Picture Where When
Valentine Bush-over 100 years old! Nicklesville, VA ca1900
Rachel (Martin) Bush Bush Settlement ca1840
Nancy (Gentry) Bush Kentucky ca1850
Major William Martin Bush Texas ca1850
Albert & Maggie Bush and family Virginia 1902
Close up view of Capt. Billy Bush's headstone Kentucky ca1950
Ambrose Gholson Bush Kentucky ca1860
Marker at Ft. Boonesborough Clark Co., KY 1997
Tivas & Laura Bush in front of their cabin Lawrence Co. KY 1917
Missouri Crum (mother of James Crum) and Dow McCormick Kentucky 1885
Rachel Leah (Bush) Crum West Jefferson, OH 1960
Home of Furman Bush (lived there in abt. 1918) Nicklesville, VA 1980's
Tivas & Laura Bush's cabin Lawrence Co., KY 1980's
Roger Crum & Julie Adams in front of same window as the picture of Tivas & Laura in 1917 Lawrence Co., KY 1997
Capt. Billy Bush's graveyard, Bush Settlement - before we cleaned up! Clark Co., KY 1997
Capt. Billy Bush's graveyard, Bush Settlement - after we cleaned up! An exhausted Julie! Clark Co., KY 1997
Julie with Capt. Billy's headstone after we straightened it Clark Co., KY 1997
Approximate site of Capt. Billy's home according to old maps Clark Co., KY 1997
Providence Church/Old Stone Meeting House - built 1792 by Capt. Billy Bush Clark Co., KY 1997
Backside of Providence Church/Old Stone Meeting House - built 1792 by Capt. Billy Bush Clark Co., KY 1997
Valentine Bush Mill Nicklesville, VA 1970's
Pictures of machinery inside the Bush Mill Nicklesville, VA 1970's

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