My interest in agriculture comes naturally--it's the family business. My family and I live and work on a farm in southern New Jersey. We grow string beans, sweet corn, cantaloupes, and watermelons. During the summer, you can check current prices at the Vineland auction and in the Philadelphia market for fruits and vegetables. It may be a great surprise for some to see the prices we receive compared to supermarket prices. Actually, the listed prices are higher than we receive since the listed prices don't include market commission, labor charges and the like that are taken off the top, much less all of the expenses on our end.
You can get a bird's eye view of what our farms at Tabernacle and Indian Mills look like. To be more precise, it is a satellite's view, obtained from Microsoft's TerraServer site. Perhaps one day in the future, yours truly will provide some farm pictures from somewhat closer range!
A site that I recommend highly is Bill Drew's Not Just Cows. It certainly lives up to its billing--it is a treasure trove of information. (You would be able to find most if not all of the sites listed below somewhere on his site.)
Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the NJ Dept. of Ag. are good resources at the county/state level; likewise the American Farm Bureau and the US Dept. of Ag. at the national level.
Also worth looking at are the sites for Farm Journal and Successful Farming's @griculture Online.
Finally, you can also find agriculture information by selecting the Agriculture link at Cornell University's Mann Library Gateway page. You can find links to a wide range of other, non-agricultural areas there as well, in keeping with the eclectic nature of this website.
"The only difference between a pigeon and the American farmer today is that a pigeon can still make a deposit on a John Deere."
--Jim Hightower
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Last modified March 16, 1999