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The nautilus shell has always held a certain fascination with me. It is not only a beautiful object, it is a striking example in nature of a Fibonacci spiral, in turn one of the myriad manifestations of the golden mean in both the natural world and the works of humanity.

It seemed like the nautilus would make a good cornerstone for my personal website. Like the nautilus, this small corner of the WWW will evolve and grow over the course of time as more pages and links are added to this site. While these pages will never match the intrinsic beauty evinced by the nautilus, I hope that you still find them of interest. Before returning to the main page, may I recommend that you read the rather more eloquent words of Oliver Wendell Holmes in his poem "The Chambered Nautilus"?

"Learn of the little nautilus to sail,
Spread the thin oar, and catch the driving gale."

--Alexander Pope

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Last modified March 2, 1999

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