers the repenting sinner with His forgiveness, and hides the sin from the sight of God by clothing him with the perfection of righteousness. The more perfectly we are transformed to the image of God, the greater will be our hatred for sin; and we will work to save the sinner. . . . " Manuscript Releases Volume Two, page 12, paragraph 3
"It is not enough to profess the religion of Christ. This religion must be lived. All sin is to be put away, and the law of God is to be obeyed. The truth must be given the first place in the life. Christ represents the truth as leaven, which a woman hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. The truth is to continue to work in the life until the whole character is transformed." Manuscript Releases Volume Five, page 252, paragraph 2
"It is a universal principle that whenever one refuses
to use his God-given powers, these powers decay and perish. Truth that
is not lived, that is not imparted, loses its life-giving power, its healing
virtue. Hence the apostle’s fear that he might fail of presenting every
man perfect in Christ. Paul’s hope of heaven grew dim when he contemplated
any failure on his part that would result in giving the church the mold
of the human instead of the divine. His knowledge, his eloquence, his miracles,
his view of eternal scenes when caught up to the third heaven—all would
be unavailing if through unfaithfulness in his work those for whom he labored
should fail of the grace of God. And so, by word of mouth and by letter,
he pleaded with those who had accepted Christ, to pursue a course that
would enable them to be “blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without
rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, . . . as lights
in the world, holding forth the word of life.” Philippians 2:15, 16.
Patmos, a barren, rocky island in the Aegean Sea,
had been chosen by the Roman government as a place of banishment for criminals;
but to the servant of God this gloomy abode became the gate of heaven.
Here, shut away from the busy scenes of life, and from the active labors
of former years, he had the companionship of God and Christ and the heavenly
angels, and from them he received instruction for the church for all future
time. The events that would take place in the closing scenes of this earth’s
history were outlined before him; and there he wrote out the visions he
received from God. When his voice could no longer testify to the One whom
he loved and served, the messages given him on that barren coast were to
go forth as a lamp that burneth, declaring the sure purpose of the Lord
concerning every nation on the earth." The
Acts of the Apostles, page 206, paragraph 2
"In His parting conversation with His disciples on the night before the crucifixion the Saviour made no reference to the suffering that He had endured and must yet endure. He did not speak of the humiliation that was before Him, but sought to bring to their minds that which would strengthen their faith, leading them to look forward to the joys that await the overcomer. He rejoiced in the consciousness that He could and would do more for His followers than He had promised; that from Him would flow forth love and compassion, cleansing the soul temple, and making men like Him in character; that His truth, armed with the power of the Spirit, would go forth conquering and to conquer." The Acts of the Apostles, page 23, paragraph 1
"We need to present to the youth an inducement for right doing. Silver and gold is not sufficient for this. Let us reveal to them the love and mercy and grace of Christ, the preciousness of His word, and the joys of the overcomer. In efforts of this kind you will do a work that will last throughout eternity." The Adventist Home, page 323, paragraph 5
"The Creator Will Help You.—Mothers, remember that in your work the Creator of the universe will give you help. In His strength, and through His name, you can lead your children to be overcomers. Teach them to look to God for strength. Tell them that He hears their prayers. Teach them to overcome evil with good. Teach them to exert an influence that is elevating and ennobling. Lead them to unite with God, and then they will have strength to resist the strongest temptation. They will then receive the reward of the overcomer." Child Guidance, page 172, paragraph 5
"Moses had been instructed in regard to the final reward to be given to the humble and obedient servants of God, and worldly gain sank to its proper insignificance in comparison. The magnificent palace of Pharaoh and the monarch’s throne were held out as an inducement to Moses; but he knew that the sinful pleasures that make men forget God were in its lordly courts. He looked beyond the gorgeous palace, beyond a monarch’s crown, to the high honors that will be bestowed on the saints of the Most High in a kingdom untainted by sin. He saw by faith an imperishable crown that the King of heaven would place on the brow of the overcomer." Conflict and Courage, page 81, paragraph 5
"The most desirable education is a knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. He who serves the world sees not the great things of eternal interest prepared for the one who opens his heart to the light of heaven. But he who enters this path of knowledge and perseveres in his search after the hidden wisdom, to him heavenly agencies teach the great lessons which through faith in Christ enable him to be an overcomer. Through this knowledge spiritual perfection is reached; the life becomes holy and Christlike."Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, page 399, paragraph 2
"God has given men faculties and capabilities. God works and cooperates with the gifts He has imparted to man, and man, by being a partaker of the divine nature and doing the work of Christ, may be an overcomer and win eternal life. The Lord does not propose to do the work He has given man powers to do. Man’s part must be done. He must be a laborer together with God, yoking up with Christ, learning His meekness, His lowliness. God is the all-controlling power. He bestows the gifts; man receives them and acts with the power of the grace of Christ as a living agent."Faith and Works, page 26, paragraph 1
"Did not our Saviour have something to overcome? Did not He keep up the battle with the prince of darkness until He was a victor on every point? Then He left the work right in the hands of His followers. We have something to do. Have we not the overcomers’ portion, to work out and gain the victory? Have we not to follow on step by step to know the Lord until we shall know His goings forth are prepared as the morning? Their light will shine forth until we come to the brighter light. You will grasp it and go on and gather brighter light from the oracles of God as you supplicate the God of heaven."Faith and Works, page 74, paragraph 5
"Faith . . . enables us to look beyond the present, with its burdens and cares, to the great hereafter, where all that now perplexes us shall be made plain. Faith sees Jesus standing as our Mediator at the right hand of God. Faith beholds the mansions that Christ has gone to prepare for those who love Him. Faith sees the robe and crown prepared for the overcomer, and hears the song of the redeemed." The Faith I Live By, page 126, paragraph 5
"The best efforts that man in his own strength can make, are valueless to meet the holy and just law that he has transgressed; but through faith in Christ he may claim the righteousness of the Son of God as all-sufficient. Christ satisfied the demands of the law in His human nature. He bore the curse of the law for the sinner, made an atonement for him, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish. . . . Genuine faith appropriates the righteousness of Christ, and the sinner is made an overcomer with Christ; for he is made a partaker of the divine nature, and thus divinity and humanity are combined." God’s Amazing Grace, page 177, paragraph 3
"Christ’s example shows us that our only hope of victory is in continual resistance of Satan’s attacks. He who triumphed over the adversary of souls in the conflict with temptation understands Satan’s power over the race, and has conquered in our behalf. As an overcomer, He has given us the advantage of His victory, that in our efforts to resist the temptations of Satan we may unite our weakness to His strength, our worthlessness to His merits. And sustained by His enduring might, under strong temptation, we may resist in His all-powerful name and overcome as He overcame." In Heavenly Places, page 251, paragraph 5
"Around every tempted soul there are angels of God,
ready to lift up the standard of righteousness, if the tempted one will
only show a spirit of resistance to evil. Each may be an overcomer. Christ
has in our behalf withstood the fiercest temptations of the enemy.
In Heavenly Places, page 263, paragraph 3
Chapter Title: Pressing Against the Current
We are in a world where sin and iniquity prevail,
and we want to know what we shall do in order to inherit life. We cannot
any of us afford to miss the great reward that is presented before the
overcomer. We want to know that the steps that we are taking are heavenward
instead of earthward. . . .He that overcometh shall inherit all things;
and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. Rev. 21:7. " In Heavenly
Places, page 253, paragraph 6
"We do not realize how near is the end of all things.
We do not sense as we should the need of being daily overcomers and of
securing the eternal reward. It is those who overcome the temptations that
are in the world through lust who are partakers of the divine nature. The
sacrifice has been made for us. Will we accept it? . .
In Heavenly Places, page 280, paragraph 3
Chapter Title: The Overcomer’s Reward
It requires prayer, it requires faith, it requires
understanding, to become a partaker of the divine nature. But as we obtain
this experience we are not benefiting ourselves alone; we are giving to
all around us an evidence that all may be partakers of the divine nature,
all may be overcomers. " In Heavenly Places, page 280, paragraph 2
"Let us determine to be victorious. Let us seek for a large measure of divine grace. . . . Let us not be swayed by the elements of the world, but let us show that we are determined to become overcomers day by day and hour by hour. . . . Let us represent Christ and the truth wherever we go, that we may . . . glorify God. My brethren and sisters, Jesus loves to make intercession for you. Cling to Jesus. Strive to be overcomers, that the Saviour may welcome you to the city of God, where you can sing the triumphs of redeeming grace." In Heavenly Places, page 280, paragraph 4
"O what a scene of rejoicing it will be when the Lamb of God shall place upon the heads of the redeemed the victor’s crown! Never, never more will you be led into temptation and sin. You will see the King in His beauty. And those whom you have helped heavenward will meet you there. They will throw their arms about you and acknowledge what you have done for them. “You watched over me,” they will say; “you prayed for me; you helped me to gain heaven.” In Heavenly Places, page 280, paragraph 5
"Let us go forward in the strength of the Mighty One, considering the joy that is set before us of seeing His face in the kingdom of God and of going out no more forever. Let us remember that we are to be partakers of the divine nature, and that angels of God are right around us, that we need not be overcome by sin. Let us send our petitions to the throne of God in time of temptation, and in faith lay hold of His divine power." In Heavenly Places, page 280, paragraph 6
"Heaven’s resources are limitless, and they are all at our command. . . . Are there not presented before Christ’s followers the highest virtues to be cultivated, the greatest honors to be gained? God calls upon them to enter a race in which everyone may win. He calls upon them to enlist in a warfare in which everyone may be a conqueror. A robe of righteousness and a crown of everlasting life— this is the reward held out before the overcomer." In Heavenly Places, page 327, paragraph 2
"In order to determine how important are the interests involved in the conversion of the soul from error to truth, we must appreciate the value of immortality; we must realize how terrible are the pains of the second death; we must comprehend the honor and glory awaiting the ransomed, and understand what it is to live in the presence of Him who died that He might elevate and ennoble man, and give to the overcomer a royal diadem." In Heavenly Places, page 364, paragraph 3
"If Paul, troubled on every side, perplexed, persecuted, could call his trials light afflictions, of what has the Christian of today to complain? How trifling are our trials in comparison with Paul’s many afflictions! They are not worthy to be compared with the eternal weight of glory awaiting the overcomer. They are God’s workmen, ordained for the perfection of character. However great the deprivation and suffering of the Christian, however dark and inscrutable may seem the way of providence, he is to rejoice in the Lord, knowing that all is working for his good." Lift Him Up, page 248, paragraph 2
"Yet Paul comes as near to expressing it as he can, that the imagination may grasp the reality as far as is possible to finite minds. It was a weight of glory, a fullness of God, knowledge that was measureless. It was an eternal weight of glory. And yet Paul feels that his language is tame. It falls short of expressing the reality. He reaches out for words more expressive. The boldest figures of speech would fall far short of the truth. He seeks the broadest terms which human language can supply, that the imagination may grasp in some degree the superlative excellency of the glory to be given the final overcomer." Lift Him Up, page 250, paragraph 4
"The example of Christ shows us that our only hope of victory is in continual resistance of Satan’s attacks. He who triumphed over the adversary of souls in the conflict of temptations understands Satan’s power over the race, and has conquered him in our behalf. As an overcomer, He has given us the advantage of His victory, that in our efforts to resist the temptations of Satan we may unite our weakness to His strength, our worthlessness to His merits. And sustained by His enduring might under the strength of temptation, we may resist in His all-powerful name, and overcome as He overcame.— The Signs of the Times, March 4, 1880 ." Messages to Young People, page 50, paragraph 1
"We are weak and without wisdom, but God has said: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5. Only learn to be thorough, never to let go your hold upon God, to persevere in His service, and you will be an overcomer through the blood of the Lamb." Messages to Young People, page 124, paragraph 4
"To blot the promises of God from the Word would be like blotting the sun from the sky. There would then be nothing to gladden our experience. God has placed the promises in His Word to lead us to have faith in Him. In these promises He draws back the veil from eternity, giving us a glimpse of the far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory which awaits the overcomer. Let us, then, rest in God. Let us praise Him for giving us such a glorious revelation of His purposes." My Life Today, page 338, paragraph 2
"Here are man’s works, and here are God’s works. . . . With these two combined powers, man will be victorious, and receive a crown of life at last. . . . He puts to the stretch every spiritual nerve and muscle that he may be a successful overcomer in this work, and that he may obtain the precious boon of eternal life." Our High Calling, page 91, paragraph 5
"When the Christian takes his baptismal vow, divine help is pledged to him, The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit stand ready to work in his behalf. God places at his command the resources of heaven, that he may be an overcomer. His own power is small; but God is omnipotent, and God is his helper. Daily he is to make known his wants at the throne of grace. By faith and trust, by availing himself of the resources provided, he can be more than a conqueror." Our High Calling, page 157, paragraph 5
"There is a crown for the overcomer. Do you want it? Do you want to run the race with patience? Then do not seek to find something to condemn in your neighbor, but look right to Jesus Christ. Behold His purity, and you will be charmed and will reflect His likeness." Our High Calling, page 233, paragraph 5
"There are few parents who realize how important it is to give to their children the influence of a godly example. Yet this is far more potent than precept. No other means is so effective in training them in right lines. The children and youth must have a true copy in right-doing if they succeed in overcoming sin and perfecting a Christian character. This copy they should find in the lives of their parents. If they enter the city of God and rejoice in the overcomer’s reward, someone must show them the way. By living before their children godly, consistent lives, parents may make the work before them clear and plain." Peter’s Counsel to Parents, page 51, paragraph 4
"The highest education is to be found in training the mind to advance day to day. The close of each day should find us a day’s march nearer the overcomer’s reward. Day by day our understanding is to ripen. Day by day we are to work out conclusions that will bring a rich reward in this life, and in the life to come. Looking daily to Jesus, instead of to what we ourselves have done, we shall make decided advancement in temporal as well a spiritual knowledge." Reflecting Christ, page 159, paragraph 4
"We have transgressed the law of God, and by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified. The best efforts that man in his own strength can make, are valueless to meet the holy and just law that he has transgressed; but through faith in Christ he may claim the righteousness of the Son of God as all-sufficient. Christ satisfied the demands of the law in His human nature. He bore the curse of the law for the sinner, made an atonement for him, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Genuine faith appropriates the righteousness of Christ, and the sinner is made an overcomer with Christ; for he is made a partaker of the divine nature, and thus divinity and humanity are combined." Selected Messages Book 1, page 363, paragraph 3
"We cannot afford to neglect one ray of light God has given. To be sluggish in our practice of those things which require diligence is to commit sin. The human agent is to cooperate with God, and keep under those passions which should be in subjection. To do this he must be unwearied in his prayers to God, ever obtaining grace to control his spirit, temper, and actions. Through the imparted grace of Christ, he may be enabled to overcome. To be an overcomer means more than many suppose it means." Selected Messages Book 1, page 380, paragraph 4
"These are the words of our Substitute and Surety. He who is the divine Head of the church, the mightiest of conquerors, would point His followers to His life, His toils, His self-denials, His struggles and sufferings, through contempt, through rejection ridicule, scorn, insult, mockery, falsehood, up the path of Calvary to the scene of the crucifixion, that they might be encouraged to press on toward the mark for the prize and reward of the overcomer. Victory is assured through faith and obedience." S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7, page 966, paragraph 2
"What a song that will be when the ransomed of the Lord meet at the gate of the Holy City, which is thrown back on its glittering hinges and the nations that have kept His word—His commandments—enter into the city, the crown of the overcomer is placed upon their heads, and the golden harps are placed in their hands! All heaven is filled with rich music, and with songs of praise to the Lamb. Saved, everlastingly saved, in the kingdom of glory! To have a life that measures with the life of God—that is the reward." S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7, page 982, paragraph 2
"There is a heaven before us, a crown of life to win. But to the overcomer only is the reward given. He who gains heaven must be clothed with the robe of righteousness. “Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” In the character of Christ there was no discord of any kind. And this must be our experience. Our lives must be controlled by the principles that controlled His life." Sons and Daughters of God, page 8, paragraph 5
"What an event was this when Christ placed Himself in the position of Adam, and endured the test where Adam had failed, and by this act placed man on a vantage ground, in favor with God, where he might overcome on his own account through the merits of Jesus. In His name, through His grace, man may be an overcomer, even as Christ was an overcomer. In Christ divinity and humanity were united, and the only way in which man may be an overcomer is through becoming a partaker of the divine nature. . . . Divinity and humanity are blended in him who has the spirit of Christ. The apostle Paul writes, “In all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest.” . . . “We have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Sons and Daughters of God, page 24, paragraph 4
"Some may ridicule you for being so strict; they may call you self-righteous; but be careful to start right, and then keep quietly on. The history of Daniel, if all was written, would open chapters before you that would show you the temptations he had to meet, of ridicule, envy, and hatred; but . . . he rose superior to ridicule; and so will every one who is an overcomer." Sons and Daughters of God, page 211, paragraph 7
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” Is not this worth striving for? If we lose heaven, we lose everything, and there are none of us who can afford to do that. If we keep in view the eternal joys awaiting the overcomer, and trust in Christ as we strive for the perfection of character, do you think we shall be unhappy? Should it make us unhappy to imitate Christ’s example of self-denial and ministry? " Sons and Daughters of God, page 365, paragraph 3
"It means much to be an overcomer. The besetments of the enemy and all his evil agencies must be firmly resisted. Every moment we must be on guard. Not for one instant are we to lose sight of Christ, and of His power to save in the hour of trial. Our hand must be placed in His, that we may be upheld by the power of His might." Sons and Daughters of God, page 368, paragraph 4
"The expression, “He that overcometh,” indicates that there is something for every one of us to overcome. The overcomer is to be clothed in the white raiment of Christ’s righteousness, and of him it is written: “I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” O, what a privilege it is to be an overcomer, and to have our names presented before the Father by the Saviour Himself!" Sons and Daughters of God, page 369, paragraph 2
"In order to gain the victory over every besetment of the enemy, we must lay hold on a power that is out of and beyond ourselves. We must maintain a constant, living connection with Christ, who has power to give victory to every soul that will maintain an attitude of faith and humility. . . . As those who hope to receive the overcomer’s reward, we must press forward in the Christian warfare, though at every advance we meet with opposition. . . . As overcomers, we are to reign with Christ in the heavenly courts, and we are to overcome through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.” Sons and Daughters of God, page 370, paragraph 4
"Health and Strength to the Overcomer .—When men who have indulged in wrong habits and sinful practices yield to the power of divine truth, the application of that truth to the heart revives the moral powers, which had seemed to be paralyzed. The receiver possesses stronger, clearer understanding than before he riveted his soul to the eternal Rock. Even his physical health improves by the realization of his security in Christ. The special blessing of God resting upon the receiver is of itself health and strength." Temperance, page 108, paragraph 2
"Promises to the Overcomer. —The world should be no criterion for us. It is fashionable to indulge the appetite in luxurious food and unnatural stimulants, thus strengthening the animal propensities and crippling the growth and development of the moral faculties. There is no encouragement given to any of the sons or daughters of Adam that they may become victorious overcomers in the Christian warfare unless they decide to practice temperance in all things. If they do this, they will not fight as one that beateth the air." Temperance, page 145, paragraph 2
"In the wilderness of temptation, Christ passed over the ground where Adam fell. He began the work where the ruin began, and on the point of appetite He overcame the power of the evil one in our behalf. Satan left the field a vanquished foe, and no one is excused from entering the battle on the Lord’s side, for there is no reason why man may not be an overcomer if he trusts in Christ. “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.” Temperance, page 282, paragraph 2
"The example of Christ shows us that our only hope of victory is in continual resistance of Satan’s attacks. He who triumphed over the adversary of souls in the conflict of temptation understands Satan’s power over the race and has conquered him in our behalf. As an overcomer He has given us the advantage of His victory, that in our efforts to resist the temptations of Satan we may unite our weakness to His strength, our worthlessness to His merits. And, sustained by His enduring might under strong temptation, we may resist in His all-powerful name and overcome as He overcame." Testimonies for the Church Volume Three, page 480, paragraph 2
"Christ was a perfect overcomer; and we must be perfect and entire, wanting nothing, without spot or blemish. The redemption which Christ achieved for man was at infinite cost to Himself. The victory we gain over our own evil hearts and over the temptations of Satan will cost us strong effort, constant watchfulness, and persevering prayer; and we shall then not only reap the reward, which is the gift of eternal life, but shall increase our happiness on earth by a consciousness of duty performed, and by the greater respect and love of those about us." Testimonies for the Church Volume Four, page 39, paragraph 1
"It is not wealth or intellect that gives happiness; it is true moral worth and a sense of duty performed. You may have the overcomer’s reward and stand before the throne of Christ to sing His praises in the day when He assembles His saints; but your robes must be cleansed in the blood of the Lamb, and charity must cover you as a garment, and you be found spotless and without blemish." Testimonies for the Church Volume Four, page 125, paragraph 1
"You must, indeed, look to Jesus, keeping your eyes fixed on the glory at the top of the ladder. Through Christ alone can you make sure of heaven, where all is purity, holiness, peace, and blessedness, where there are glories that mortal lips cannot describe. The nearest we can come to a description of the reward that awaits the overcomer is to say that it is a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. It will be an eternity of bliss, a blessed eternity, unfolding new glories throughout the ceaseless ages." Testimonies for the Church Volume Eight, page 131, paragraph 1
"These are the words of our substitute and surety. He who is the divine Head of the church, the mightiest of conquerors, would point His followers to His life, His toils, His self-denials, His struggles and sufferings, through contempt, through rejection, ridicule, scorn, insult, mockery, falsehood, up the path of Calvary to the scene of the crucifixion, that they might be encouraged to press on toward the mark for the prize and reward of the overcomer. " That I May Know Him, page 256, paragraph 2
"We cannot provide a robe of righteousness for ourselves, for the prophet says, “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isa. 64:6). There is nothing in us from which we can clothe the soul so that its nakedness shall not appear. We are to receive the robe of righteousness woven in the loom of heaven, even the spotless robe of Christ’s righteousness. We are to say, “He died for me. He bore my soul’s disgrace, that in His name I might be an overcomer and be exalted to His throne.” That I May Know Him, page 302, paragraph 4
"In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works:
in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that
cannot be condemned. Titus 2:7, 8.
The triumph of the truth is dependent on the influence
of those who believe it. By personal labor, by a well-ordered life, by
piety, faith, and tender compassion, we are to advance the truth. We have
a heaven to win. The highest rewards are presented to the overcomer. Yes,
an eternal weight of glory is held out before us to induce us to so run
that we may obtain the crown of life that fadeth not away." This Day with
God, page 102, paragraph 1
"Do not speak of trials and discouragements. Look away from these things to Christ. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). You are the purchase of His blood. Do not disappoint the One who gave His life that you might be an overcomer. He was tempted on every point that you and I can be tempted on, and in order to resist He spent whole nights in prayer and communion with His Father. Christ did not leave this world until He had made it possible for every soul to live a life of perfect faith and obedience, to have a perfect character. " This Day with God, page 204, paragraph 3
"My brother, do not feel that it is below your dignity to make a decided change. You must place yourself at the feet of Christ as a learner, else you will surely fail of obtaining the overcomer’s reward. Lay off your commanding, kingly authority, and become one of God’s little children. Until you are willing to study and obey God’s will, you will be overcome by temptations and led to do strange things, which will disqualify you for filling a position of influence. " The Upward Look, page 119, paragraph 4
"The glories that await the faithful overcomer are beyond any description. The Lord will greatly honor and exalt His faithful ones. They shall grow like the cedar, and their comprehension will be certainly increasing. And at every advanced stage of knowledge their anticipation will fall far beneath the reality. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Cor. 2:9). Our work now is to prepare for those mansions that God is preparing for those who love Him and keep His commandments.... The Lord Jesus will enlarge every mind and heart for the reception of the Holy Spirit. . . ." The Upward Look, page 151, paragraph 4
"The Lord will be with you. He is your ever-present Helper, and you may know He will never leave nor forsake you. You should have the best of care, and live your time in this world, until the quiet rest, in full hope of the overcomer’s reward. Just rest yourself in your belief of the truth. Do not worry about anything. You have kept the faith, and for you is laid up a crown of life, which Christ, the righteous Judge, shall give you at that day, and not to you only, but to all them who love His appearing (see 2 Tim. 4:8). Many of us need a clearer understanding of what it means to be an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We need to learn, as we follow on to know the Lord, that His going forth is prepared as the morning. You have watched the rising sun and the gradual breaking of day over the earth. Little by little the light increases till the sun appears. Then, growing constantly stronger, the light increases until we have the full glory of the day. This preparation of the morning is a beautiful illustration of what God desires to do for us in the perfecting of our Christian experience. We cannot afford to do a haphazard work in this world. We are seeking for a life that measures with the life of God. . . . " The Upward Look, page 164, paragraph 5
"When God’s redeemed ones are called to heaven, they will not leave behind the advancement they have made in this life by beholding Christ. They will go on, learning more and still more of God. They will carry their spiritual attainments into the courts above, leaving nothing of heavenly origin in this world. As the books of heaven are opened, each overcomer is assigned his lot and place in heaven, in accordance with the advancement he has made in this life. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1 Cor. 10:13." The Upward Look, page 248, paragraph 5
"We must not think that by walking in the path of obedience, we shall escape trials, for the enemy will do all in his power to hinder us from gaining heaven. But the Saviour has promised to help us. Have you trials? So had Jesus. Are you tempted? So was He—in all points like as we are. “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God” (John 1:10-12). . . ." The Upward Look, page 325, paragraph 2
"As we separate from the world and its customs, we shall meet with the displeasure of worldlings. The world hated the One who was the very embodiment of virtue, because He was better than they were. The servant is not greater than his Lord. If our ways please God, the world will hate us. If the Majesty of heaven came to this world, and endured a life of humiliation and a death of shame, why should we shrink back because obedience involves a cross? If He was persecuted, can we expect better treatment?...I point you to the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. He will comfort and sustain all who come to Him for help. . . . " The Upward Look, page 325, paragraph 4
"An eternal weight of glory, and a life that measures with the life of God, await the overcomer. Our minds should be constantly dwelling on the goodness of God and the future home of the saints, and we should ever be striving for perfection of character, that at last we may be given entrance into the City of God.—Manuscript 30, Nov. 7, 1886, “The Christian Pathway.” The Upward Look, page 325, paragraph 5
"The Prince of heaven, Christ, became a servant, and He accepts human beings to be laborers together with Him. He declares, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20). No one will fail who walks in all humility of mind, learning of Christ the lessons He has given all to learn. We are safe while we strive for the mastery as an overcomer with deep, earnest love for God and for one another. . . . " The Upward Look, page 367, paragraph 5
"No one can appreciate the blessings of redemption unless he feels that he can joyfully afford to make any and every sacrifice for the love of Christ. Every sacrifice made for Christ enriches the giver, and every suffering and privation endured for his dear sake increases the overcomer’s final joy in heaven." Gospel Workers, page 377, paragraph 1
"The names of some will be blotted out of the book of life. Whose shall it be? Let us each examine ourselves carefully to see if we are in the faith; let us be diligent to make sure work for eternity. Jesus says that he will confess the name of the overcomer before his Father, and before the holy angels. If we would have our names honored before the heavenly host in the day of God, we must obtain the white raiment now. We must clothe ourselves with humility as with a garment. Every step heavenward must be a step of humility. " Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists., page 139, paragraph 2
"Parents, take time to establish in your children correct appetites and habits. Take them into the open air, and point them to the beautiful things of nature. Teach them that in each leaf they can trace the wonderful power and love of God. Tell them that God’s hand paints the color on every flower. Teach them to look to God for strength. Tell them that he hears their prayers. Teach them to overcome evil with good. Teach them to exert an influence that is elevating and ennobling. Lead them to unite with God, and then they will have strength to resist the strongest temptation. They will then receive the reward of the overcomer." Atlantic Union Gleaner, May 21, 1902, paragraph 6
"In the keeping of God’s commandments there is great reward. A reward awaits the overcomer in the great day, when he shall hear from the lips of our Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant”; and there is also a present reward in the peace and happiness that flow from the conscience at rest, from the sweet assurance that we enjoy the favour of God. “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.” To all who walk in His ways the new year will be crowded with goodness and blessing." Australasian Record, January 5, 1914, paragraph 7
"Will man take hold of this divine power which has been placed within his reach, and with determination and perseverance resist Satan, as Christ has given example in his conflict with the foe in the wilderness of temptation? God cannot save man against his will from the power of Satan’s artifices. Man must work with his human power, aided by the divine power of Christ, to resist and to conquer at any cost to himself. In short, man must overcome as Christ overcame. Christ was a perfect overcomer; and we must be perfect, wanting nothing, without spot or blemish. Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, January 1, 1893, paragraph 3
"Humanity and divinity must be linked together in the experience of every overcomer. In our weakness we are to accept Christ’s power. He gives us the assurance, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, August 12, 1901, paragraph 3
"We have got a battle to fight; we have got a heaven to gain, we have got a crown to gain, and may God help every one of us. We want to act as though it were a reality with us. I cannot afford to lose my soul. I want to say to every one of you, for Christ’s sake do what you can. Not a one shall enter into that city that is not an overcomer. Every one must overcome in this world. " The Northern Illinois Recorder, August 17, 1909, paragraph 13
"Never become discouraged. In order to fight successfully, a soldier must have both strength and courage. And in God there is strength and courage sufficient for every worker. Be determined that you will be an overcomer. Constantly behold Jesus. Meditate on His character that, by beholding you may become changed into His image." Pacific Union Recorder, January 19, 1905, paragraph 4
"No amount of money can buy a single victory over the temptations of Satan. But that which money is valueless to obtain, which is integrity, determined effort, and moral power, will, through the name of Christ, obtain noble victories upon the point of appetite. What if the conflict should cost man even his life? What if the slaves to these vices do really die in the struggle to free themselves from the controlling power of appetite? they die in a good cause. And if the victory be gained at the cost of human life, it is not too dearly earned if the victor can come up in the first resurrection, and have the overcomer’s reward." Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, March 18, 1875, paragraph 10
"In the light of God’s word, there must be a decided change in the attitude and character of his chosen people, or they will never obtain the overcomer’s reward. In their present state of spiritual inefficiency, they could never fight the good fight of faith as successful soldiers of Jesus Christ. While the great enemy of God and his people is wide awake, earnest, and untiring in his efforts to ensnare, where are the men and women who are qualifying themselves to meet and expose his arts and deceptions?" Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, October 28, 1884, paragraph 11
"Men are willing to labor, to endure toil and hardship, that they may secure some worldly advantage; and why should the Christian shrink from suffering and self-denial when there awaits the overcomer an imperishable treasure, eternal life, and a crown of glory that fadeth not away? " Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, September 23, 1890, paragraph 11
"The part we are called to act in the work may be small and inferior; but that part is indispensable to the victory we are to gain over the world, the flesh, and the devil, through the intercession of Christ as our Advocate with the Father. The fragrant incense of the merits of Christ gives to the believing soul the virtues of his character. Thus it is that the co-operation of divine energy and merit with man makes him a complete overcomer in every sense, and elevates humanity in the scale of moral value with God." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, November 29, 1898, paragraph 13
"There is a crown of eternal life to win, a heaven of bliss to gain. The way is rough, and there is much climbing to do. But those who endure the toil, urging their way through all obstacles, will receive the overcomer’s reward." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, June 11, 1901, paragraph 10
"The great burden in the education of children rests upon the mother. She it is who forms their characters. The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. Mothers, remember that in your work the Creator of the universe will give you help. In His strength, and through His name, you can lead your children to be overcomers. Teach them to look to God for strength. Tell them that He hears their prayers. Teach them to overcome evil with good. Teach them to exert an influence that is elevating and ennobling. Lead them to unite with God, and then they will have strength to resist the strongest temptation. They will then receive the reward of the overcomer." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, July 9, 1901, paragraph 21
"The true minister does the work of the Master. He feels the importance of his work as one who has charge of the flock of God, realizing that in a degree he sustains to the church and to the world the same relation that Christ sustained. He is interested in everything that concerns the salvation of souls. He works to lead sinners from a life of sin to a nobler, higher life, that they may obtain the reward of the overcomer." Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, April 15, 1902, paragraph 10
"Those who think that everything must meet their own mind, and that they need make no sacrifice, will not be numbered with the overcomers, nor will they receive the overcomer’s reward. We must brace ourselves against the opposing elements. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” “God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, August 15, 1907, paragraph 18
"Let us keep our eyes fixed on the city of God, where the Prince of heaven will one day welcome his faithful ones. Let us think of him looking down upon our world, and watching with earnest desire those who are striving to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. When his work on earth is finished, he will welcome the righteous to the mansions he has prepared, and place on their heads the crown of the overcomer. " Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, July 29, 1909, paragraph 15
“What more could the Lord do for us than he has done? He has promised us power and strength here, and for the overcomer he has promised an eternal life in the kingdom of glory. He will help you in all your struggles with sin. You can take your trials to him. Who will now accept of Christ, and give himself to him as he has never done before? Who will seek for the comfort and encouragement that Christ has given? Who will search the Scriptures to learn what is truth? Let those arise to their feet who will to-day make a new covenant with God.” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, December 16, 1909, paragraph 27