Northern Ronin Yudansha Ryu

Regional Events !!!

Regional Competitions
National Competitions
Regional Courses
BJJA Courses
BJJA Gradings
BJJA Black Belt Gradings
The Badge of the BJJAGB


Regional Competitions

Are held twice yearly, both juniors and seniors are catered for. The categories for entry include:
  • Embu demonstrations
  • Ground work
  • Fast throws Both seniors and juniors compete in the championships, with competitors from all the clubs of the region.
  • Junior competitors April 1999 Junior competitors November 2000

    National BJJA Competitions

    The BJJA hold National championships once a year in various locations throughout the UK. In 1999 the championships were held at Blackpool, senior winners pictured. Various categories can be entered for in the National Championships:
  • Embu demonstrations
  • Ground work
  • Sparring
  • Random attacks Both seniors and juniors compete in the championships, with competitors from all member associations of the BJJA.

  • Senior ground work winners at the last BJJA championships

    Junior embu winners at the last BJJA championships

    Regional Courses

    There are various regional courses held throughout the year, these courses are taught by the Regional Grading Officers. They are warmly welcomed by students throughout the region as regional courses are an occasion when all of the Grading Officers have a chance to teach the students they grade, in a more relaxed atmosphere.

    Regional course, with Mr Steadman Feb 2000

    National BJJA Courses

    BJJA courses are taught in varying locations around the UK, throughout the year. The BJJA is an active memeber of the United Nations of Ju Jitsu which holds courses throughout Europe. BJJA Courses

    Nationally Recognised Gradings

    Coloured belt grading's are held on a quarterly basis at Temple Park Leisure Centre. Student candidates from around the region attend the event under the supervision of the Grading Officers.

    Students are always graded by a senior instuctor from another club as to allow a correct grading procedure.

    Juniors on grading day

    Nationally Recognised Black Belt Gradings

    Black belt gradings are a very important stage of Ju Jitsu student development
    Grading's are assessed by a panel of Grading Officers and a Mat Master

    Black Belt Grading, Juniors 1999
    Pictured here, are the junior black belt candidates of 1998 and 1999 with local Grading Officers. Junior students are graded locally in the North East, whilst senior students take their black belt gradings under the supervision of Mr John Steadman 7th Dan in Liverpool. Black Belt Grading, Juniors 2000

    Up and Coming for 2000

    January 30 - Area Course

    February 27 - Mr Steadman Course

    March 11 - Kyu grade

    April 16 - Regional Championships

    May 21 - Weaponary Course

    June 25 - Kyu grade

    July 22 - Summer Course & BBQ

    Sept 24 - Kyu grade

    Oct 29 - Regional Course

    Nov 26 - Regional Competition

    Dec 9 - Presentation Disco & Christmas Party

    Dec 3 - Kyu Grade

    black belt

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