Northern Ronin Yudansha Ryu

Our Syllabus

The syllabus used for the students of Northern Ronin Yudansha Ryu is similar to the syllabus used by most BJJA clubs.

Some updates have been made to the coloured belt system to address any points which may need enhancing.

The first degree black belt syllabus is standardised throughout the BJJA. The real difference is noticable after this level.

Many changes have been made to develop the weaponless side of the Ju Jitsu student, rather than labouring on the more traditional weapon based syllabus.

Sensei Gordon, demonstrating Yari Bo
Sensei Oxley, demonstrating Tan Bo The weapons which are taught as part of the higher Dan grade syllabus are defined as being readily available in modern day applications. A simple example would be the use of the Yawara stick (sometimes known as the Yari bo). A modern substitute could be a pen, pencil or mini torch.

Traditional weapons are still taught to those who are interested in learning the more traditional use of weapons such as the Sword, Tonfa, Sai, Nunchaku, Bo etc.

We make no apology for ommiting detail of the syllabus over the internet. If you would like any further detail of the syllabus, the senior instructors would only be too happy to discuss them with you during a visit to one of the regions clubs.

black belt

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