Journalism is a mission to spotlight the best and the worst happenings in the human community and in our environments. A journalist, if given freedom and tools, can perform one of the highest human functions: broadcasting true information that readers, viewers and listeners can use to make their lives and all lives better. Journalists can also make suggestions about better ways to perform tasks and jobs. And the best journalists can make good use of humor. But a journalist can also be a propagandist in service to the worst forms of media lust and to the most corrupt of corporations, CEOs and governments. We
need to be alert to the signs of propaganda and we need to follow the money and ideologue trails that lead to the sources of media corruption. Is all the press and other media really
free and accurate and if not, why not? Are all the people glued to their papers, magazines, books, TVs, radios and computers really free and if not, why not? Are government sources of information accurate and unbiased? Are corporate sources of information accurate and unbiased? Are religious sources of information accurate and unbiased? Question them all and never stop searching for the truth, the real truth which is embedded in the real sources: Mother Earth and Mother Universe. 99% of searching for the truth lies in creating the right questions so you can get the right answers.
© 1997