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Asad's Law Resource Page

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Law Links

Muslim Law Student Network

Administrative Law Review

Supreme Court Rulings

American University Washington College of Law

The Law School Admissions Council

Yale Law School

Harvard Law School

Cornell Law School

Georgetown Law Center

George Washington Law School

Maintained by: Asad Ba-Yunus

Last Updated

December 2, 2000

ã Copyright 1999, 2000 Asad Ba-Yunus (All rights reserved)

hits since December 1, 1997

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This page is meant to provide certain resources for law students,

particularly in the area of Constitutional Law, International

US Supreme Court

Law, and Civil Rights issues. I hope that

this page also can assist Muslim Law

students and lawyers in researching

issues and subject matter

pertinent to them.

A Little About Myself

I am currently a criminal prosecutor at the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office, representing the people of Miami-Dade County and the State of Florida in criminal cases before the county and circuit courts. I obtained my J.D. at the American University Washington Collge of Law in Washington, DC in May 2000

My ultimate goal is to eventually become a professor, perhaps teaching either Constitutional Law or Criminal Justice. My other interest is Islamic Law, and I hope to be able to study it more in depth than I have so far.

I was Note and Comment Editor for the Administrative Law Review, the only WCL Journal published in cooperation with the American Bar Association, and the official law journal for the ABA's section on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice.

During the summer of 1999 I was a Law Clerk with the Office of the Attorney General of Maryland Criminal Appeals Division in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1998, I worked in the Mongomery County Judicial Center as a judicial intern for a Court of Special Appeals Judge. The Montgomery County judicial system has an impressive web site.

Montgomery County Circuit Court

Research Tools

The following are a few research oriented links. Many of the law schools listed at the bottom of this page and along the left margin have pages for the their law libraries, which often also have research links.

Lexis (requires Lexis ID number)

Westlaw (requires Westlaw ID number)

Washington College of Law Library - Research Links

The United States Supreme Court

In order to find the full text of decisions of the United States Supreme Court, or to view the Court's current docket, follow the links below according to your search criteria:

Current Term

From the Cornell University Legal Information Institute

Current Term Calendar

Schedule of Oral Arguments

Supreme Court Decisions

Decisions by date, topic, or party name

All decisions 1990 - Present

FLITE Database
consisting of over 7,000 full decisions from 1937 - 1975 (US Reports Vol 300-422) in a searchable format

Comprehensive USSC Decision Database (1937 - Present)

US Court of Appeals

This link will take you to FindLaw.Com, which has a listing of cases by district. There is also a search tool on this page.

US Circuit Court of Appeals (by district)

US District Courts

The link below will take you to a state-by-state listing of web pages and case listings of each US District Court accessable on the web.

US District Court Opinions (by state)

State Courts

The following link will connect you to a searchable index of states and cases from nearly all levels of their court systems.

State Court Decisions

The Constitution

To access all of the articles of the Constitution of the United States, as well as all of the Constitutional Amendments, complete with annotations of cases decided by the United States Supreme Court (USSC), click the link below.

Constitution of the United States

Links to Law Schools

The Law School Admissions Council list of member shcool web pages

American University - Washington College of Law

Yale Law School

Harvard Law School

University of Chicago School of Law

UC Berkely Law School (Boalt Hall)

Stanford University School of Law

Columbia University Law School

The New York University (NYU) School of Law

University of Michigan School of Law

The Georgetown University Law Center

The University of Texas School of Law (UT Austin)