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FUTURE FREEDOM (21 goals for the 21st century)


Much has been written about freedom but none of us is really free until all of the following goals have been achieved:

1 Free from murder, rape and robbery.

2 Free from harassment by corporations and governments.

3 Free from racism , sexism and homophobia.

4 Free from physical, sexual and psychological harassment.

5 Free from environmental pollution and human overpopulation.

6 Free from substandard, unscientific and narrowminded education.

7 Free from unhealthy diets and unhealthy lifestyles.

8 Free from political, economic, artistic and media censorship.

9 Free from dangerous products (including guns and unsafe cars).

10 Free from child and spousal abuse by testosterone-crazed, violence-addicted men.

11 Free from corrupt elections and corrupt politicians bought by the rich and powerful (until we have fundamental, thorough, complete and radical reform of campaign finance and lobbying, there cannot be a democracy in America and in most of the rest of the so-called free world).

12 Free from subconscious compulsions (the subconscious should aid behavior, not compel it).

13 Free from war and its basic causes (selfish and narrowminded ultranationalism, ethnic addiction and greed).

14 Free from harmful and deadly drugs (without resorting to misbegotten drug wars). Even widely used drugs can be harmful to some individuals.

15 Free from secret agencies like the CIA (secret organizations, like vampires, cannot live in the sunshine). This is an essential component of the final revolution: the end of conspiracies, both governmental and nongovernmental.

16 Free from starvation and subhuman living standards (desperate people are not free to do the right thing).

17 Free from usurious interest charges and other capital outrages (as in unregulated credit cards and other business cons).

18 Free from stupid advertising and stupid political campaigns (manipulation of our subconscious is asinine and turns us into robots).

19 Free from brutal jails, brutal jailers, brutal police and brutal ex-cons (by having a more effective and humane justice system).

20 Free from superstition, unreal religions and other antiscientific poppycock (religion is fine if it is in synch with current scientific and common sense reality).

21 Free from lawyers (until all law is written in simple basic language; all evidence is collected, evaluated and presented in a scientific manner; all jurors and judges are cleansed of subconscious bias and all lawyers are fired, there cannot be an acceptable level of justice in courts).

© 1997 rsaxton@cyber-dyne.com


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