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Church Records

The following records were taken from microfilm located at the University of Kentucky Library. They have been retyped here exactly as they appear on the film. Reel #1831 Clark Co. KY Providence Church Records - Proceedings 1780-1783. Exactly what some of the terminology means, we do not know. We do know that the term "received by experience" means that they were accepted by the church on good faith and the recommendation of other church members. The term "received by letter" means that the person brought a letter of recommendation from their former church.

It should also be noted that at one time there were portholes in the upper story of the church and that the congregation took turns listening to the sermon and watching for Indians.

December 1780 moved to Holston, Brother Elkin Minister and John Vivion Elder, and in January 1781 they with other Baptists formed themselves into a body in order to carry on Church discipline and on September the 28th 1781 deing duly constituted by Lewis Cragg (Craig?) and John Vivion with the menber, to wit, Ambrose Bush, Lucy Bush, Franky Bush, Philip Bush, William Bush Sr., William Bush Jr., Sarah Bush, John Bush and continued there a constitution till the 1st day of September 1783. Then a principal part of the members with their minister being about to move to Kentucky, it was agreed they should carry the Constitution with them.

This is an a Bridgement of the business on Holston. Now haveing arrive in Kentucky and settling on the south side of the Kentucky River near Cragg's (Craig's) Station.

April 23, 1784 appointed Bro. Philip Bush - Clerk

1784 - Through a turn of Gods providence the Church chiefly moveing to the north side of the Kentucky and for the health and prosperity of Sion we have appointed a church meeting at Brother William Bush's November 27th.

1785 - The former clerk not yet having moved to the north side, the Church appointed Brother Daniel Ramey in his Stead.

January 1, 1786 - Received Charles Bush by Experience not haveing a letter

January 15, 1786 - Received Elizabeth Bush by Experience not haveing a letter

August 5, 1786 - Received Frances Bush by Experience not haveing a letter

March 11, 1787 - Received Obediah Baber & Hannah Baber by Experience not haveing a letter

July 14, 1787 - Received John & Rachel Martin by letter

April 11, 1788 - The Church unanimously agreed to call Daniel Ramey and John Martin as Elders for said Church

May 10, 1788 - Ordained Daniel Ramey & John Martin as Elders of Church.

August 4, 1788 - Received and Ordained Ambrose Bush as Elder of Church

June 20, 1790 - Received Mary Bush by letter

July 13, 1790 - Received Sarah Bush, Gholson Bush by Experience and John Bush by approbation

August 13, 1790 - Received Martha Bush by Experience

September 9, 1790 - Providence Church met, continued at the old meeting house on Howard's Creek. Received James Bush and Nancy Lisle by Experience

October 14, 1790 - Received Joseph Bush by Experience

November 11, 1790 - Received John Lisle by Experience

January 14, 1791 - Received Philip Bush as Deacon

February 12, 1791 - Received Ann Bush from long acquaintance

November 13, 1795 - Chosen William Bush (and others) to purchase a Church Book and revise the old one

August 13, 1796 - John Lile excluded (drinking to much licker)

June 10, 1797 - John Bush excluded

April 14, 1798 - Ordered that the Trustees of the Church on Howards Creek Stone Meeting House Bratherin William Bush, Philip Bush (and others) prepare a deed

June 9, 1798 - Dismist Franky Bush by letter

August 11, 1798 - Received John Roundtree by Experience

September 8, 1798 - Received Luecy Roundtree by Experience

March 9, 1799 - Received John Bush by Repentance

March 14, 1801 - James Bush Excluded

May 9, 1801 - Dismist Onne bush by Letter

July 11, 1801 - Received Amele Bush, Polle Bush, Juley Bush, Franky Bush by Experience

September 12, 1801 - Whereas a black woman Ame belonging to Capt. William Bush being delt with in gospel for disobediance and lying to her mistris and gave no satisfaction is excluded

February 13, 1802 - Received Golston Bush by letter

September 11, 1802 - Dismist Sary Bush by letter

May 14, 1808 - Brother John Martins negro man Sam

Jaunary 25, 1817 Received by Baptism Polly Bush

August 7, 1830 - List of names of the Brethern who having become displeased with the Rules and Regulations of this Church have withdawn themselves and are no more of this body.

Thacker V. Bush, Jonothan Bush, Dianah Bush, Simpson Bush, nancy Bush, Elizabeth Bush, Frances Bush, Margaret Martin, Adlade Bush, Narcesse Bush, Amanda Bush, Nancy G. Bush, Frances J. Bush, Sarah Bush & Philip Bush.

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Misc. Records

Below is a misc. microfilm record found in the University of Kentucky Library:

Interview with R. French - French tells the story as he heard it from Elkanah Bush, son of Capt. Billy Bush.

Billy Bush's settlement was on the river, on this side, opposite Boonesborough. Bush was with Michael Stoner - hunting. They came to a hollow stump, with a limb of a saplin that stood near. Stoner at once recognized a favored retreat of "Bruin" (bear) and arranged it with Bush that himself should go up and rouse the bear, and Bush below, at the appointed signal should shoot him. Stoner ascended the saplin passed along the limb that went by the tree and with a stick, punched the bear till he came out. There was only the one limb for them to occupy and Stoner began to retreat. As he gave back he parried its advance with his tomahawk, beating it on the side of the head, and endeavoring to chop off its feet, in which last he, in part, succeeded. he now raised the important signal," whhhh", as he was making his thrusts with his tomahawk, crying out zealously to him, "Shoot, Billy Bush, Shoot, Billy Bush". Bush shot and the bear tumbled down.

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Early Kentucky Land Grants









5425 Bush, Francis 500 Nelson Pitman Cr. 3-5-1786 6/ 552-553 Same & Heirs 8-15-1788 16/ 56-46
5874 Bush, Phillip 390 Lincoln Taylor Fk. Silver Creek 11-14-1785 7/ 244-245 James Black & Heirs 6-6-1787 8/ 598-599
558 Bush, William 3,750 Lincoln Silver Cr. 5-28-1782 1/ 257 Same & Heirs 3-1-1784 1/ 301-303
1056 " " " " 200 Fayette Howard Cr. 1-7-1783 2/ 22 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 376-377
1057 " " " " 250 Fayette Howards Lower Cr. 1-9-1783 2/ 22-23 Francis Bush & Heirs 6-14-1785 10/ 12
1058 " " " " 1,000 Fayette Howards Lower Cr. 1-8-1783 2/ 23 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 370-371
1067 " " " " 1,000 Fayette Howard Cr. 2-11-1783 2/ 27 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 368-369
1068 " " " " 433 Fayette Howard Cr. 2-11-1783 2/ 28 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 367-368
1069 " " " " 1,000 Fayette Two Mile Cr. 1-10-1783 2/ 28-29 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 399-400
1070 " " " " 600 Fayette Kentucky R. 1-9-1783 2/ 29 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 393-394
1090 " " " " 847 Fayette Two Mile Cr. 1-12-1783 2/ 41-42 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 377-378
1095 " " " " 1,000 Fayette Licking 2-13-1783 2/ 45 Same & Heirs 12-2-1785 5/ 397-398
5424 " " " " 500 Nelson Pitman Cr. 3-5-1786 6/ 552 Same & Heirs 8-15-1788 15/ 13
5478 " " " " 400 Fayette Two Mile Cr. & Howards Lower Cr. 1-7-1783 7/ 18-19 Same & Heirs 4-1-1785 12/ 414-415
5479 " " " " 1,000 Fayette Two Mile Cr. & Howards Lower Cr. 1-7-1783 7/ 18-19 Same & Heirs 4-1-1785 3/ 120-121
5906 " " " " 500 Lincoln Unknown Fk. Muddy Cr. 10-26-1785 7/ 267-268 David Gass & Heirs 6-6-1787 8/ 618-620
7309 " " " " 100 Fayette Two Mile Cr. 12-27-1785 9/ 63 Same/William Smith & Heirs 5-22-1788 16/ 5
7314 " " " " 1,000 Fayette Two Mile Cr. 12-27-1785 9/ 67-68 Same & Heirs 5-22-1788 9/ 645-646

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