Baba's 40 Hadith
The following Hadith were collected by a relative of mine in England. I take no responsibility for the authenticity of these Hadith, but I do trust my little brother to have obtained them from legitimate and authentic sources. If you find any mistakes, errors, mistranslations, falsities, etc., please feel free to e-mail him and let him know. Jazakullah hu khair.
1)ALLAH (SWT) says "Are those who are learned equal to the illiterate?"(Al-Quran-39:9).
2)'The learned among His servants fear ALLAH (SWT) most' (Al-Quran-35:28).
3)ALLAH (SWT) says "Allah is sufficient as a witness between me and you and those who have got knowledge of the Quran" (Al-Quran-13:43)
4)ALLAH (SWT) says: "Allah, Angels and those learned men who stand on justice bear testimony that there is no deity but HE". (Al-Quran-3:18) (Oh dear readers see how ALLAH (SWT) began attesting first by himself then by his Angels then by the learned).
5)The prophet (SAL) said "ALLAH (SWT) gives knowledge of religion and guidance towards truth to a person whose good HE intends".
6)The prophet (SAL) said "The learned are the heirs of the prophets".
7)The prophet (SAL) said "Whatever is in the heavens and the earth seeks forgiveness for the learned".
8)The prophets (SAL) said "Whoever of my followers commits to memory 40 Hadis will meet with ALLAH (SWT) as a learned theologian".
9)The prophet (SAL) said "I shall intercede on the day of resurrection and be a witness for one who commits to memory 40 Hadis and transmits these to my followers".
10)The prophet (SAL) said "With your knowledge a few actions will suffice".
11)ALLAH (SWT) says "If you know not, then ask those who have got knowledge of the Book" (Al-Quran-16:43).
12)The Prophet (SAL) said "To rise up at dawn and learn a section of knowledge is better for you than to pray 100 rakats".*
* This refers to optional prayers not the five obligatory prayers. So think that you have done 100 optional prayers when you devote some time to seek knowledge.
13)The prophet (SAL) said "Take to learning as far as possible, but ALLAH (SWT) will not give it's rewards until you translate it into action" (The rewards for learning will not be given until it is translated into action).
14)The prophet (SAL) said "The corrupt learned men and illiterate worshippers will be the cause of destruction of my UMMAH (People)".
15)ALLAH (SWT) says "Fear God and he will give you knowledge" (Al-Quran-2:282).
16)Allah said to Isa (aley-his-salam): "Oh son of Marriam, take lessons to yourself and then give admonition to others, otherwise you will be ashamed of Me".
17)The prophet (SAL) said: "I passed by a party of men in the night of my ascension to heaven. Their tongues were being cut with scissors. I asked them: "Who are you? They said: 'We used to give advice to others for good deeds but we used not to do them. We used to prohibit evil deeds to others, but we used to do them' ".
18)Hazrat Mu'az said: "Beware of the learned man's error, because he is the most honoured one among the people and because the people follow his error".
19)Hazrat Omar said: "Three things will cause the end of time. One of them is the error of the learned men".
20)Hazrat Ibn Mas'ud said: "Soon there will come a time over the people when sweetness of heart will vanish. At that time neither the teachers, nor the taught will get any benefit from learning. The hearts of the learned will be hard like a hard stone. Rains will fall on it from the sky but it will slip away there from. The reason is that the hearts of the learned will be addicted to the love of this world. God will then rob them of the fountain of wisdom and extinguish the light of guidance from their hearts. They will say to you by their tongue 'Fear God' but sin will be exposed in their actions. Tongue will then become dry and heart hard. The only reason is that the teachers will teach except for the sake of God".
21)There is written in the Torah and Bible: "Don't search for learning which you do not know till you do what you know.
22)Hazrat Huzaifa said: "You are now in an age wherein if you give up one tenth of what you know, you will perish, but there will soon come an age wherein if a man does one tenth of what he knows will get salvation".
23)The prophet (SAL) said: "Judges are of three classes. One class of judges judge with justice and with knowledge of truth and they will go to Paradise. Another class of judges judge unjustly with or without knowledge of truth and they will go to Hell. Another class of judges judge contrary to the laws of God and they will go to Hell".
24)The prophet (SAL) said: "The devil sometimes will prevail over you on account of knowledge. It was questioned: O Prophet of God, how will it happen? He said: The devil will say: 'Search for knowledge but don't put into practice till you acquire it'. So he will remain busy with acquisition of knowledge but will remain without action up to his death and at the time of his death he will have no action".
25)The prophet (SAL) said: "O God, don't allow a sinner to do good to me as my mind may wish to love him". (This shows that mind turns towards the benefactor.)
26)One day a man came to apostle of God and said: "Teach me some of the strange things of knowledge. He asked him "What have you done with the beginning of knowledge? The man said: "What is the beginning of knowledge? The Prophet (SAL) replied: "Have you known God? He said: "Yes". He asked: "What have you learnt about this truth? He said: "What God willed". The prophet said: "Have you known death? He said: "Yes". He said: "How have you prepared for it? He said: "What god willed". The prophet said: "Go and gain experience of these things first and then I shall teach you some of the strange things of knowledge".
27)When asked about the best and worst places on the earth, the Prophet said: "I don't know. But the Almighty God said to me that the best place is mosque and the worst place is market".
28)The prophet (SAL) said: "God has made compulsory for his servants the five times prayer. If a man observes them and does not leave anything out of their duties, there is a covenant for him from God that He will admit him into Paradise, If a man does not observe them, there is no covenant from God for him. If he wishes, He may punish him and if He wishes, He may admit him into Paradise".
29)The prophet (SAL) said: "Prayer five times is like a flowing canal of pure water by the side one's house. He takes bath five times daily in it. Will you see any impurity in his body? They said 'No'. The prophet then said: "As water removes impurities, so the five times prayer removes sins".
30)The prophet (SAL) said: "The five times prayer expiates the sins of a man till he does not commit major sins".
31)The prophet (SAL) said: "The distinction between us and the hypocrites is our presence at morning and night prayers and their absence at these two prayers".
32)The prophet (SAL) said: "If a man meets God after destroying his prayer, God will not look towards his virtues".
33)The prophet (SAL) said: "Prayer is the pillar of religion. He who gives it up destroys the pillar".
34)The prophet (SAL) was once asked: "Which action is best?" He said: "To pray at the appointed times".
35)The prophet (SAL) said: "If a man protects his five times prayer with full ablution and at the appointed times, these will be proof and light for him on the Resurrection Day. He who destroys his prayer will rise with Pharaoh and Haman".
36)The prophet (SAL) said: "Prayer is a key to paradise. He said: God has not made anything compulsory dear to Him for his servants after Tauhid than prayer. Had there been anything better than it, he would have fixed it for the angels. They took from him the organs of prayer. Some make bow, some prostrate, some stand, some sit".
37)The prophet (SAL) said: "He who gives up prayer intentionally becomes an infidel. In other words, he comes near to coming out of faith as his firm tie becomes loose and his pillar falls down just as when a man comes near a town it is said that he has reached the town and entered it".
38)The prophet (SAL) said: "He who gives up prayer intentionally, becomes free from the covenant of Mohammed (SAL)".
39)The prophet (SAL) said: "O Abu Hurairah, enjoin on the members of your family to pray as you can't conceive wherefrom God will supply you provision".
40)The prophet (SAL) said: "Compulsory prayer is like a scale. He who measures out in full takes full".
If you find any mistakes, problems, falsities, or have any comments, questions, suggestions, please email Baba.
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