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In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Asad 's EMS Page

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Last Updated 3/1/03

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Copyright ©2003 Asad Ba-Yunus. All Rights Reserved.

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This page is devoted to my involvement in Emergency Medical Services.

From this page you can access a few different EMS Magazines, EMS

agencies in the Central New York area, a list of University

EMS squads, and a cool list of patches.

You can also access a few Ambulance

manufactures, and links to EMS

helicopter services and

fire departments.

A Little About Myself...

New York State EMT patch

I used to be certified as a New York State Critical Care Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-CC). The EMT-CC level is trained and certified (in most NY EMS systems) as an Advanced Life Support technician, capable of starting Intravenous lines (IV's), EKG Interpretation and manual defibrillation, Intubation, and Medication Administration (some which require on-line Medical Command permission, others that don't). The EMT-CC levels is just below the EMT-Paramedic level, and just above the EMT-Intermediate level.

I used to work at two ambulance squads in the Southern Tier of New York State: Harpur's Ferry Student Volunteer Ambulance Service, LTD. (HFSVAS), serving SUNY Binghamton (where I completed my undergraduate studies), and now operates at the Advanced Life Support (ALS) level, and I was until recently employed at Broome Volunteer Emergency Squad (BVES), a full-time ALS level ambulance squad that serves nearly 70% of Broome County. BVES is based in Binghamton, NY, and is a volunteer squad supplemented with paid ALS personnel and drivers. I have been a member of Harpur's Ferry since my first semester at Binghamton University (fall 1992), and a member of BVES since 1993. I was a Medic and driver at both, as well as on the Training Committee and ALS Committee at Harpur's Ferry, and on the Observer Training and Crew Chief Training Committees at BVES.


  1. New York State College EMS Links

  2. Aeromedical Emergency Services

  3. Local Central New York Fire/EMS Links

  4. Other EMS Related Links