Northern Ronin Yudansha Ryu

Senior Ju Jitsu Instructors

Founders of Northern Ronin Yudansha Ryu

Sensei Philip J Gordon 4th Dan

Philip has been training in Ju Jitsu since 1985, he is a Regional Grading Officer for the BJJAGB.

During his many years in martial arts, Philip has gained a brown belt in Japanese Kobudo, taught self protection to professional bodies and the security industry. He has developed self protection and awareness certified courses which are now delivered to further educational establishments. He is the Senior Instructor at the
Temple Park, Boldon Community Association and Washington Leisure Centre Clubs

Philip can be contacted on 0976 561190 or email
Sensei Philip Gordon

Sensei Philip J. Gordon 4th Dan
black belt

Sensei Peter Oxley 4th Dan

Peter has been training in Ju Jitsu since 1982, he is a Regional Grading Officer for the BJJAGB.

He has experience of many martial arts and is currently studying in Judo and Escrima based weapon systems to enhance his expertise. Peter has also developed first hand experience of door security.

He is the Senior Instructor at the
Whitburn Community Association Club

Peter can be contacted on 0797 4476888 or email
Sensei Peter Oxley

Sensei Peter Oxley 4th Dan
black belt

Sensei Fred Minns 4th Dan

Fred has been training in Ju Jitsu since 1984, he is a Regional Grading Officer for the BJJAGB. He has experience of many martial arts including Kung Fu gaining high grades over a period of five years.

He is the Senior Instructor at the
Farringdon Commmunity Association and
Longbenton Commmunity Association Clubs

Fred can be contacted on 0191 4556677 or email
Sensei Fred Minns

Sensei Fred Minns 4th Dan
black belt

Sensei Chris Backhurst 3rd Dan

Chris has been training in Ju Jitsu since 1989, he is a Regional Grading Officer for the BJJAGB.

He is the Senior Instructor at the
Derby Terrace Commmunity Association

Chris can be contacted on

Sensei Chris Backhurst 3rd Dan, ps this is Phil awaiting photo

black belt

Sensei Martin Coyne 3rd Dan

Martin has been training in Ju Jitsu since he was a young man and has recently took on the role of a Grading Officer for the BJJAGB.

He is a valuable instructor within the area and helps to teach at many of the clubs in the North East.

To enhance his training and expertise Martin is currently studying Judo.

Martin can be contacted on 0793 9428231.

Sensei Martin Coyne 3rd Dan

black belt

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