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The Bush Family - 1568-1999
Compiled by Roger L. Crum & Julie G. Adams
For those of you that read my previous genealogy on Valentine Bush, be prepared to step back in time to the 1500's for the rest of the story.....
We have made many more trips to Virginia and Kentucky and have found most of the answers we were searching for. At the time of my last printing, we still did not know who the father of Valentine Bush was. In October of 1996, we were invited to attend the 100 year dedication of the Bush Mill in Nicklesville, VA. The journey down to the celebration proved to be an adventure in itself. If you should ever travel to Nicklesville from the north, do not try to take any shortcuts across the mountain in the High Knob area, no matter what the map says, it is not paved on the Scott County side!!
When we arrived at the celebration, we were met by many new and wonderful people. We finally were able to meet all the people we had been talking & writing to. It was a wonderful day and one we will always remember. Roger's father, Ray Crum who is 83, attended the celebration with us and was very touched by the friendliness of the people. We had hoped to be able to find out who the father of Valentine was from someone in attendance that day. I suggested that someone make an announcement over the loud speaker. We stood there and held our breath in the hopes that someone would speak up. No one did and we were crushed and had just about given up hope when the crowd parted and an elderly women approached us and stated that she knew. Her name is Mary Ruth McConnell. Mary Ruth, if you should read this someday, again, Roger and I do apologize for lunging at you!! You pieced the entire thing together for us and we are forever in your debt, thank you.
Now, we will take you on a fascinating journey through time that began with John Bush, born in England in 1568........
John Bush
b. 1568 in Hampshire England d. ?? m. Alice Ann Morse b. 1568 in
Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England. They were married about 1588.
They had an unknown number of children and it is known that at
least one son, possibly two, came to Virginia.
Their son who came to Virginia -
John Bush
b. 1590 in Towbridge, Wiltshire, England d. 1624 m. Elizabeth
Stokes in 1617. Elizabeth b. 1600 d. ??. John was Christened May
17, 1590 in Trowbridge. Some early records state that he worked
for the English Crown and that he and his brother were forced
from their homes by Gov. Yeardly in Virginia. No one knows what
this brother's name was. It is known that he did not live very
long and possibly died around 1621. It is known that when this
brother died his wife was "great with child". I firmly
believe that the below mentioned son, Abraham, is indeed the son
of John. However, many people believe that this is the son of his
brother and that John raised him as his own since his brother had
In 1618 John came from England on the "Neptune" at his own charge, to the shores of Virginia. The area that he came to is now Newport News, VA. Then, it was a farm by the name of "Celeys". Out of all the farms out of which Newport News was erected, Celeys is the most interesting due to the almost unbroken chain of title.
Celeys was, of course, occupied by the Indians before the white man came. On the land that is was owned by Capt. J.C. Robinson, many Indian artifacts have been found. In contradistinction to the other tracts of land out of which Newport News was erected, Celeys showed a tendency at first to increase in size, reaching under Col. William Wilson an area of 2,000 acres, and then to decrease to about 770 acres.
When it was the latter area, it fronted on Hampton Roads between Salters Creek and Curles Creek, its western portion stretching back to Greenlawn Cemetery, and its eastern portion to the Chesapeake and Ohio right of way. It is this tract which is known to us as Celeys. Celeys came out of four original tracts of land: those of Miles Prickett, William Prickett, John Bush, and Albino Lupo. John Bush received a patent for 400 acres of land, which bordered 92 poles on the river and extended back between the land of Albino Lupo on the east and William Prickett on the west to the land of William Julian on the north. This area was known under several names: Kiccoughtan (Indian name) & Elizabeth City.
Once John Bush was settled he sent for his wife, Elizabeth & his 2 daughters, Elizabeth & Mary Ann. They came from England in 1619 in the "Guift". In 1621, John sent for their 2 servants, Thomas Hand & William Parker. They traveled on the "Charles".
Shortly thereafter, John moved his family to St. George Parish in Spotsylvania County. Here John and Elizabeth had two other children:
- Daniel b. 1663 d. 1663
- Thomas b. 1656 d. ??
- George b. 1652 d. 1758
- Abraham b. 1654 d. ?? m. Elizabeth _________
- Mercy (Mersi) b. 1658 d. ??
Abraham m. 2nd Ann Alexander b. 1628 d. 1690 and they had:
- Charity E. b. 1674 d. ?? m. Peter Cash in 1729
- Jacob b. 1672 d. ??
- Elizabeth b. 1676 d. ??
John b. 1660 d. 1745 m. Margaret Bruce in 1693. Margaret b. 1670 d. 1730. About 1700 John & Margaret moved to St. Thomas parish in Orange Co., VA. John and Margaret had:
- Elizabeth b. 1694 d. 1745 m. 1st Robert Andrews m. 2nd _________ Sanders
- Martha b. 1696 d. ?? m. David Bruce and they had:
- Robert Bruce b. 1713 d. ??
- Sarah b. 1774 d. 1851 m. John Easley
- Judith b. ?? d. ??
- Susannah b. ?? d. ??
- Lydia b. 1780 d. 1812
- John b. 1782 d. ??
- William b. 1786 d. ??
- Thomas b. 1793 d. ??
- Thomas b. 1708 d. ?? m. Elizabeth _________
- Mary b. 1704 d. ??
- John b. 1706 d. 1773 m. Martha ______ and they had:
- Margaret b. 1753 d. 1820 m. Congrave Jackson and they had:
- James Jackson b. 1777 d. 1852 m. Elizabeth Embree in 1796
- Marth "Patsy" b. 1780 d. ?? m. John Gaines in 1798
- Tempest "Tempy" b. 1782 d. ?? m. _______ McCallister
- Lydia b. 1785 d. ?? m. John Daniel in 1803
- Margaret b. 1788 d. ?? m. ________ Hodgin
- Francis b. 1790 d. 1852 m. Elijah Warden in 1820 and they had:
- Rebecca b. 1821 d. 1857
- Congrave Jackson b. 1823 d. 1897 m. Lucinda Ann Paxton Morris in 1849
- William E. b. 1824 d. 1902
- John C. b. 1828 d. ??
- James Garland b. 1830 d. 1906
- Thaddeus b. 1831 d. 1901 m. Mary A. Stone in 1857
- Thomas F. b. 1836 d. 1865
- Milton Jackson b. 1837 d. 1864
- Nancy b. 1797 d. 1874 m. Jesse Hampton in 1813
- Susan "Sucky" b. 1798 d. ??
- Mary b. ?? d. ?? m. Jacob Dooley in 1778
- Francis b. ?? d. ?? m. William Eubank
- Elizabeth (Polly) b. ?? d. 1820 m. Achilles Eubank and they had:
- Polly b. 1795 d. 1866 m. Roger Quisenberry
- Joicey b. 1828 d. 1849 m. John W. Bush (son/Robert V. Bush)
- William J. b. 1824 d. ?? m. 1st Emarine Hampton m. 2nd Martha Custis Moore
- Ambrose b. 1780 d. 1845 m. Elizabeth Clayborn
- Charlotte b. 1781 d. 1860 m. John Hieronymous
- Mildred b. 1787 d. 1843 m. William Callaway
- Stephen b. 1790 d. 1869
- Elizabeth b. 1792 d. 1869 m. Charles Callaway
- Frances b. 1791 d. ?? m. Nicholas Rollins
- Catherine b. ?? d. ??
- Milley b. ?? d. ?? m. Henry Moore
- Phillip b. ?? d. ?? m. Betsey Hardwick in 1789
- Darcas b. ?? d. ?? m. John Hardwick in 1789
- Ann b. ?? d. ??
- Susannah b. ?? d. ?? m. Thomas Hay
- Isaac b. 1678 d. 1726 m. Hannah Sammon
In 1730 Margaret died and John married Bridgett ________
**Child #3 of John & Margaret was Philip P. b. 1700 d. 1772 m. Mary Bryan who was born in Ireland in 1710. She died sometime between 1750-1772. An interesting note on Philip Bush is that in the records of Orange County on March 6, 1745, "William Bryan of St. Thomas Parish, Orange County, sold to Philip P. Bush of the same, in consideration of five shillings and the rent of one ear of Indian corn yearly, at the feast of St. Michael, the Archangel, when lawfully demanded" it goes on to state the amount of land and so forth, but what is interesting is that the deed was witnessed by Zachary Taylor, the grandfather of the President of that time and the other witness was James Madison who became president in 1808. Also, James Madison was a witness for Philip P. Bushs will.
The children of Philip P. and Mary were:
- Philip b. ?? d. 1800 (continued onto KY) m. Orender Duncan in 1798 and they had:
- Frances b. 1772 d. 1841 m. John Hooten in 1794
- Orender b. 1780 d. 1861 m. Thomas Hooten in 1802
- Rowland b. ?? d. ??
- Mourning b. ?? d. ??
- Lethia b. ?? d. ?? m. James Nelson in 1820
- Henrietta b. ?? d. ??
- Joseph b. 1772 d. 1850 (continued onto KY) m. Sarah Duncan in 1797 and they had:
- Robert b. 1822 d. 1860 m. Eliza Elkin in 1850
- Louisa b. 1850 d. ??
- William b. 1853 d. 1917
- Joseph b. 1856 d. ??
- Nancy b. 1858 d. ??
- Eliza b. 1833 d. 1850 m. William Schooler in 1829
- Martha b. ?? d. ?? m. William Johnston in 1835
- Sally b. ?? d. ?? m. James Goodrich in 1827
- Josiah b. ?? d. 1856 (continued onto KY)
- John b. ?? d. ?? (continued onto KY) m. Francis Elkin in 1790 and they had:
- Robert b. ?? d. ?? m. Manerva Lisle in 1843
- Lewis b. ?? d. ??
- John Jr. b. 1790 d. ??
- Josiah b. ?? d. ??
- Nancy b. ?? d. ??
- Francis b. ?? d. ?? m. Asa Duncan 1825
- Henrietta b. ?? d. ??
James b. 1756 d. 1808 (was already in western VA in Castlewood as early as 1772) m. Mary ________. In June of 1787, James purchased 70 acres in Castlewood on both sides of Mill Creek. The land was purchased from Henry Hamblin for 80 pounds Virginia money. On this land he built a mill and also a house. James owned a lot of other land in the same area. James Bush is mentioned in many of the history books and was active in many of the Indian Wars, Revolutionary War and the Battle at Point Pleasant. One book that especially pertains to that era and mentions James (Jimmy) Bush many times is "Delilah's Mountain" by Gloria Jahoda. James and Mary had the following:
- Ann b. 1782 d. ?? m. Henry Neece (Ann was captured and scalped by Indians as a child and survived) Ann and Henry had:
- Mary (Polly) b. ?? d. ??
- John b. ?? d. ??
- Austin b. ?? d. ??
- Henry b. ?? d. ?? m. Sally ______ and they had:
- Henry b. ?? d. ??
- Wash b. ?? d. ??
- Jacob b. ?? d. ??
- James b. ?? d. ??
- Virginia b. ?? d. ??
- Mary b. 1774 d. 1862 m. James Turner (Mary was scalped as a child and then again as an adult and survived both attacks) and they had:
- Hugh b. 1804 d. 1891 m. Elizabeth Evans and they had:
- William b. 1840 d. ?? m. Elizabeth Artrip in 1859 and they had:
- Ellan b. 1860 d. ??
- Dorrastus b. 1832 d. 1873 m. Mary Jane Evans
- J. B. Floyd b. 1856 d. 1934 m. Cynthia Grizzellin 1873 and they had:
- Alvin Rolson b.?? d. bef. 1957
- Alford b. ?? d. ??
- Aaron b. ?? d. 1885
- Child b. ?? d. ??
- Child b. ?? d. ??
- Andrew Edward b. 1877 d. ??
- Aleda b. 1880 d. 1954
- Abner L. b. 1889 d. 1972
- Dorsey b. 1896 d. 1953
- Sylvester b. 1859 d. ??
- Fermire (Fannie) b. 1833 d. ?? m. James Franklin Hale in 1856
- Mary b. 1835 d. ?? m. Samuel "Bozier" Sutherland in 1860
- Nancy b. 1839 d. 1862
- Wilson b. 1840 d. ?? m. Elizabeth ______
- Ellan b. 1858 d. ??
- Lurinda b. 1850 d. ??
- Mary b. 1790 d. 1853 m. Henry Fraley in 1806 and they had:
- Hugh b. 1810 d. ?? m. Nancy _______
- James O. b. 1819 d. ?? m. Abigail Horn
- Sarah b. 1823 d. ??
- Nancy b. 1830 d. ?? m. Algernon Sidney Lee Cook in 1857
- Issac b. 1834 d. ??
- William B. b. 1825 d. ?? m. Sidney _____
- Andrew Jackson b. 1825 d. ?? m. Sallie _____
- Mary b. ?? d. ?? m. John W. Ramey
- Elizabeth b. ?? d. ?? m. John Banner
- James "Spanish Jim" b. 1791 d. 1856 m. 1st Sallie McKinney and they had:
- Charles b. ?? d. ??
- James b. ?? d. ??
- Hugh Johnston b. 1829 d. ??
- Thomas b. 1833 d. ??
James m. 2nd Mary Caudill and they had:
- Jemima b. 1838 d. ??
- Sally b. 1838 d. ??
- William b. 1839 d. ??
- Anna "Fanny" b. 1841 d. ??
- Nancy b. 1843 d. ??
- Fermine b. 1844 d. ??
- Rebecca b. 1847 d. ??
- John b. 1848 d. ??
- Emiline b. 1849 d. ??
- Loucinda b. 1851 d. ??
- Jane b. 1853 d. ??
- Erascus b. 1856 d. ??
- Drury b. 1780 d. ?? m. Nancy _______.
Austin b. 1778 d. 1855 m. Nancy _______ (said to have been Cherokee Indian) The children of Austin and Nancy will be listed further down as it is very lengthly.
Phillip Jr. b.
1736 d. 1819 m. Frances Vivion in 1778. This was said to have been his first
marriage. The story is that he fell in love at a young
age with Francess mother long before Frances was
born. However, she did not marry Philip but did promise
the he could marry her first born daughter.
Francess mother did keep that promise and when
Frances was quite young she married Philip and they had:
Robert V. (Capt.) b. 1782 d. 1836 m. Barbara Wynn in 1806 and lived in a brick house that he built on Combs Ferry Road in the Bush Settlement (Clark Co., KY). They are both buried on that land. They had:
- John W. b. 1821 d. 1853 m. 1st Joicey Quisenberry m. 2nd Marth Monroe in 1850. John and Joicey had:
- Francis A.J. b. 1848 d. 1848
- Infant daughter b. 1836 d. 1836
- Infant son b. ?? d. ??
- Barbary Jane b. ?? d. ?? m. J. G. Allen in 1848
- Mary Francis b. 1817 d. ?? m. Samuel Henderson in 1847
- Thedoshia b. ?? d. ?? m. James Nelson in 1825
- Mary A. b. 1817 d. 1818
- Fanny b. 1804 d. ?? m. Lewis Grigsby in 1822 and they had:
- John Vivion b. ?? d. ?? m. Mary Robinson
- Amanda b. ?? d. ?? m. William Cooke
- Francis b. ?? d. ??
- Lewis Braxton b. ?? d. ??
- John Vivion b. 1803 d. ?? m. Mary Matthews (they moved to Barren Co. KY) and they had:
- Dr. William V. b. 1847 d. ?? m. Florence Snodgrass and they had:
- John L. b. ?? d. ??
- Marcy C. b. ?? d. ??
- Hattie F. b. ?? d. ??
- John Francis b. 1825 d. ??
- Amanda b. 1808 d. 1891 m. Andrew Robertson
- James Braxton b. 1806 d. 1835
- Rebecca b. 1807 d. ?? m. James Nelson in 1836
- Rachel b. 1808 d. ?? m. James McMillan in 1837
- Rhodes b. 1809 d. ??
- Emmarine b. 1817 d. 1838 m. 1st Isaac Conkright in 1835 m. 2nd James Reed in 1841
- Jane E. b. 1811 d. ?? m. Benjamin Whaley in 1849
- William Martin b. 1809 d. 1881 m. __________ .
- Peggy b. 1795 d. 1872 m. Tandy Quisenberry in 1811 and they had:
- Philip J. B. b. 1811 d. 1884
- Jane b. 1812 d. 1869
- William T. b. 1813 d. 1837
- Joel b. 1815 d. 1815
- Jackson b. 1816 d. ??
- Thacker B. b. 1817 d. ?? m. 1st Frances McMurtry m. 2nd Elizabeth F. Brockman m. 3rd Permelia Mitchell
- Mary b. 1819 d. 1915
- Ormazinda b. 1821 d. 1852
- Frances B. b. 1823 d. ??
- Ann Elizabeth b. 1824 d. 1824
- Inskip Willson b. ?? d. ?? m. Elizabeth O'Rear
- Mills b. 1828 d. ?? m. Mary Frances Huguely
- Colby T. b. 1830 d. 1892 m. Mary M. Weathers
- Narcissa b. 1831 d. 1866
- Robert b. 1833 d. 1840
- John Braxton b. 1835 d. ??
- Margaret b. 1837 d. ??
- Roger X. b. 1840 d. ??
- Rhodes Wigglesworth b. 1843 d. 1895 m. Ann Elizabeth Woodford
- Polly b. 1792 d. ?? m. Samuel McMurty in 1819
- Nancy H. b. 1795 d. 1863 m. John Gholson Bush (son of Ambrose Bush) in 1803
- Frances b. 1784 d. ?? m. William Wigglesworth in 1806
- Jane b. 1786 d. ?? m. John Wigglesworth in 1808
- Sally b. 1794 d. 1832 m. Henry Parrish in 1814 and they had:
- John G. b. 1826 d. ?? m. Martha Patsy
- Dr. Thacker Vivion b. 1797 d. 1871 m. 1st Narcissus Neal m. 2nd Sarah Brinegar in 1850. I believe most of the children were from Narcissus.
- Robert T. b. 1836 d. ?? m. Nettie E. Dobbins in 1872 and they had:
- Robert b. ?? d. ??
- William A. b. 1821 d. 1902
- Christopher C. b. 1823 d. 1892 m. 1st Sarah A. Bush m. 2nd Perlina Jennings. It is not know which mother belongs with which children listed below:
- Albert b. 1840 d. ??
- Narcissus b. 1847 d. ??
- Nancy b. 1849 d. ??
- Priecil b. 1850 d. ??
- Emma b. 1853 d. ??
- Middleton b. 1855 d. 1917
- Philip A. b. 1857 d. ??
- Susan b. ?? d. ?? m. George Haggard in 1850
- Ann E. G. b. ?? d. ?? m. P.J.B. Quisenberry in 1838
- Mary Ellen b. 1828 d. 1850 m. Bartlett Haggard in 1847
- Sarah Francis b. ?? d. 1841 m. Thomas J. Duvall in 1841and they had:
- Thomas Thacker b. 1843 d. 1909 m. Mary Betty Davis(As a young man, Thomas left home and travelled to Boone Co. MO)
Sarah Francis remarried to John William Patrick in 1845 and they had:
- William D. b. 1846 d. ??
- Aystill Bascome b. 1850 d. ??
- Millarde b. 1855 d. ??
- Amanda b. 1858 d. ??
- Mary b. 1859 d. ??
- Margaret b. ?? d. Sept 7, 18__ age 11 years (that is the inscription on her headstone)
- William Walton b. 1776 d. 1852 m. Elizabeth Sharp in 1796 and they had:
- Ann b. 1800 d. 1822 m. William Daniel Lyle in 1822
- George William Walton b. 1797 d. 1881 m. 1st Elizabeth Crutchfield m. 2nd Mariah Christ in 1874
- Franklin b. ?? d. ??
- Anderson Patterson b. 1806 d. 1864 m. 1st Margaret Patterson in 1832 m. 2nd Frances Vaughn in 1837. The children of Anderson and Frances were:
- William W. b. 1838 d. 1860
- Elizabeth b. 1840 d. ??
- Mary Ann b. 1842 d. ??
- George W. b. 1845 d. 1864
- Josiah J. b. 1847 d. ?? m. Maggie Lewis
- James Tandy Jackson b. 1850 d. 1901 m. Martha Jackson and they had:
- John Cleveland b. ?? m. ?? m. Cordella Sheffield
- Anderson P. b. 1853 d. ?? m. Eldora Lowe
- George W. b. 1875 d. 1904 m. Drusie McKinney
- Mary E. b. 1878 d. ?? m. Morgan McKinney in 1899
- Nettie S. b. 1880 d. ?? m. S. R. Curtis
- Charlie b. 1882 d. 1932 m. Nannie Gravett in 1903
- Hattie b. 1884 d. ?? m. George Dunaway in 1904
- Allie May b. 1887 d. ?? m. Ambrose Barnett in 1906
- Eddie b. 1889 d. 1962 m. Lillie Baber in 1911 and they had:
- Edith Elouise b. 1914 d. 1991 m. Herley McKinney
- Helen Elizabeth b. 1917 d. ?? m. Omer Cress in 1934
- Ruby Elnora b. 1919 d. ?? m. Eldon Ball in 1935
- Morgan Glynn b. 1921 d. ?? m. Esther Moore in 1942
- Shearl Hartwell b. 1924 d. ?? m. Suvella Woods in 1946
- Edward Jr. b. 1928 d. ?? m. Zella Ballard
- Anna Louise b. 1932 d. ?? m. Buford Woods in 1955
- Robert E. b. 1934 d. 1956 m. Phyllis Muncie in 1956
- Nancy Green b. 1892 d. ?? m. 1st Willie Todd in 1913 m. 2nd Jim Bush in 1937
- Hugh Laurence b. 1895 d. 1938 m. Lucy Wells in 1916
- William Geoble b. 1900 d. ?? m. Mattie Mize in 1917
- Sarah Frances b. 1856 d. 1901 m. _______ Gravett
- Polly b. 1809 d. 1898 m. Samuel Vaughn
- Franky b. 1777 d. ?? m. 1st John Hooten in 1794 m. 2nd George Walton in 1795
- Wyatt b. 1778 d. 1818 m. Charlotte Lisle in 1808
- Anna b. 1779 d. ?? m. 1st Archibald McGuire in 1797 (submitted by Donald Cree) m. 2nd Aaron Sharp in 1799 and Anna & Aaron had:
- Fanny Walton b. 1800 d. 1845 m. Manson Burgher and they had:
- Benjamin Sharp b. 1814 d. 1900
- Nicholas Duncan b. 1816 d. 1907
- Mary Elizabeth b. 1817 d. 1853
- Aaron John b. 1820 d. 1902
- Nancy b. 1823 d. ??
- John Evans b. 1826 d. 1902
- Elvila b. 1833 d. ??
- David b. 1836 d. ??
- Demarcus Layfayette b. 1838 d. ??
- _______ b. 1803 d. ??
- Elizabeth b. 1806 d. ?? m. John Snowden in 1818 and they had:
- Eliza Ann b. 1821 d. ??
- Archibald b. 1823 d. 1888
- Nancy b. 1827 d. ?? m. William Adams
- John b. 1829 d. 1855
- Elizabeth b. 1831 d. ?? m. Thomas Yearbey in 1847
- William Morris b. 1835 d. ??
- Sarah b. 1836 d. ??
- Sarilda b. 1838 d. ?? m. Nathan Adams
- Jonathon b. 1780 d. 1857 m.1st Mary (Polly) Rawlings in 1801 and they had:
- Owen R. b. 1809 d. 1810
- John b. 1808 d. ??
- Wyatt b. 1805 d. 1899 m. Ellen Lehatre
- Robert R. b. 1803 d. 1860 m. Clarissa Ware in 1824 and they had:
- James Franklin b. 1831 d. ?? m. Serena W. Thompson
- Martha Ann b. ?? d. ?? m. Francis Marion Halstead
- Caleb Lindsey b. ?? d. ?? m. Minnie Haden
- Thomas Bulger b. ?? d. ??
- Robert Rawlins b. 1842 d. 1906 m. Marguerite Shouse in 1877
- Nancy W. b. 1811 d. ??
- James Simpson b. 1812 d. 1877 m. Mary Jane Adams and they had:
- James S. Jr. b. 1841 d. 1906
- Ellen Tree b. 1843 d. ?? m. James Colmore Rogers and they had:
- Oscar b. ?? d. ?? (Died as an infant)
- Charlton Morgan b. 1870 d. 1940
- Lillian b. 1872 d. 1951
- Pearl b. 1875 d. 1967
- Mayme b. 1877 d. 1955 m. Henry Louis Irving in 1898 and they had:
- Mary b. ?? d. ??
- William Wilson b. 1902 d. 1986
- Wilson Simpson b. 1879 d, 1965
- Walter DeWeese b. 1881 d. 1955
- Mary b. 1845 d. ??
- Desmonia b. 1849 d. ??
- Charles E. b. 1851 d. 1931 m. Annie Radford in 1876 and they had:
- Josephine b. 1881 d. ??
- William b. 1884 d. ??
- Margaret L. b. 1887 d. ??
- Pattie C. b. 1892 d. ?? m. Thomas W. Jones
- William F. b. 1853 d. 1917
- Midleton b. 1855 d. 1917
Jonathon m.2nd Diana Emerson in 1814 and they had:
- Francis A.P. b. 1815 d. 1853 m/ Angeline Gibbs in 1841
- Elizabeth Ann b. 1817 d. ?? m. William Clark in 1833
- William L. b. 1819 d. 1924 m. Mildred Oldham in 1838
- Gabrielle b. 1821 d. ?? m. Robert Ricketts
- Stephen J. b. 1823 d. 1880 m. Julia Gibbs in 1842 and they had:
- Alexander b. 1844 d. 1862
- Andrew Jackson b. 1846 d. 1920 m. Sarah Elizabeth Colvin
- Millard B. b. 1847 d. ??
- Hilary b. 1848 d. 1927 m. Flemm Givens in 1871
- William T. b. 1850 d. 1850
- Julia A. b. 1851 d. ??
- Nancy A. b. 1853 d. 1907 m. Manlius V. O'Rear
- Mary b. 1854 d. ??
- Paulina b. 1855 d. ??
Jonathon m. 3rd Ann Stuart in 1851 and they had no children.
John m. 2nd Mary (Polly) Tillman in 1782 and they had:
- Mercer b. 1796 d. 1880 m. Perlina Crews in 1819 and they had:
- John Madison b. 1829 d. 1913 m. Sarah Anne Watson and they had:
- Jacob Taylor b. 1868 d. 1944 m. Mary Ida Murphy and they had:
- Jesse LeRoy b. 1890 d. 1971 m. Vera I. Bass
- Perlina b. ?? d. ??
- Jonathan b. ?? d. ??
- Phoeba b. ?? d. ??
- Sarah b. ?? d. ??
- Eliza b. ?? d. ??
- Charles b. ?? d. ??
- Lilly b. ?? d. ??
- Mary Tillman b. 1831 d. 1912 m. Napoleon Bonaparte Bush (son of Mercer's brother, Nelson) and they had:
- O'Fallen b. 1858 d. 1925 m. Sarah Nancy Harris
- Mary Alice b. 1864 d. 1927 m. Jacob S. Hooper
- William b. 1859 d. 1859
- Robert Noel b. 1856 d. 1889 m. Celia Katherine Harris and they had:
- William N. b. 1882 d. 1882
- Sidney Allen b. 1883 d. 1938
- Stella b. 1886 d. 1962
- Arthur Neal b. 1888 d. 1958
- Addie Neil b. 1866 d. 1896
- Cordelia b. 1876 d. 1903 m. James Pruett
- Paulina Clinton b. 1872 d. ?? m. Wylie Harris
- Jane Ann (Jennie) b. 1861 d. ?? m. Wiley M. Daniel
- Irene Francis b. 1854 d. 1897 m. Royal Prince Daniel in 1872 and they had:
- Archie b. 1878 d. 1918 m. Lillie F. Clark in 1902 and they had:
- Marion Monroe b. ?? d. ??
- Armasett b. 1824 d. 1898 m. David Earls
- Tillman b. 1826 d. 1906 m. Dice Jane Bartee and they had:
- Susan Francis b. 1849 d. ??
- John Thomas b. 1850 d. ??
- James Mercer b. 1852 d. ??
- Charles Ryland b. 1854 d. ??
- Nancy Margaret b. 1857 d. ??
- William Tandy b. 1861 d. ??
- Wyatt Campbell b. 1863 d. ??
- Alexander b. 1832 d. ??
- Pleasant G. b. 1834 d. 1900 m. Arminta Bainbridge and they had:
- Mena b. ?? d. ?? (Infant)
- Alice Louisa b. 1858 d. 1940 m. William Lynch
- Howard Lee b. 1863 d. 1942 m. Sarah Allen
- Ida b. 1866 d. 1954
- Simpson Emery b. 1869 d. 1952 m. Della O. Kelly
- Fannie P. b. 1871 d. ?? m. George Didele
- Franklin Pleasant b. 1882 d. 1942 m. Dovie Ann Batchelar
- Louisa b. 1836 d. 1914 m. William D. Letchworth
- Lansler b. 1840 d. 1851
- Jane b. 1842 d. ?? m. J.D. Groom
- Mercer Jr. b. 1844 d. 1888 m. Nancy Reed Githans and they had:
- Blufford Allen b. 1870 d. 1913 m. Etta E. Simpson
- Rosie b. 1873 d. 1921 m. John H. Edwards
- John Williams b. 1874 d. 1927 m. Rebecca Simpson
- Pleasant Clay b. 1876 d. 1944 m. Nelli Hellmich
- Oscar C. b. 1878 d. 1900
- Bessie Florence b. 1880 d. 1972 m. Henry W. Pulse
- May b. 1882 d. 1909 m. Ben West
- Ernest T. b. 1884 d. 1945 m. Dulsie Batchellar
- Taylor b. 1847 d, 1923 m. Sallie Ann Suddarth and they had:
- Anna Belle b. 1870 d. 1949 m. Andrew Monroe Phillips
- Lizzie Gertrude b. 1873 d. 1878
- Earnest P. b. 1876 d. 1879
- Birdie May b. 1879 d. 1946 m. Perry Bradley Noland
- Nellie b. 1882 d. 1955 m. Pearl Phillips
- Arthur Mercer b. 1886 d. 1967 m. Stella Sharp
- Sarah b. (Stillborn)
- Eliza b. ?? d. ?? (Infant)
- Emerline b. ?? d. ?? (Infant)
- Cabell C. b. 1822 d. 1894 m. Margaret Ann Bartee and they had:
- Victoria b. 1847 d. ??
- Maria Mildred b. 1849 d. 1879 m. Jackson Douthed Gitthens
- Mercer Vivin b. 1851 d. ?? m. Verna Howell
- James Tillman b. 1856 d. 1914 m.
- Matilda Farmer and they had:
- Ella Jane Elizabeth b. 1894 d. 1941
- Molly b. 1859 d. ?? m. Tom Perdue
- Sterling Price b. 1861 d. 1935 m. Lee Ella boggess
- Willie J. b. 1865 d. ??
- Elizabeth b. 1783 d. ?? m. Moses Sharp in 1801 and they had:
- Elizabeth b. ?? d. ?? m. William Walton Bush and they had:
- Annie b. ?? d. ?? m. William Daniel Lyle
- Franklin b. ?? d. ??
- George Walton b. 1797 d. 1881 m. Eliza Crankfield and they had:
- Lucy A. b. 1844 d. ?? m. Jerde Rice
- Mary E. b. 1846 d. ?? m. John Sheperd
- Frances Jane b. 1847 d. 1937 m. John Newton Brookshire in 1868
- Sarah Ellen b. 1849 d. ??
- Susan Catherine b. 1852 d. 1880 m. Robert Engle
- Emma b. 1858 d. 1940 m. Samuel Shimfessel in 1877
- Josie b. ?? d. ??
- Tillman b. 1787 d. ?? m. Sarah Elkin in 1814 and they had:
- Robert E. b. 1815 d. 1891 m. Minerva Lisle in 1843 and they had:
- Catherine b. 1850 d. ??
- Rose b. 1852 d. 1930
- Rachel b. 1856 d. ??
- Francis T. b. 1858 d. 1886
- Anna b. 1862 d. ??
- Mary Jane T. b. 1829 d. 1910 m. William Webber in 1850
- Nancy N. b. 1827 d. 1902 m. John William Tuttle in 1849
- Sarah Ann b. ?? d. ?? m. Christopher C. Bush in 1846
- Allen Neil b. 1819 d. 1870 m. Polly Robinson in 1842 and they had:
- Jonas R. b. 1849 d. 1910 m. Sally Webber
- Dr. Enoch Robinson b. 1855 d. 1935 m. Ann Elize Brock
- William Neil b. 1852 d. ?? m. Olive Baker
- Nora b. ?? d. ??
- Elton b. ?? d. ??
- Wheeler b. ?? d. ??
- Edith b. 1843 d. 1871 m. Dillard Fox in 1861
- Allen Neil b. 1847 d. 1901 m. Mary E. Potts in 1866 and they had:
- Clifton H. b. 1867 d. ??
- Mary E. b. 1869 d. ??
- Edna b. 1871 d. ??
- Allen b. ?? d. 1872
- Edith K. b. 1875 d. ??
- Willie R. b. 1877 d. ??
- Napoleon Bonaparte b. 1835 d. 1909 m. Mary Tillman Bush (daughter of Mercer, Napoleon's brother) See their children listed above under Mary Tillman
- Adaline America b. 1816 d. 1887 m. Elias Curry
- Perlina (Polly) b. 1790 d. ?? m. 1st Benjamin Gentry in 1812 m. 2nd Samuel Vaugh in 1830
Pleasant (Col.) b. 1791 d. 1853 m. Jane Bush (daughter of William (Capt. Billy) Bush) in 1816 and they had:
- Mary F. b. 1826 d. 1835
- Hyman G. b. 1821 d. 1896 m. Hannah Oldham
- Napoleon b. 1816 d. ??
- Emmerine b. 1817 d. 1838 m. Isaac Conkwright in 1835
William Tandy b. 1824 d. 1846
- Thomas Jefferson b. 1828 d. 1902 m. Elizabeth Lochname in 1855
- Bettie b. 1831 d. ?? m. Clay broaddus
- Elkanah b. 1834 d. 1882 m. Anne Bryand in 1861
- Jane b. 1835 d. ?? m. Robert Barron
- Elizabeth b. 1838 d. ??
- Nelson Tillman b. 1839 d. 1910 m. Sallie Quisenberry in 1863
- Thomas T. b. 1793 d. ?? m. Cynthia Bush (daughter of William (Capt. Billy) Bush) in 1809 and they had:
- Thomas J. b. 1819 d. 1900 m. Susan Tuttle in 1863 and they had:
- John Will b. 1864 d. 1938
- Mary Frances b. 1866 d. ?? m. John Cruse
- Loulie b. 1869 d. ?? m. George Goosey
- Thomas J. b. 1871 d. ?? m. Betty Rankin
- Hyman S. b. 1872 d. ?? m. Lula T. Owen
- Robert N. b. 1875 d. ?? m. Roxie Parrish
- Eliza Bell b. 1877 d. ?? m. Reuben Batson Devary Sr. in 1896 and they had:
- Nolia Bush b. 1896 d. 1989 m. Robert Allen Thompson
- William Jefferson Biggan b. 1898 d. 1948
- Lou Taylor b. 1900 d. 1900
- Nancy Robert b. 1901 d. 1994 m. Orville Raymond Wells
- Evyline b. 1901 d. 1988 m. Loren R. Snelson
- Hymon Nelson b. 1905 d. 1979 m. Marguerite Harney
- Orval Ray d. 1907 d. 1978 m. Eleanor Sumner
- Reuben Batson Jr. b. 1908 d. 1980 m. Sue Coburn Blackburn
- Henry Ecton b. 1910 d. 1925 (Died at age 15, he was blind)
- Nancy G. b. 1879 d. ?? m. Robert Curtis
- Edith Brunie b. 1881 d. 1941 m. William Bluford Fox in 1905
- Nelson C. b. 1883 d. 1947 m. Annie Parrish in 1905
- Joseph A. b. 1885 d. ?? m. Frankie Brookshire
- James H. b. 1888 d. 1946 m. Laura Stamper
- Landrum b. 1794 d. ?? never married
- Lucy b. 1795 d. ?? m. William Berry in 1817
William and Francis were married in 1778 and they had:
- William Tandy b. 1787 d. 1846 m. Sarah Mathews in 1805 and they had:
- E. B. b. 1809 d. 1880 m. May Ray in 1869 and they had:
- Willis M. b. ?? d. ??
- E. B. b. 1872 d. ??
- Christopher S. b. 1875 d. ??
- Flora Bell b. 1877 d. ??
- Pleasant B. b. 1879 d. ??
- Willis Allen b. 1797 d. 1856 m. Malinda Robinson Welsh in 1821 and they had:
- William Tandy b. 1822 d. 1896 m. Jane Pursley in 1852 and they had:
- Irene Rutherford b. 1868 d. 1924 m. John Henry Shelton in 1894
- Tomkins b. 1826 d. ??
- Edwin Welsh b. 1828 d. 1898
- Elizabeth Francis b. 1833 d. 1863 m. W. H. Mullins in 1858
- Willis Allen b. 1830 d. 1860
- Elkanah b. 1835 d. 1867 m. Judith Clark in 1866 and they had:
- Elkana Jr. b. ?? d. 1869
- George Washington (Dr.) b. 1837 d. 1909 m. Mary Salina Elizabeth Samuels in 1868 and they had:
- M. Willis b. 1871 d. 1941 m. John Elzie Boyett in 1895
- George Edwin b. 1872 d. 1876
- Parmelian Catherine b. 1840 d. 1864
- Mary Luan b. 1844 d. 1869 m. M. W. Armstrong
- Christopher b. 1824 d. 1850
- Elcana b. 1783 d. 1847 m. 1st Polly Sweeney in 1809 and they had:
- Presley b. 1810 d. 1840
- Jessie b. 1812 d. ??
- Sarah Francis b. 1817 d. ?? m. 1st Lucian Jefferson in 1832 m. 2nd Dr. Raymond Head in 1845
Elcana m. 2nd Mary Polly Stone in 1827 and they had:
- Elcana b. 1828 d. ??
- Samuel Stone b. 1830 d. ?? m. Cornelia Wheat in 1855 and they had:
- S. S. b. ?? d. ??
- Elcana T. b.?? d. ?? m. Lucy Baber
- Cynthia b. 1790 d. 1870 m. 1st Thomas T. Bush in 1809 and they had:
- Thomas J. b. 1819 d. 1900 m. Susan Tuttle in 1863 and they had:
- John Will b. 1864 d. 1938
- Mary Frances b. 1866 d. ?? m. John Cruse
- Loulie b. 1869 d. ?? m. George Goosey
- Thomas J. b. 1871 d. ?? m. Betty Rankin
- Hyman S. b. 1872 d. ?? m. Lula T. owen
- Robert N. b. 1875 d. 1935 m. Roxie Parrish
- Eliza Bell b. 1877 d. ?? m. Ruben Devary
- Nancy G. b. 1879 d. ?? m. Robert Curtis
- Edith Brunie b. 1881 d. 1941 m. William Bluford Fox in 1905
- Nelson C. b. 1883 d. 1947 m. Annie Parrish
- Joseph A. b. 1885 d. ?? m. Frankie Brookshire
- James H. b. 1888 d. 1946 m. Laura Stamper
Cynthia m. 2nd Zachariah Elkin in 1833
- Francis Tandy b. 1781 d. 1841 m. George Giddings in 1802 and they had:
- Mary Luann b. 1803 d. ?? m. John Blain Hays in 1826
- William Braxton b. 1809 d. 1893 m. Mary Hill Buckner in 1834
- Napoleon Bonaparte b. 1816 d. 1897 m. Armide Boone in 1852
- James M. b. ?? d. ??
- Tandy B. b. ?? d. ??
- F. T. b. ?? d. ??
- Lloyd B. b. ?? d. ??
- Luana (Suana) b. 1792 d. ?? m. Christopher Morrow in 1816
- Polly b. 1794 d. ?? m. 1st Richard Stittes m. 2nd Ben Hieronymous
- Jane b. 1800 d. 1852 m. Pleasant Bush in 1816
- Thomas Jefferson b. 1801 d. 1823 never married
- John Gholson b. 1771 d. 1824 m. Nancy Bush (daughter of Philip Bush) in 1803 and they had:
- Mariam G. b. 1806 d. ?? m. William West in 1824
- Thitianna b. 1804 d. ??
- Philip S. b. 1807 d. ??
- Lucinda G. b. 1809 d. 1860 m. Smallwood Acton Elkin in 1827 and they had:
- Nancy Gholson b. 1831 d. 1856 m. William Martin Bush in 1848
- William F. b. 1829 d. 1872 m. Mary Jane Chambers in 1860
- Phillip Bush b. 1833 d. ??
- Gholson b. ?? d. ??
- Dullie b. ?? d. ??
- Frank b. ?? d. ??
- Adalade b. ?? d. ??
- Francis Vivion b. 1811 d. ?? m. Claybourn West in 1828 and they had:
- Nancy b. ?? d. ??
- Roland b. ?? d. ??
- Elliott b. ?? d. ??
- Margaret b. ?? d. ?? m. William Wilson
- Miriam b. ?? d. ?? m. James Percell
- Mary b. ?? d. ?? m. Simeon Moores
- Fanny b. ?? d. ?? m. John Marsh
- America b. 1813 d. ??
- Julia b. 1814 d. ?? m. William Crim in 1830
- John G. b. 1817 d. ?? m. Patsy Elkin in 1838 and they had:
- Enoch Gholson b. 1839 d. 1880 m. Julia Prather in 1874 and they had:
- John Gholson b. ?? d. ??
- Mattie b. ?? d. ??
- Mary b. ?? d. ??
- Fannie b. ?? d. ??
- Tillie W. b. ?? d. ??
- Carrie L. b. ?? d. ??
- Nancy Mildred b. 1840 d. 1913 m. O.M. Tribble and they had:
- Julia Ella b. ?? d. ?? m. _______ Williams
- Charles K. b. ?? d. ?? m. Kate Lewis
- Mattie Francis b. ?? d. ?? m. Wallis Norris
- Thomas J. b. ?? d. ?? m. Connie Rice
- Philip Smallwood b. 1841 d. ??
- Martha Francis b. ?? d. ?? m. Pleasant Wilson
- Sarah Jane b. ?? d. ?? m. George W. Tribble
- Mary E. b. ?? d. 1888 m. James T. Hamilton in 1870
- Robert F. b. 1855 d. ?? m. Mildred Prather in 1876 and they had:
- Jessie May b. 1877 d. ?? m. A.W. Grimstead
- Walter P. b. 1880 d. ?? m. Bessie Grimstead
- Phillip G. b. ?? d. ?? m. Helen Predirlle
- William J. b. ?? d. ?? m. Mary Martin
- Price S. b. ?? d. ??
- Charles W. b. ?? d. ??
- Carrie Lee b. ?? d. ?? m. Marshal Brock
- Nancy Mildred b. ?? d. ?? m. Harold Eggleston
- Elcena b. 1816 d. ??
- Willie b. 1819 d. ??
- James b. 1800 d. 1887 m. Nancy Poindexter
- Jeremiah b. 1808 d. 1830 m. 1st Adalaide Tinsley in 1829 m. 2nd Ann Elizabeth Reed and they had:
- R.T.G. b. 1836 d. 1912 m. Mary B. Curtis in 1871 and they had:
- Roy J Curtis b. ?? d. ??
- Julia A. b. ?? d. ??
- Bonnie G. b. ?? d. ??
- Benjamin W. b. ?? d. ??
- Bettie M. b. ?? d. ??
- Thomas B. Curtis b. ?? d. ??R.T.G. b. 1836 d. 1912 m. Mary B. _______
- Thomas Green b. 1817 d. ?? m.1st Harriett Crimm in 1833 m. 2nd Susan Bryan
- Cloe J. b. 1825 d. 1900 m. Stephen Quisenberry in 1844
- A. Colby b. 1811 d. 1880 m. Sarah Elkin in 1834
- Lucinda b. 1801 d. 1851 m. Martin Elliott in 1825
- Joicy b. 1819 d. 1865 m. John Martin in 1836
- Nancy Julia b.1820 d. 1907 m. Robert Berry in 1849
Lewellyn b. 1804 d. 1859 m. 1st Polly Vaughn in 1825 m. 2nd Martha Townsend. Lewellyn and Polly had:
- William Lemmon b. 1844 d. 1915 m. Sarah Puckett and they had:
- Lizzie (Elizabeth) b. 1874 d. 1902 m. Crit Childers and they had:
- Everettt b. 1896 d. 1900
- Louria b. 1900 d. 1900
- William Lemmon Jr. b. 1871 d. 1954 m. Edna Townsend and they had:
- Claude Everett b. 1915 d. ??
- Joseph b. 1882 d. 1965 m. Lula Rogers and they had:
- Virgil b. 1905 d. ??
- Troy b. 1907 d. 1972 m. Anna Townsend in 1927 and they had:
- Jewel b. 1928 d. 1936
- Harold b. 1930 d. 1933
- Troy Jr. b. 1933 d. 1936
- Dorothy b. 1935 d. ?? m. Eugene Starnes
- Gerald b. 1936 d. 1997
- Opal Sharon b. 1946 d. 1946
- Clyde b. 1948 d. ??
- Mila b. 1909 d. 1995 m. Bert Townsend and they had:
- Josephine b. 1928 d ??
- Fess Eugene b. 1931 d. ??
- Mildred Louise b. 1933 d. ??
- Ray Vanal b. 1936 d. ??
- Janis Helen b. 1941 d. ??
- Eva b. 1912 d. ?? m. Curtis Turner in 1941
- Gladys b. 1920 d. 1931
- Clara b. 1922 d. ?? m. James Turley and they had:
- Bobbie Eugene b. 1941 d. 1941
- James Edward b. 1943 d. ??
- Lloyd Douglas b. 1946 d. 1946
- Gary Lynn b. 1948 d. ??
- Danny Lewis b. 1953 d. ??
- Jerry Randall b. 1954 d. ??
- Ivory b. 1924 d. 1925
- Cecil b. 1926 d. 1994 m. Maude _____ and they had:
- Judy Lee b. 1949 d. ??
- Betty Lou b. 1951 d. ??
- Diane Marie b. 1955 d. ??
- Mark Andrew b. 1956 d. ??
- Patricia Lyn n b. 1959 d. ??
- Cecil Jr. b. 1960 d. ??
- Jeffrey Sherman b. 1962 d. ??
- Ricky b. ?? d. ??
The childrend of Lewellyn and Martha were:
- Susan b. 1857 d. 1927 m. Joseph Gilley
- Mary b. 1845 d. 1885 m. Isaiah Spencer
- Fielding b. 1850 d. 1936 m. 1st Olinda Johnson m. 2nd Viney Ellen Townsend m. 3rd Nancy Smith m. 4th Louelly Hamm. Fielding and Olinda had:
- Nelson b. ?? d. ??
- Alexander b. ?? d. ??
Fielding and Viney had:
- Eldon b. 1877 d. ??
- Louellen b.1880 d. 1948 m. Marion Burke Dumas Chester in 1896
- Dora b. ?? d. ??
- Ambrose b. ?? d. ??
- Charley b. 1883 d. 1904
- Jackson b. ?? d. ??
- Alice B. b. ?? d. ??
- Laura b. ?? d. ??
- George b. ?? d. ??
- John b. ?? d. ??
- Floyd b. 1898 d. ??
- Howard b. 1899 d. ??
- Ewing b. 1901 d. 1964 m. Ann Leffew
- Martha b. 1904 d. 1979 m. Earl Webb
- Clay b. 1906 d. ??
- Gourley b. 1908 d. ??
- Jefferson b. 1850 d. 1942 m. Christianna Plummer and they had:
- James P. b. 1889 d. 1918 m. Ann Johnson
- Willie b. 1895 d. 1898
- Martha b. 1884 d. 1910 m. L. D. Mitchell
- Harvey Granville b. 1805 d. 1865 m. 1st Dulcina Elkin in 1833 m. 2nd Margaret Townsend
- Lemenation (Lem) b. 1807 d. 1850 m. 1st Bethen Petticord in 1827 m. 2nd Sarah Martin
- Elizabeth b. 1815 d. ??
- William M. b. 1819 d. 1862 m. Sarah S._________
- Pleasant N. b. 1823 d. 1904 m.1st Caroline Houston m. 2nd Sally Albina
- Jane b. 1825 d. ??
- Jeremiah b. 1789 d. 1842 m. Nancy Harris Gentry b. 1795 d. 1863 m. 1811 and they had:
- Richard Gentry b. 1812 d. 1895 m. Mary Ann Mitchell b. 1826 d. 1855
- Felix Glenroy b. 1814 d. 1855 m. 1st Almira Dearborne m. 2nd Sarah Todd
- Glorenna Whipple b. 1816 d. 1867 m. Reuben Elkin in 1833
- James Harris b. 1818 d. 1866 m. Julia Franklin in 1837
- Ambrose Gholson b. 1823 d. 1903 m. 1st Catherine (Kittie) Hampton b. 1823 d. 1849 m. 2nd Martha Hampton in 1849 m. 3rd Fannie Shields
- Rhodes Gentry b. 1820 d. 1840
- Oliver Edward b. 1825 d. 1874 m. 1st Dorinda Crimm in 1845 m. 2nd Harriett Hedgecoat. Oliver & Dorinda had:
- Henry Louis b. 1848 d. 1913 m. Roxie Wilson in 1898 and they had:
- Henry Porter b. 1900 d. 1950 m. Annie Pauline McGee in 1920
- Marion b. 1854 d. 1854
- Walter H. b. 1852 d. ?? m. Nancy Brooks
- Leslie b. ?? d. ?? m. Lula Franklin
- Jane Francis b. 1829 d. 1858 m. Jereimiah Robinson in 1846
- Valentine White b. 1831 d. 1899 m. 1st Prudence Grant m. 2nd Fanny Nichols m. 3rd Kate Hampton. The children of Valentine White were:
- Valentine White Jr. b. 1879 d. 1963 m. Belle Reese
- Henry G. b. ?? d. ??
- Leila b. ?? d. ??
- Lewis Hampton b. 1871 d. ??
- Jeremiah Porter b. 1836 d. 1906 m. Ann E. Gentry
Nancy Julia b. 1791 d. ?? m. Lyndon Comstock in 1806
- Jennie b. 1795 d. 1858
- Polly b. 1776 d. ?? m. Pendleton Heironymus in 1795 and they had:
- Julia b. 1799 d. 1883 m. Rev. John Tevis in 1824 (this is the author of "Sixty Years in a School Room")
- Mary Ester b. 1781 d. 1851 m. 1st Durrett Lanford m. 2nd Thomas Rawlings
- James b. ?? d. ??
- Jane b. 1775 d. 1837 m. 1st William Embree m. 2nd John Rawlings
- Susannah b. 1781 d. 1835 m. Carver Thomas in 1807
- Mildred b. 1770 d. ?? m. Richard Breedlove in 1789
- Philip b. 1780 d. 1829 m. Mary Brown in 1805
- Frances b. 1775 d. ?? m. Nathaniel Terry in 1795
- Nancy b. 1766 d. ?? m. William Sims Jr. in 1787
- Mary b. 1765 d. 1832 m. William Breedlove in 1785
- Charles b. 1763 d. 1846 m. Elizabeth Buckner in 1789
- David b. 1761 d. 1835 m. Ruth Twyman
- John b. 1782 d. 1819
- Zenas b. 1776 d. 1830 m. 1st Liddy Rice in 1797 m. 2nd Marth Brooks in 1805. The children of Zenas were:
- William Tandy b. 1819 d. 1888 m. Zilla Sherrill in 1840 and they had:
- Eudorah Martha b. 1841 d. 1901 m. Porter King in 1857
- Catherine b. ?? d. ??
- Anna b. 1854 d. 1929 m. John C. Hibits in 1882
- Manson Tandy b. 1855 d. 1919 m. Fannie White Paine
- Howard Brooks b. 1820 d. 1865 m. Panthea Ellis and they had:
- Charles Henson b. 1856 d. ?? m. Jennie Gary Rials in 1880
- George b. ?? d. ??
- Zenas Jr. b. ?? d. ??
- Sarah b. ?? d. ??
- Elizabeth b. ?? d. ??
- Eustatia b. ?? d. ??
- Rebecca b. ?? d. ??
- Nathan b. 1811 d. 1882 m. Judith Thacker in 1836 and they had:
- James Howard b. 1840 d. 1861
- Martha Mahala b. 1842 d. ?? m. W.O.G. Wilson in 1858
- Sarah Elizabeth b. 1845 d. 1915 m. R.F. Faddis in 1862
- William Tandy b. 1848 d. 1904 m. Fannie Emma McMillian and they had:
- George Peterson b. ?? d. ??
- Fannie Emma b. ?? d. ??
- Carrie b. ?? d. ??
- Ethel May b. ?? d. ??
- Robert Nathaniel b. 1871 d. 1926 m. Paula Trahan
- William Tandy b. 1873 d. 1916 m. Augustine Desabree in 1901
- Ashby Douglas b. 1877 d. ?? m. Annie Augusta Welborne in 1902
- Florence Daisy b. 1885 d. ?? m. Lane Corley in 1913
- Helen Maude b. 1889 d. ?? m. Louis J. Martel in 1909
- Hazel Odine b. 1892 d. ?? m. Joseph Cleveland McCardell in 1926
- Katie Emma b. 1894 d. ?? m. Frank Rose Stainton in 1926
- George Hoalt b. 1852 d. ?? m. Tallie Cochran in 1870 and they had:
- William Cochran b. 1875 d. ?? m. Pearl Fischer
- Julia Peachie b. 1877 d. ?? m. Stephen King
- Zollie E. b. 1882 d. ?? m. Charles Lattimer
- Talonia (Tallie) b. 1885 d. ??
- Samuel P. b. 1887 d. ?? m. Ruby Prather
- George Tom b. 1889 d. ?? m. Loma Hill
- Eula b. 1892 d. ?? m. _______ Hill
- Anna M. b. 1895 d. ?? m. D. Jack McDonald
- Zenas Hester b. 1853 d. 1867
- Ann b. ?? d. ?? m. Thomas Haralson in 1787
- Frances b.. ?? d. ?? m. Forbis Haralson in 1790
- Nancy b. ?? d. ?? m. ________ Haralson
- Lebba b. ?? d. ?? m. Archibald Rice in 1803
- Betsey b. ?? d. ?? m. Pleasant Fleming in 1798
Joseph m. 2nd Mary Ann _______ and they had:
- Rhoda b. ?? d. ?? m. John Simmons in 1809
- Merah b. ?? d. ?? m. Stephen Ingrim in 1808
- Lowas b. ?? d. ?? m. Thomas Henslee in 1805
- Mary b. ?? d. ?? m. Elijah Kennon in 1813
- Frances b. 1760 d. ??
- Peggy (Fanny) b. 1774 c. ?? m. Thomas Bradley
- Polly b. 1775 d. ?? m. Ambrose Christy
- Nancy b. 1781 d. 1816 m. Thomas Vivion in 1798
- Betsey b. 1784 d. ?? m. Daniel O'Rear in 1799 and they had:
- Robert B. b. 1800 d. ?? m. Elizabeth Wilkerson
- John Bush b. 1802 d. ?? m. Elizabeth Talbott
- Frances b. 1804 d. ?? m. Jesse O'Rear
- Allen Bush b. 1806 d. ?? m. Susan Overton Slavens
- Elizabeth B. b. 1808 d. 1853
- Mary Ann b. 1810 d. ?? m. John Pope Suggett
- Nancy B. b. 1812 d. ?? m. John Tandy Bradley
- Marquis b. 1815 d. ??
- William Tandy b. 1818 d. ?? m. Elvira Frances Slavin
- Samuel b. 1824 d. 1900
Francis m. 2nd Rachel Martin b. 1767 d. 1860 and they had:
- Lucy b. 1790 d. 1872 m. Colby B. Quisenberry in 1810 and they had:
- Milton b. 1813 d. 1845 m. Frances Quisenberry in 1838
- Fielding b. 1818 d. 1881 m. Rebecca Elkin in 1839
- Colby Burris b. 1822 d. 1907 m. Sally Tribble in 1847
Roger T. b. 1826 d. 1892 never married
Elkanah Elkin b. 1830 d. 1885 m. Ellen Thorton in 1868 moved to MO
- John Martin b. 1833 d. aft 1907 m. Sarah Moore in 1859
- Louisa b. 1811 d. 1827 m. David Chenault in 1827 moved to Sumner Co. TN
- Sullie b. 1816 d. 1888 m. William Ragland
- Rachel Jane b. 1817 d. 1853 m. Thomas Jenkins in 1836
- Lucy b. 1820 d. 1875 m. Robert Elkin in 1839 moved to Sumner Co. TN
- James Frances b. 1824 d. 1877 m. Emily Chenault
- Joyce Duncan b. 1828 d. 1907 m. Joseph Withers in 1849 moved to MO
- Newton b. 1832 d. 1836
- Mildred (Milley) b. 1782 d. 1846 m. James Keas in 1801 and they had:
- William B. b. 1802 d. 1862 m. Nancy Rice in 1824
- Perlina b. 1804 d. ?? m. 1st John McCreery in 1819 m. 2nd Elisha Witt, Jr. in 1821
- Nancy b. 1803 d. 1835 m. William C. Goosey in 1822 and they had:
- Frances b. 1822 d. ?? m. Reuben Adams in 1844
- John b. 1826 d. ??
- Elizabeth A. b. 1829 d. 1905 never married
- William Frances b. 1829 d. 1917 m. Mary Martin in 1856
- George b. 1831 d. 1900 m. Sally Jane Johnson
- Milly Jane b. 1833 d. ?? m. Calvin Chism in 1850
- Nancy b. 1835 d. ?? m. William H. Watts
- Lucy b. ?? d. ??
- Cynthia Ann b. 1811 d. ?? m. Hudson Martin in 1832 and they had:
- Nancy b. 1833 d. ??
- James R. b. 1834 d. ?? m. Katie Fluty
- John W. b. 1836 d. ??
- Azariah b. 1838 d. ??
- Mary b. 1839 d. abt 1882 m. William Frances Goosey in 1856
- Hudson b. 1840 d. ??
- Martha b. 1814 d. 1887 m. Aaron Barnes
- Dudley b. ?? d. ?? moved to California
- Arilious b. 1819 d. 1862 m. Permelia F. Martin in 1841
- Wesley b. 1819 d. ?? never married
- Sally b. 1796 d. ?? m. George Mathews in 1815
- Fielding b. 1795 d. 1885 m. Adalaide Halyard in 1823 and they had:
- Rachel America b. 1833 d. 1884 m. James Hodgkin in 1860
- Mary E. b. 1830 d. ?? m. Zachary Elkin in 1884
- Sarah B. b. 1828 d. ?? m. John Sullivan in 1844
- Rebecca W. b. 1823 d. ??
- John F. b. 1826 d. 1900
- Jordan b. 1798 d. 1881 m. Sallie Miller Stewart in 1829 and they had:
- Fannie b. ?? d. ?? Never married
- Lucy b. ?? d. ?? m. Henry Brown
- Rachel b. 1830 d. 1915 m. Thomas Fitzhugh in 1849 and they had:
- Sally b. 1849 d. ??
- Mary b. 1851 d. ??
- John b. 1853 d. ??
- Luvena b. 1856 d. ?? m. Robert Elliott
- Frances b. 1858 d. ?? m. Sidney Edwards
- Virginia b. 1860 d. ?? m. Daniel Cox
- George b. 1861 d. ?? m. Harriet Durnell
- Harriet b. 1862 d. ?? m. Robert Robertson
- Thomas b. 1864 d. ?? m. Sarah Monroe
- Lucas b. 1866 d. ?? m. Alona George
- Robert b. 1868 d. ?? m. Fannie _______
- Charles b. 1869 d. ?? m. Ollie Vanderman
- Ella b. 1871 d. ??
- Elmore b. 1873 d. ??
- Thomas b. 1833 d. 1880 m. Bettie Powell in 1855
- William b. 1835 d. 1863
- Fielding Martin b. 1837 d. 1918 m. Ada M. Bryan in 1879 and they had:
- Scott Flood b. 1881 d. 1927 m. Sarah Jane Connell in 1905
- Inez Vida b. 1883 d. 1962 m. James Tucker Taylor in 1905
- Vest b. 1885 d. ?? m. Maggie Brantley in 1909
- Dinkay b. 1887 d. 1892
- Tombs b. 1889 d. 1950 m. Nora M. Elsenrath
- Fielding b. 1891 d. 1976 m. Rhoda Richwine
- Susie Bryan b. 1892 d. 1967 m. 1st Walter Allee Blackburn in 1915 m. 2nd Frederick Charles Beumer in 1923
- Jordan b. 1895 d. ??
- John Tandy b. 1839 d. 1882 m. Madeline Lester Findley in 1865 and they had:
- Addie b. 1877 d. 1877
- Ernest Forrest b. 1867 d. 1940 m. Virginia F. Craighead in 1892
- Arthur N. b. 1870 d. 1891
- Rosa Dale b. 1872 d. 1932 m. William Bills
- William Herdon b. 1874 d. 1915 m. Mollie Waters in 1894
- John Tandy Jr. b. 1879 d. 1966
- Madeline Lester "Lady"Jr. b. 1882 d. 1965 m. Mr. Lady?
- Herndon b. 1843 d. 1918
- Elizabeth b. 1846 d. 1922 Never married
- Addie b. 1850 d. 1918 m. William D. Bryan in 1869
- Scott b. 1852 d. 1876
- Allene/Allen D. b. 1865 d. 1887 m. Elizabeth Sanford in 1880
- Samuel b. 1856 d. 1925 m. Elizabeth Sanford in 1890 and they had:
- Herndon b. ?? d. ?? (Died as an infant)
- Merle Christine b. 1892 d. 1971 m. Ivan Corbin
- Mabel Clare b. 1894 d. ??
- Henry b. 1897 d. ?? m. Katherine Moore
- Marie Cunningham b. 1900 d. 1956 m. Vee Vernon Latty
Now we will continue on with the family of Austin Bush b. 1778 d. 1855 m. Nancy ________ (supposedly Cherokee Indian) Austin was the son of James Bush and Mary Polly Plunkett. Austin and Nancy had:
- Lafayett McMurty b. 1837 d. 1916 m. Delila Kibbey and they had: (Lafayett and his father, James moved to Carter Co. KY toward the end of the 1800's to an area around present day Willard, KY)
- Margaret Elizabeth b. 1868 d. 1914 m. Henry Harris Stuart
- Willis Kibbey b. 1870 d. 1906 m. Pearl Wilson
- Eugenia May b. 1871 d. 1928 m. Johnny Holbrook
- Nancy Jane b. 1873 d. 1911 m. Samuel Kiger
- Albert Lee b. 1874 d. 1960 m. Margaret (son of James & Mary Bond)
- Lafayette McMurty Jr. b. 1875 d. 1947 m. 1st Della Rice m. 2nd Virgie Creech
- Elnora b. 1877 d. 1951 m. Robert Lee Jordan
- Thomas Hudgins b. 1879 d. 1957 m. Cynthia Williams
- John Valentine b. 1881 d. 1934 m. Martha Bentley
- Clarence Edwin b. 1882 d. 1956 m. Tessie Lee Horton
- Minnie Alma b. 1884 d. 1968 m. Aaron Horton
- Lona A. b. 1886 d. 1973 m. Fred Branham
- William b. 1830 d. ?? m. Martha McDavid
- James b. 1832 d. ?? m. Nancy Childers
- Elizabeth b. 1840 d. 1913 m. 1st William Watson m. 2nd Francis Ratliff
- Catherine b. 1845 d. ??
- Ellen Dinah b. 1849 d. 1901 m. Solomon Lawson
- William Rainwater b. ?? d. ?? (Died in the Cival War)
- John W. b. 1819 d. ??
- George W. b. 1824 d. ??
- Margaret b. 1826 d. ??
- Rainwater b. 1829 d. 1902 (Served in the Cival War) m. Universal Franklin
- Austin b. 1843 d. ??
- Harriet b. 1845 d. ??
- Mary b. 1848 d. ??
- Sarah b. 1849 d. ??
- Patsy Jane b. ?? d. ?? m. Andrew Kiser
- Elizabeth b. 1838 d. ?? m. Henry Musick in 1858 and they had:
- Richard Baxter b. 1859 d. 1943 m. Mary Belle Cook
- Thomas b. 1861 d. ?? m. Leah Wallace
- Ralph b. ?? m. 1953 Lillian Wilson
- John b. ?? d. ?? m. 1st Carrie Miller m. 2nd Fannie ______
- Alice b. 1863 d. 1931 never married
- Margaret b. ?? d. ?? m. 1st M. Boswell m. 2nd John Payne
- Kate b. ?? d. 1936 m. Perce Stewart
- Mary b. ?? d. 1925 m. Matt Madden
- Sylvester b. 1841 d. ??
- James D. b. 1840 d. ??
- William H.H. b. 1841 d. ??
- Austin b. 1842 d. ??
- Hensley b. 1844 d. ??
- Sally b. 1846 d. ??
- Nancy V. b. 1848 d. ??
- Thomas M. Jr. b. 1855 d. 1894 m. Mary Victoria Porter and they had:
- Delmar Edward b. 1894 d. 1980 m. Edna Casteel b. 1896 d. 1972 and they had:
- Lois Angela b. 1914 d. ?? m. Creed Blevins
- Lillian Oleen b. 1916 d. 1977 m. John Blevins
- Evelyn b. 1918 d. 1990 never married
- Ralph Edward b. 1920 d. 1967 m. Pauline Blevins
- Paul b. 1921 d. 1987 m. 1st Audrey Booth m. 2nd Edith Bush
- Lena b. 1923 d. 1997 m. Larson Robinette
- Anna Lee b. 1925 d. 1997 m. Calvin Robinette
- Francis b. 1927 d. ?? m. Roy McReynolds
- Pauline b. 1930 d. ?? m. Palmer Blevins
- Phyllis b. 1934 d. 1963 m. Walter Hamm
- Audrey Louise b. 1937 d. ?? m. Sam Collins
- Ray b. 1889 d. ??
- Henry b. 1887 d. 1906
- Charles b. 1886 d. 1946
- Maudie b. 1885 d. 1981
- Fannie b. 1884 d. ??
- Thomas M. Jr. III b. 1882 d. 1972
- Mae b. 1880 d. 1970
- James b. 1878 d. 1968
- George b. 1877 d. 1968
- Jessie b. 1845 d. ??
- Margaret b. 1853 d. ??
- Mary b. 1856 d. ??
We will now continue on with Valentine Bush b. 1799 d. 1904 m. Nancy Gose. It would only be fitting to tell you everything we know about them, so, here it is:
Valentine Bush was born, according to his headstone, in 1807. However, according to all the records and family lore, he was born in 1799. From all that can be found Valentine & Nancy lived their entire lives in Scott Co. VA. (Part of Scott Co. was Russell Co. in the early 1800s). We do not know where he was born, however, we do know that his brother, James, was born in Tazwell Co. VA.
Valentine owned three mills in Nicklesville which is in present day Scott Co. The mills were all operated by the entire family with the sons doing most of the hard labor. The mills were all located within ½ mile of each other on Amoss branch just outside the town of Nicklesville. There was a carding mill, sawmill and located between the two was a grist mill. The grist mill is the only remaining of the three and has been restored by the Nicklesville Ruitan Club. The Ruitan Club has dedicated themselves to restoring and maintaining this historical and beautiful landmark. On October 5, 1996 the mill was dedicated as a National Historical Landmark as it was 100 years old. The dedication was beautifully done and well attended by hundreds of people. At this dedication was where we finally learned who the father of Valentine was.
Valentine built his home just west of Nicklesville towards Gate City. The house was located on an unknown number of acres just above the still standing Kilgore Fort in an area known as Corn Ridge. It is by far the most beautiful place we have ever seen. The site today is noticeable by the stones remaining from the foundation and chimneys. It is thought that Valentine was considered to be quite wealthy in that he owned substantial amounts of land, the three mills and that his home was a large frame structure and not log. It is also believed that there were many small log cabins on his land that he rented.
Both Valentine and Nancy are buried in the Nicklesville First Baptist Cemetery. The headstones are in desperate need of repair as they have fallen over and cracked.
The children of Valentine & Nancy were:
1. Anderson Pack b. 1836 d. 1880 m. 1st Eliza Smith m. 2nd Eliza Thompson and is buried in the Thompson Cemetery in Dunganon, VA
2. George G. b. 1838 d. 1866. George never married and at the young age of 28 was killed. The story is that George was sitting astride his horse while it was drinking from Amoss branch next to the grist mill and was ambushed by an unknown assassin. The shot killed him instantly and Valentine found his son laying in the water. George is buried in the Nicklesville First Baptist Cemetery in the older, smaller section. The headstone is in the corner nearest to the church. The headstone faces the opposite direction from all the others and we were told that back then it was done that way due to how he died therefore never allowing his sole to rest. The headstone reads "Felled by the hand of an assassin."
3. William H. b. 1840 d. 1902 This is all that is known of William
4. Stephen F. b. 1843 d. 1906 This is all that is known of Stephen
5. Marion Tivas B.
b. 1846 d. 1924 m. Laura Keller b. 1854 d. 1938. Tivas apparently
never cared for the name Marion and he never used it. The story
of Tivas Bush begins with speculation as we have no real facts.
The story that has been handed down through the generations is
that when Valentine found his son George dead in the creek, he
sent Tivas by horseback to Carter Co. KY (north east corner of
KY). He initially went to an area on Lick Creek (Lost Creek?),
Carter Co. and then onto the town of Willard which is still
Carter Co. It was here that he met Laura Keller as she is from
that area. Tivas and Laura were married at the home of Solomon
Lawson in Carter Co. Solomon Lawson m. Ellen Dinah Bush, daughter
of Tivass Uncle James. Around 1900 they moved to an area
off of Rt. 3 in Lawrence Co. and built a cabin. The cabin is
still standing though much of it is deteriorated. Tivas made a
living as a Tanner and a farmer. He raised cattle for the leather
and made shoes, bridles, saddles and other leather goods.
We have to assume that his father would not send him up there alone unless Valentine knew someone up there. Our theory is that since Valentines brother, James and his son Lafayette were in that immediate area, that must be why he sent Tivas there.
Tivas and Laura are buried on top of McDaniels hill just up the road from the cabin. A headstone was placed at their graves within the last 25-30 years ago. We very recently made a first sweep in cleaning up the area. The grave site has not been maintained at all and we hope to place a fence around the plot now that the trees have been removed. Several more trips to remove some brush and complete the fence should do it.
Tivas and Laura had nine children, however, according to census records two must have died at a very young age. The seven remaining children are as follows:
- Francis Louise b. ?? d. ??
- Madge b 1906 d. 1975
- William Austin (Ted) b. 1907 d. 1944
- Shirley Lee b. 1911 d. ??
- John-Paul b. 1915 d. 1984 m. Donna Jean Cooksy
- Pauline b. 1918 d. 1979
- Virginia Maude b. 1920 d. ??
- Ted b. 1907 d. 1944
- Irene b. ?? d. ??
- Tivas b. ?? d. ??
- Bertha Grim b. 1895 d. ?? (born out of wedlock)
- Charles b. ?? d. ??
- Hazel b. ?? d. ??
- Georgie b. ?? d. ??
- Robert b. ?? d. ??
- Clyde b. ?? d. ??
- Ann b. 1909 d. ??
- Robert b. ?? d. ??
- Edna b. 1902 m. Charles Long. Edna is currently living in a nursing home in West Jefferson, OH. Edna and Charles had:
- Donna b. 1936 d. living
- Charles b. ?? d. ??
Ray b. 1914 and is currently living in West Jefferson, Ohio. He married Orpha Bell Calloway in 1946 in Ashland, KY. They have lived in West Jefferson since 1964. Ray worked the majority of his life in the missile and aviation field. Orpha owned and operated a beauty shop in West Jefferson. They had:
Roger Lee b. 1948 d. living m. 1st Marcia Jean Paglione in 1972 and they had:
- Shane Renee b. 1973. Shane is currently attending Columbus State Community College studying Radiation Technology.
- Lindsey Rae b. 1976. Lindsey is currently attending the Newark Branch of Ohio State University.
Roger and Marcia divorced in 1986. In 1987 he remarried Stephanie Grace Stephens. Roger and Stephanie divorced in 1991 Roger began working in maintenance at Ohio State University in 1970. Since then he has worked his way up and will retire in the year 2000. Roger has lived in Hilliard, OH since 1993.
- Sally B b. 1878 d. 1966 m. Peter Mayo Hartsock b. 1876 d. 1947 m. 1895 and they had:
- Theodore Glen b.1902 d. 1968 m. Margaret Hart Watson in 1932
- Furman Preston b. 1900 d. 1964 m. Helen Hart Watson
- Goldie Ethel. b. 1896 d. 1961 m. Rev. Arnold Addington in 1914
- Hanna Mae b. 1906 d. 1970 never married
- Clyde Mayo b. 1908 d. 1967 m. Virginia K. Long in 1937
- Mary J. b. 1883 d. ?? m. J.P. Thompson in 1899 and they lived in Amarillo, TX. At some point Mary re-married to Andy Fordner.
- Lavenia M. b. 1880 d. 1921 m. Cowen Stallard. They both lived and died in Norton, VA and they had:
- Beechard b. 1905 d. ?? m. Frances Anderson in 1935
- Nola b. 1907 d. 1976 m. Horace G. McCarty in 1938
- Bond b. 1904 d. 1969 m. Mildred Oakley
- Thomas Valentine b. ?? d. 1910 m. Lillie Christina McConnell b. 1886 d. 1921. Thomas was murdered in Imboden, VA and his body was found on the railroad tracks
- Catherine Tabitha (Kate) b. 1898 d. ?? m. Lawrence Harkins
- Mary Magdalene b. 1910 d. 1989 m. Charles Everett Boggs
- Ted b. ?? d. 1970's. Ted is buried in New York state
- Virginia Gladys b. 1902 d. ?? m. J. Keller Barnes
- Henry b. ?? d. ?? (died as a child)
- Virgil b. ?? d. ?? (died as a child)
- May b. ?? d. ?? (died as a child)
- James P. b. 1886 d. 1918 never married and died in a flu epidemic in Idaho
- Steve b. ?? d. 1920 m. Elsie E. Bond. Elsie died about 1 year after they were married and left one daughter. Steve was called up for duty in WW I and was in the state of Washington in 1918. Steve came back and died of pneumonia near Hazard, KY and is buried in the Bond Family Cemetery in Nicklesville, Va.
- Elsie b. ?? d. ?? (she was raised by her grandmother, Addie Bond)
The children from Furman and Louise were:
- Tabitha Kate b. 1893 d. 1975 m. W.E. Smith in 1924 and they had:
- William Nelson b. 1926 d. 1987
- Scott Nelson b. 1956 d. ??
- Ormal Rae b. ?? d. 1992 m. David Detter in 1925
- John Walter Tivas b. 1895 d. 1972 m. Edith Mae Barnes and they had:
- Eva Katherine b. 1920 d. ??
- Thelma Louise b. 1923 d. ??
- Jack b. 1940 d. (this cranky, lovable old guy is still living in Gate City, VA) Jack has:
- John Thomas b. 1966 d. ??
- Michael Scott b. 1971 d. ?? Michael has:
- Matthew Scott b. 1993 d. ??
- George Gose b. 1877 d. 1913 m. Martha (Duckie) Culbertson
- James H. b. 1885 d. 1968 m. Martha Lula Pinkard
- Charles H. b. 1879 d. 1965 m. Ethel D. McConnell in 1906
- Margaret b. 1881 d. 1966 m. Albert Bush in 1902 (son of Lafayette McMurty Bush) and they had:
- Ada b. 1912 d. ?? m. Gordon Booth
- Lillian b. 1905 d. ??
- Othus b. 1903 d. ??
- Willie Wade b. 1908 d. ?? m. Exa Trent and they had:
- Kenneth Wade b. 1939 d. ??
- William b. 1944 d. ??
- Minnie b. ?? d. ?? (died in infancy)
- Charlie W. b. 1892 d. 1892
- Henry Clinton b. 1885 d. 1902
- Kyle F. b. 1902 d. 1912
- James R. b. 1893 d. 1967 m. Pearl McConnell in 1908
- Hobert b 1897 d. ?? m. Vivian Castle
- Margaret b. 1894 d. 1968 m. Orban Grigsby
- Nancy b. 1880 d. 1919 m. Frank Stuart
- Kate b. 1888 d. 1983 m. Isaac Kern
- Bessie b. 1890 d. 1975 m. Jim Turner
This isn't the end of the story. There are thousands and thousands of Bush's out there - if you are one or know of one who does not show here and would like to be added - let us know!!! We are currently working on the English side of the family and it is very difficult to do the research from here, if you have any information, again, please let us know!!! You can reach us in the following ways:
Crum & Julie Adams - 5003 Singleton Drive, Hilliard OH 43026
- Phone (614)777-4773
You can
e-mail Julie Adams at
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