
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah (in Arabic)

Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh (Peace be onto you)

Celebrating 10 years of service since December 5, 1996

Check out the latest reports of discrimination against Muslims

This site does not advocate any political, policy-related, theological or other positions, views or opinions. The purpose of this site is for information only. Any and all links to this site are for reference purposes to assist the reader to locate resources and information related to my interests available on the web. The web hosting service, maintainer, or owner of the content of this site takes no responsibility for the content contained in pages linked to or from this page. No views or opinions on this page (if someone mistakenly assumes there are any) or those contained in any pages linked from this page are in any way attributable to and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the employers, companies, educational institutions or organizations mentioned herein.

It is certainly a shame that I have had to put this disclaimer on this, my personal website, as it is clear that there are those who seem to think that I advocate or take a particular position on any issue through this web page. While I may have my own strong personal beliefs on various issues, my own personal beliefs are not necessarily listed or referenced here, and for anyone to think otherwise reflects their own ignorance and racial/religious/ethnic bias. There are no anti-war, anti-Israel, anti-Republican, anti-Democrat or other statements or opinons anywhere in this website, nor are there any links to any radical, violent, suspicious, or other offensive websites or organizations.

If someone has any personal dislikes for Islam or Muslims, they should seriously consider why their discriminatory beliefs should be imposed upon others and log off this website. I take personal offense to anyone who uses any of my employers, organizations, educational institutions or private individuals linked from this web page to force their own misguided opinions of Islam or Muslims upon me or my employers, organizations, educational institutions or others, or to stifle, interfere, or in any other way supress my constitutional right to free expression.

Any attempts to interfere with my constitutional right to post whatever informational material or interests on my website shall be met with fierce legal action.

My name is Asad Ba-Yunus, and I am an attorney at a prominent law firm in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, specializing in Medical Malpractice defense. I previously was an associate at Fertig & Gramling handling mainly insurance defense matters and maritime law. Prior to that, I was an associate at Mager Law Group, P.A., handling medical malpractice and nursing home defense cases. Before entering the private sector, I served my community as a criminal prosecutor for the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office in Miami, Florida. I completed my law degree at the American University Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C. in May 2000. I earned a bachelor's degree in Political Science from the State University of New York (Binghamton University) in May 1997. I was recently married on June 17, 2001, to the most wonderful woman in the world, my beloved wife, Nadia Amin, and we celebrated the birth of our first daughter Hafsah on September 28, 2005

The purpose of this page, and all of my other pages, is to help the average web surfer gain access to information regarding Islam, Muslims, and other things I'm interested in sharing. I'm currently working on putting a few articles and papers that my father and I have both individually written over the years, and I have many links to Islamic information resources. My other pages include a Law resource page, from which you can find almost any documented court case at almost every level of the judicial system. My EMS page relates my interest in pre-hospital emergency medicine while I was an undergraduate, and has links to all kinds of ambulance, fire, and medical on-line resources. My Action Alert page features action alerts distributed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) regarding abuses of Muslim Americans' rights, and other anti-Islamic activity. My Hadith page is filled with 40 individual hadiths collected by my young but brilliant cousin Muhammad (A.K.A. Baba). Please feel free to surf through all of these pages, as they have been placed on line for your benefit. Keep in mind that with the demands of my job, marriage, fatherhood and limited internet access, I do not always get the chance to update my pages as much as I used to, so please accept my apologies for any outdated material. I am also in the process of radically improving my web pages, so if there are any mistakes, errors, improvements, or if you have any suggestions for me, please feel free to e-mail me at any time.

This page contains numerous links to information relating to Islam, Muslim organizations, events, News from Muslim countries, and just general information on Islam. I also have a few neat links to some of my friends with web pages.

Muslim Student and Other Organization Links

Seal of the MSA of US & Canada

Islam The ReligionThe Name of Allah (swt)

Other Islamic Resourcessmall masjid

On-Line Services:

  • Audio-Visual Resources:

    News Resources

    1. The Dawn - Pakistani Daily Newspaper (Internet Edition)
    2. The News - Another Pakistani daily newspaper
    3. The New York Times On-Line
    4. TIME Magazine On-Line
    5. CNN On-Line
    6. The Washington Post
    7. ABC News
    8. MS-NBC

    My Friends' Web Pages

    1. The Beth-Kala-Maritza "Law Students Have a Life" Page (who are they kidding?)
    2. Khadija's Home Page
    3. Absar Bhatti's Home Page
    4. Humairah Syed's Home Page
    5. Huma Ahmed's Home Page on Islam
    6. Tasneem Crooker's Page
    7. Peter Demers MS-Flight Sim page

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    Updated July 21, 2006


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    Copyright © 1997-2002 Asad Ba-Yunus

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