Northern Ronin Yudansha Ryu

Competition Results

Embu Competition October 1999
Regional Competition Oct 1999
Regional Competition April 2000
Regional Competition November 2000
Kabuto, samurai helmet

Embu Competition 1999

During the early part of 1999, Temple Park and Boldon Clubs took part in a trial Embu competition. The positive feedback we recieved from this lead to the formation of the first Regional competition held later that year.

What is Embu? Well simply put it's a demonstration of a variety of aspects of Ju jitsu demonstrated by two students. An Embu would generally contain: punches; blocks; kicks; throws; takedowns; locks; hold downs.

With each opponent continually countering the technique until one person emerges as a victor. Pictured here are the winners:

Steven Hall; Ross Jenkins; Samantha Clingly; Nicola Smith; Andrew Campbell; Helen Shaw; Michael Wood.

Students of the first club competition

black belt

Regional Competition Oct 1999

October saw the birth of the first of many successful regional competitions.

Students from all clubs around the area took part in a tightly fought competition. This competition has lead the area to develop new cateogories for competition: fast throws; sparring and ground work. The methods which have been developed are designed so that competitors have a greatly reduced risk of injury.

Fighters magazine printed an article about the competition in the March 2000 edition. If you want to see the magazine and the colour photo's get your newsagents to supply you.

Pictured here are the winners:

Brown & Black Belt category:
Gold: Leonard Oxley & Stephen Byrne
Silver: Paul Brierley & Richard Whitaker

Orange & Green Belt category:
Gold: Scott Armstrong & Scott Ditchfield
Silver: Philip Strong & Craig Ditchfield

White & Yellow Belt category:
Gold: Craig Johnson & Andrew Campbell
Silver: Ken Clark & Christopher Saunders

Junior embu winners at the first regional championships

black belt

Regional Competition April 2000

16 April 2000. Three categories were entered for this competition.

Fast throws

Check out the size of the medals !

Competitors in the 2nd competition

black belt

Regional Competition November 2000

26 November 2000. Three categories were entered for this competition.

Ground work:
Category A:
Gold: Daniel Nesbitt Silver: Sarah McDonald
Category B:
Gold: Leonard Oxley Silver: Kerian Casey
Category C:
Gold: Richard Whittaker Silver: Melanie Seward
Fast throws:
Category A winners: Laura Jackson & Amy Jackson
Category B winners: Daniel Nesbitt & Alex Stansfield
Category A winners:Michael Wood & Helen Shaw
Category B winners:Paul Brierley & Richard Whittaker
Sarah McDonald Won the fighting spirit medal.

Competitors in the 3rd competition

black belt

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