Northern Ronin Yudansha Ryu

Club News

Charity Events
Christmas Party & Presentation Evening 1998
Christmas Party & Presentation Evening 1999
Ronin Newsletter
Senior Instructors Graded to 4th Dan
Sensei Steadman 8th Dan Visit
Sensei Steadman 8th Dan Combat Course
The Badge of the BJJAGB

Charity Events

Every year the regional association selects a local charity to help. The last charity event we under took raised over £1,000 for Parkinson's Decease.

The year 2000 appeal will raise funds for Bamburgh School. The students of the school are classed as special needs, most have some form of physical disability and many are in wheel chairs.

We aim to help the school in two ways: Firstly they need to raise money for an automatic door to help the wheelchair bound students gain easier access to the school and secondly, help them with their open in in March 2000 in the form of demonstrations and fund raising on the day.

Students of Bamburgh School

Students of Bamburgh School

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Christmas Party & Presentation 1998

Every year an award ceremony takes place near Christmas. This is an opportunity for all the club members and families to get together. Students from each clubs receive trophies and shields for various categories.

In addition to the awards a disco is provided for those who want to dance the night away.

Senior ground work winners at the last BJJA championships

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Christmas Party & Presentation 1999

1999 proved to be the biggest yet, with over 200 people attending the Presentation Disco and Christmas party. If this party is anything to go by, next Chrsitmas we are going to need a bigger venue. The 2000 Presentation Disco and Christams Party will be held at Whitburn Social Club the night will include a student award ceremony and a bar facilities.

Pictured here are the 1999 Students of the year, well done !!!

Mr Fred Minns pictured here playing the role of Santa.

A big round of applause for Mr Martin Coyne, newly awarded the grade of Sandan - 3rd Degree Black Belt. This was a well deserved grade, concluding many months of hard work.

1999 students of the year

Just need the santa outfit

New Dan Grades !!!

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Sensei Steadman 8th Dan Combat Course

June saw the visit of Sensei Steadman 8th Dan to the region. This time for a combat course. Combat courses are open to any martial artist and cover aspects such as control and restraint and striking techniques

The course was well received by all who attended, everyone enjoyed the experience.

Sensei Steadman in Action, no messing about

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Senior Instructors take the Grade

On the 26th of August Peter Oxley, Philip Gordon, and Fred Minns travelled down to Liverpool to sit their 4th Dan grade. This was an event well over date due to the hugh amount of work required in the redesign of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Dan syllabus undertaken by the senior instructors. Needless to say the day went well, all candidates graded by Sensei Steadman get a tough but fair grading. Martin Coyne kindly gave his time to act as an opponent for Fred Minns during the grade.

Sensei Steadman in Action

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Sensei Steadman 8th Dan Visit's the Region

October saw the visit of Sensei Steadman 8th Dan to the region. Mr Steadman has recently been awarded his 8th Dan by the Technical Committee of the BJJAGB.

Mr Steadman is the Founder of Ronin Yudansha Ryu, he is considered one of the best ju jitsu practitioners in Europe.

We hope to bring Mr Steadman back to the North East in Spring.

Sensei Steadman in Action

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Ronin News is a newsletter which is used to fund the Christmas Party. The newsletter is published every six months and currently crams information into 6 pages of text. Articles printed include: what's on; courses; competitions; anatomy; ju jitsu history; and aspects of jujitsu.

Copies can be bought from your instructor at a cost of 50p.

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