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In the spring of 1997, my father and I spent two great weeks in Alaska. We traveled aboard the World Explorer Cruises ship Universe Explorer. (You can take a virtual tour of our ship.) Practically every stop on our itinerary featured warm, sunny weather--we were very fortunate. You can take a look at the journal I kept during the voyage.

For some time, I've said that one day, I would put my Alaska pictures on the WWW. Yours truly is happy to say that those long-promised pictures have finally been added to my Alaska journal! I hope you enjoy them.

If I have whetted your appetite to take a cruise yourself, you can begin to look into it at the Cruise Review Library. (In case you were wondering, my father and I do not go on a lot of cruises. The closest thing to a cruise ship that I had ever traveled aboard was the Cape May-Lewes Ferry, and my father's last "luxury cruise" was in 1945, courtesy of the U.S. Army!.

Whether going by land, sea, or air, Travelocity is a very useful resource. Lonely Planet Online is an excellent travel guide. L.L. Bean's Park Search offers a gateway to information of U.S. National Parks and other natural areas. (You might also like to visit my Pine Barrens page.) Or, if you'll be on the roads, make sure to make a pit stop at Mapquest.

"The youth, who daily farther from the east
Must travel, still is Nature's priest,
And by the vision splendid
Is on his way attended
At length the man perceives it die away,
And fade into the light of common day."

--William Wordsworth

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Last modified on March 21, 1999

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