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In proportion to the explosion of information and material on the Internet, there are now a plethora of search engines, subject guides, directories, and similar resources. However, as many of us have learned, ferreting out that one specific bit of information is often easier said than done. Below are some links which hopefully will help to make the search process both easier and more efficient.

A good first stop is Debbie Abilock’s page, Choose the Best Search Engine for Your Information. It has a very useful table with recommended search engines for various information needs. Another useful page is Introduction to Search Engines, reviewed by Marilyn Pedram. It gives a feature comparison chart of several search engines, reviews of each, and also mentions metasearch engines. Tracy Marks of Windweaver Web offers her choices for Top Internet Searching Resources, as well as a lot of useful information on Windows 95 and other topics at the main Windweaver page. Greg R. Notess provides a very detailed view of search engines in his Search Engine Showdown. Finally, The WebTools Company offers a tutorial guide to effective searching on the Internet.

"Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt,
Nothing's so hard but search will find it out."

--Robert Herrick

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