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Delilah's Mountain - by
Gloria Jahoda. This book is a fiction novel based on fact. The
story concentrates on the Indian Wars and the increasing pressure
from Britian in the extreme southwest corner of Virginia,
specifically the areas covered by Scott, Russell & Washington
Counties. The time frame is the 1700's. The book mentions many
people from that era and it even mentions "Jimmy Bush"
(James was married to Mary Polly Plunkett). It gives the reader
an acurate picture of what day to day life was like in that time.
The author is related to the families in the book and was written
from stories she had heard throughout her life.
Where to get it - this book was last printed in 1924 and therefore out of print. Amazon books on the net will find the book for you but I believe it is quite expensive. I contacted the main library here in Columbus, OH and they owned 1 copy. If your library does not own it ask them to locate a copy and do a "Inter Library Loan" - there should be no charge to you for this service.
The Bear Grass - by
Lawrence J. Fleenor. This book was written by Mr. Fleenor, a
resident of southwest Virginia, in 1991. It concerns all of the
forts, old roads, wagon trails & warrior paths that went
through Scott, Russell & Washington Counties in the 1700's.
This book is filled with many wonderful pictures and historical
facts pertaining to that era. Mr. Fleenor has researched where
all the roads and forts were in relation to current day roads and
Where to get it - Even though this book was just recently published, it is hard to find unless you live in Virginia, Tennessee or Kentucky. I called my local library and had them do an "Inter Library Loan" and that was successful.
For those of you who are interested in reading more about the life of Daniel Boone and Capt. Billy Bush - here is one I would suggest:
The Wilderness Road - by
Dr. William A. Pusey. This one should be fairly easy to get from
your local library or bookstore.
This is one I am still trying to get my hands on - I don't even know if it is still in print but it sure sounds like a good source of info!
Castle's Woods & Early Russell Co., VA
- by James W. Hagy. If anyone knows where to get a copy, please
let me know!
I hope you enjoy these books and feel free to suggest some others!
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