1998 DAILY 2000 DAILY 2001 DAILY 2002 DAILY 2003 DAILY 2004 DAILY 1999 DAILY 2005 2006 2007 2008
4-28 The United States of America is not a civilized nation because numerous medical mistakes occur and kill/injure many patients because of poorly integrated medical training and poorly integrated medical databases and poorly prescribed medications many of which do more harm than good because of pushy prescription drug manufacturers.
4-27 The entire Nouri al Maliki government in Iraq is so corrupt that it will not be possible for Iraq to be a democracy until the entire Maliki government is removed from office.
4-26 Does anyone have an estimate of how much money Cheney and Bush and friends stole?
4-25 The United States of America is not a civilized nation because millions of sick Americans are tortured with pain and die every year because they lack single payer health insurance and so the sick insurance kingpins and prescription kingpins can make obscene profits.
4-24 The United States of America is not a civilized nation because thousands of Americans are killed and injured every year by eating junk food.
4-23 The United States of America is not a civilized nation because thousands of Americans are killed and injured every year by smoking cigarettes.
4-22 The United States of America is not a civilized nation because thousands of Americans are killed and injured every year by drunk drivers.
4-21 The United States of America is not a civilized nation because the majority of its police departments torture American citizens with the torture device called the Taser.
4-20 We will always experience mysteries because when we solve a mystery there will always be new mysteries that pop into existance and need to be solved.
4-19 If one is to invest a lot of faith in some one or some thing one should be very sure that the one/thing is a reality capable of delivering but most folks have faith in one or more ancient phantoms that are clearly unreal and incapable.
4-18 Seek and ye shall find is a nice truism but for criminals it changes to sneak and ye shall find.
4-17 It isn't over until the 47-year-old woman sings, Susan Boyle.
4-16 Authoritarian rule creates a great need for change and improvement and the resulting change/improvement moves us toward a real democracy which will stimulate everyone to improve the things that technology and thought are capable of improving.
4-15 Which one of these three groups is the most stuck in the grossest aspects of the human past: the taliban, the pirates or the USA racists?
4-14 Religious folks who persecute those of other religions or who persecute secular folks are living proof of the bankruptcy of their own characters.
4-13 Liberty and justice for all is still a long hard slog because so many folks are still hung up on really goofy old beliefs.
4-12 War is human criminal activity at its largest scale and the primary reason it still exists is that most folks have been brainwashed to follow their national leadership no matter how corrupt and criminal and lying it happens to be as the Bushie regime proved in being able to start a criminal war against Iraq.
4-11 Sometimes lie detectors reveal the truth and sometimes lie detectors just reveal giberish but usually what they reveal is a blurry crock of mystereous giberish/truth/bullshit.
4-10 The USA under the Bushies was: here a crook, there a crook, everywhere a crook-crook which created global economic disaster.
4-9 Margaret Thatcher said that Ronald Reagan was a poor dear with nothing between his ears which is also applicable to George W. Bush for they were/are puppets of the selfish greedy rich environment destroyers.
4-8 The biggest problem that planet Earth has is human overpopulation/overconsumption/over war/over travel/overshipping/overpollution/overcorruption/overgreed: we have become like a plague of locusts.
4-7 If the Obama Administration and the Congress are to really fix our economic meltdown they need to fire its perpetrators and prosecute them to the full extent of the law instead of rewarding them else the American Dream will collapse into worthless shards of painful glass.
4-6 In the name of honesty and integrity the Republican Party should be renamed the Selfish Rich Party.
4-5 One who pays a significant amount of interest on credit card(s) is a financial idiot paying money to greedy/irresponsible environment destroyers.
4-4 If the Obama administration and the Congress do not reveal the truth about our financial criminals at the top and see to it that they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law then USA power to affect world affairs for the better will collapse into a puddle of worthless crap.
4-3 We need to convert from a money/religion-based society to a science/environment-based society in order to maximize decent survival potential.
4-2 The Taliban do mistreat women and girls but they are against the opium production in Afghanistan while the USA is for the opium production in Afghanistan because USA interests profit from it.
4-1 The war against terrorism and the group called Al Qaida are both fictions created by Cheney and his allies who are the real villains in today's world.
3-31 If President Obama really wants to do responsible and successful change he and the Congress should abolish the entire illegitimate, unscientific, irrational and insane American banking system and replace it with a compassionate scientific system that helps all of us and our environment and our ability to survive in decency.
3-30 It seems strange to me that President Obama takes seriously the advice of generals whose occupation is to order the commission of mass murder in the cause of American dominion.
3-29 Lies and bad deeds occur in numerous variety and it seems the Bushies created lies in every possible category imaginable and even created new categories of criminal lies/activities.
3-28 I believe in total religious freedom which means that everyone who has religious beliefs should be free to express those beliefs without fear of being punished by anyone or any group and that those who do not have religious beliefs should be free to express their secular beliefs without fear of being punished by anyone or any group.
3-27 If the USA government is to become beloved to the other nations of the world it must purge itself of its three prime false beliefs: God, USA Dominion and the Goodness of most USA prescription drugs.
3-26 Three steps to end the Mexican/USA drug war: legalize/regulate marijuana, stop sending big guns to Mexico and regulate/medically-treat hard drug use.
3-25 Change for the better is the driving force behind evolution for all life forms and it is how all species including ourselves were created so if one is fixated on no change that one is crazy.
3-24 Capitalism has run amok in the reckless system in which we are stuck so if President Obama doesn't give us the right whama to create decent living for all Americans then it will be necessary to replace him with someone less tied to the selfish rich greedmongers and war/kill addicts.
3-23 God is simply a fairy tale designed to inflate the ego of men and deflate the ego of women, a procedure which is harmful to men, women and children because it distorts reality.
3-22 War does not bring order out of chaos, it merely creates an increased and more deadly and more complex and more warped chaos.
3-21 Those who strive to kill and die quite easily become insane while those who sit on the throne of decent reality are protected from insanity.
3-20 It is not good to be rich because the more money one spends the more one is wrecking the environment.
3-19 We have a financial meltdown because the Bushies subsidized numerous lords of frankensteinian greed.
3-18 All religious groups should have the right to exist and all secular groups should have the right to exist but no group has the right to kill or otherwise displace any other group and its members in war or other action so all wars and occupations should be illegal in international law.
3-17 The only throne worth sitting in front of is the throne of peace, freedom, clean environment, real democracy and scientific discovery of reality.
3-16 The worst leaders are the ones who tell the most lies and who embrace ancient unverifiable fairy tales and the best leaders are those who tell the most verified facts of life and death and science and technology and who refrain from blessing continuing American bombings which are war crimes.
3-15 Perhaps the greatest failing of most folks is to obey nasty orders to harm persons or things or environments in wars and other conflicts but this can be repealed by a stiff dose of the campassionate reality of sweet change.
3-14 There is a lot more ancient stupidity and ancient false speculation than there is ancient correct beliefs.
3-13 The inevitability of death shines a bright spotlight on the vanity and foolishness of storing up wealth on Earth.
3-12 It seems rather bizzare to me that anyone would want to go to another country and kill folks there which is what war and occupation are all about so if Barack is really a good person he would make peace not war in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan and everywhere.
3-11 Our current economic woes are primarily caused by the greedy rich assholes who stole several elections and created several wars and created several scams.
3-10 All bad governments are powered by greed and/or religion and all good governments are powered by a consensus of all of their people.
3-9 If Barack can spend 8 years saving us from the Bushie's crack economic crash then perhaps Michelle can spend 8 additional years saving us from the Bushies' hell fire and brimstone.
3-8 Money without intelligence is about as useful a possession as is a boat without water.
3-7 Sometimes one has to drill holes through the tough fabric of warped lies in order to locate the truth.
3-6 Many men take a piss because they don't give a shit.
3-5 Prophesy is an art impossible to master for the universe is incredibly complicated and is full of surprises and kinks so being hooked on any ancient prophet is an exercise in futility.
3-4 A lot of human and other misery would be eliminated if we would stop eating mammals.
3-3 Rush Limbaugh is a TBI = a Total Brainwashed Idiot who has turned his audience into TBIs as well.
3-2 The way to end war is to put everyone in jail who has started a war, beginning with recent war criminals like Cheney/Bush.
3-1 Every human being has facets of excellence and every human being has facets of defects and the whole point of evolution is to increase excellence and to decrease the defects.
2-28 The selfish rich are so stupid and immoral that they don't realize that they are destroying the life on Earth that makes it possible for them to earn big bucks.
2-27 All these warmongering fools in the USA and elsewhere have totally missed the reality that atomic and other "advanced" weapons have made warfare completely obsolete as a mechanism of dominion.
2-26 Taser International Inc., police departments who issue tasers and the cops who fire tasers are all guilty of mass torture and mass murder for using deadly and very torturous tasers on human beings.
2-25 It would be a lot easier to end war if we first divorced capitalism from war by making it illegal for anyone to profit from making any of the weapons used in warfare.
2-24 We have recently embarked on creating a society of sustained frankness, a society where life is more than repetition, a society of high/useful toil. a society that looks upon growing and learning and knowing and doing and creating as the highest good.
2-23 If President Obama does not make peace in both Iraq and Afghanistan in his first term then we will know that he is controlled by the same warmongering idiots that brought us war and more war under Bush/Cheney.
2-22 Major human errors are caused by warped "facts" stored in the brain which are in reality simply false assumptions topping previous false assumptions.
2-21 What scientists know today is but a small fraction of what they will learn and know in the years to come.
2-20 If classical religious folks would stop reading their outdated bibles and start reading the new genetic codes of life and other discoveries of scientists they would discover the real nature of the beginnings and changes of the many living species of Earth.
2-19 War is not a rational path of action so the fact that we continue to wage war that was created in ancient times is proof of our continuing irrationality.
2-18 The more ancient one's ideas and beliefs are, the more likely they are to be wrong.
2-17 When the Bushies were in power we were drooping toward extinction and now that the Obamas are in power we are drooping toward survival.
2-16 Now is a strange concoction of the universe and of the human mind for it is an instant which lives forever or until one dies, depending on one's point of view and longevity.
2-15 We know a lot of things about a lot of humans, other animals, plants and other objects but we don't know everything about any one life form or any one object or any one element for our knowledge base is not that detailed or comprehensive so there remains a huge number of details to be discovered both by scientists and nonscientists so know-it-alls are guilty of huge errors.
2-14 Creationists are grown people who still believe the silly fairy tales they were taught as children.
2-13 What a dishoner it was to have a President for 8 years who screwed up thousands of times and never once said that he screwed up and what an honor it is now to have a President who, when he screws up which can happen to all of us, quite honestly admits that he screwed up.
2-12 American torturers should be imprisoned on a sliding scale with the highest in command getting the most years in prison and the lowest in command getting the least years after being convicted under relevant international law (G.W. Bush gets the most years).
2-11 A real Democracy is when most of the poor people vote to keep the very rich from screwing most of them.
2-10 If folks would stop operating on the ridiculous idea that growth is always good then the human race and the planet would have a chance of survival in decency and pride.
2-9 The feral pigs that infest Wall Street need to be investigated, prosecuted and jailed for creating crooked financial schemes that destroy economies.
2-8 President Obama is breaking the massive Bushie bubble of crazy reactionary degradation of low income people by the wealthiest of crooks by introducing the novel idea in DC of fairness and justice for all regardless of financial status.
2-7 The Bushies spent 8 years increasing war crimes in the world so now the Obamas need to spend 8 years decreasing war crimes in the world.
2-6 I am secular because the religions I am familiar with contradict some of the laws of nature that I am familiar with.
2-5 President Obama and the Congress should clearly think about all the means at their disposal so they can discard those unlikely to work to improve the economy, jobs, health, education, environment, etc. and concentrate on bettering the future without putting money into the hands of the selfish rich who created our economic disaster with their personal greediness and dimwit law breaking.
2-4 Men who throw stones and slander at women are the same men who create economic disasters, environmental disasters and military disasters.
2-3 President Obama needs only to do one thing to rescue America from economic, environmental and military disaster: give all bullshit a Whama.
2-2 It doesn't much matter what anyone's religious, secular or other beliefs are for we are all farting animals in the end.
2-1 It is not possible to have justice in a society where police break the law and are usually not prosecuted but this is the true case in most nations including the U.S.A.
1-31 It would be nice if human beings could learn how to progressively improve the environment of Earth instead of progressively trashing it with nasty objects and nasty liquids and nasty gases.
1-30 Temperature is the most important aspect of any planet's environment and that is basically why we must urgently and successfully attack the problem of global warming very soon and with great vigor else our economic and war problems will become peanuts by comparison.
1-29 Dreams whether voluntary or involuntary are peeks into alternate ways of being or doing which are better or worse than what happens in our current civilizations so they can be either embraced or condemned, used or forgotten.
1-28 The Obama basic idea is to act in the best interests of all of us whereas the Bushie idea was to act in the best interests of their richest friends which created our current superwarmongering and economy busting catastrophes.
1-27 President Obama and his foreign policy advisors need to embrace the Israeli peace movement and the international peace movement instead of embracing the current Israeli war government or future Israeli war governments if there is ever going to be peace, decency and prosperity in the Middle East, otherwise the Obama Presidency will be a failure in the future.
1-26 Christianity, Judaism and Islam have all been so perverted by charlatans, greedmongers, warmongers, bigots, mass murderers, narrowmindedness and hypocrites that they have become, for the most part, worse than worthless.
1-25 Now that we have been freed from Gross National Mismanagement caused by greed, war crimes and narrowminded belief systems we can proceed to solve our national and international and planetary environmental problems using our best scientific and engineering and diplomatic hands-on skills.
1-24 It doesn't matter what religion you believe in or no religion if that is your choice, if you commit war crimes then you must do jail times else the rule of law is just bullshit.
1-23 The more secrets an administration has the worse that administration is, for transparency is the key component of any administration.
1-22 When the greedy are in control of government national disaster becomes inevitable.
1-21 All cultures have some silly beliefs because all cultures are somewhat stuck in their silly limited pasts.
1-20 350 parts per million is the tipping point for global carbon disaster and we have exceeded that so we need to get it down to 350 at least if we are to avoid a global disaster of epic proportions (see 350.org).
1-19 The primary function of health insurance companies in the USA is to make rich folks richer and poor folks poorer and sicker which is a crime against poor folks and against common decency.
1-18 I cannot support Israeli state terrorism because it is criminal killing and maiming in support of an ancient obsolete religion similar to criminal forms of Islam and Christianity = what Israel needs is sane leadership obeying international law instead of insane leadership which does not obey international law.
1-17 The four prime causes of war are greed, nationalism, religious bigotry and racial bigotry so if we can minimize greed, nationalism, religious bigotry and racial bigotry then we can end wars.
1-16 At this moment in history the USA and Israel are both mired in their situations as the world's most war criminal-afflicted nations and if President soon Obama does not correct this situation then the USA will have suffered through 2 failed administrations in a row.
1-15 I think the world would be fundamentally better if Fundamentalist Islam, Fundamentalist Judaism and Fundamentalist Christianity would all three vanish from the face of the Earth.
1-14 We cannot get rid of all viruses for if we did the entire living ecosystem would collapse including us and we cannot continue killing people in wars for it would cause the collapse of civilization which is the primary way humans are better than other animals.
1-13 The universe is biased toward progressive change for the better so any leadership that makes things worse is guilty of a series of utterly stupid mistakes and crimes = the Bushies.
1-12 Since everything and everyone is in motion, change is inevitable so determining the best change to work for is what will insure that the change will really be helpful and positive and successful.
1-11 We are trudging along a nauseous road toward multiple man-made disasters called war, overpopulation, overpollution and overstupidity caused by dopey and greedy beliefs and actions instead of using our enormous databases to create a wonderful scenario of decency and survival.
1-10 Barack Obama's 3 prime missions should be to change the mission in Iraq from dominion to democracy, change the mission in Afghanistan from dominion to democracy and to change the USA government from dominion of the rich crooks to dominion of all of the people of the USA = create 3 real democracies.
1-9 The numerous war crimes committed by the Israeli leadership is the best evidence we have that the creation of the religious state of Israel was a gross and terrible mistake and that any state in the world based on a specific religion is a terrible mistake.
1-8 Almost all humans are in the spectrum from weird to crazy; for example, all religious folks are at least weird and the religious ones who fight wars and thus kill people are plumb crazy.
1-7 Since the CIA , in collaberation with members of many administrations, has some members who are guilty of criminal activity, it will be excellent to have a new head of the CIA who is not a criminal, if he is confirmed.
1-6 Until we discard war there will be no peace to keep and there will always be war until the powers that be conclude that war is the ugliest manifestation of narrowminded religious bigotry.
1-5 Capitalism is basically a crazy, dippy and greedful system of human commercial interaction which requires an uncorrupted and rational guide system to operate smoothly, predictably and without gross pollution or goofy mood swings or war: let us create a government that is worthy and corruption-free and warmongering free so that it is able to properly regulate the greediest among us.
1-4 There is no such thing as real independence for we are all dependent on basic supplies like sunlight, water, crops, air, animals, each other, etc. so it is cooperative make do to survive and thrive as best we can, yes we can.
1-3 With the current Israeli leadership escalating Israel's war crimes it is completely impossible for there to be peace in the Middle East so it looks like World War III has just begun.
1-2 If one has a nice mental vision that has not yet come true and then works so that it does come true, that is the essence of excellent creation.
1-1 Obama has signaled that he intends to be a President for everyone, even the kookiest of kooks.
� 2007 rsaxton@cyber-dyne.com