In this era of weapons of mass death, creation of lasting peace worldwide is more urgent than ever before. But the governments, organizations and peoples of the world cannot be expected to discard the agony-creating tools of war until there is a worldwide agreement to do so. No government can be expected to disarm when it feels insecure by the presence of a militarily more powerful neighbor. This military catch 22 can be resolved by the following scenario: a disarmament proposal which will work provided the good will of the peoples of the US and the world can be fully activated.
The prerequisite for saving our societies from war is to discard the asinine idea that we can stop wars by fighting a war. Fighting a war only preserves and validates the habits of thought and action that cause wars. Anyone who believes that the US (or other nation that one lives in) should have the most advanced and deadliest armaments in stock to fight a war also believes (at least subconsciously) that war and mass murder are good. It is the acme of hypocracy for a Christian (or other religious person who believes a "thou shalt not kill" statement) to support a government that is prepared and willing to fight a war. A "Christian Soldier" is an oxymoronic perversion of reality.
We can move toward general and complete disarmament worldwide by numbers that cannot lie: For military purposes, there should be a complete disregard of geography, ethnicity, politics, economics, religion and nation size. Disarmament would begin with United Nations inspection teams being dispatched to every nation to make an assessment of military rank, taking into account all kinds of firepower and lethality of weapons. Then, the top military power would disarm down to the level of #2. Then 1 & 2 would disarm down to the level of #3. Then 1&2&3 down to 4, etc. This process would continue until no nation is powerful enough to subdue and occupy any other nation. War would disappear.
Would such an ideal scenario be possible? That depends on the people of the US since the US is currently the top military dog. If the people of the US really want disarmament and peace, the real peace process can begin. But if the people of the US do not want disarmament and peace, we may be hounded by the dogs of war forever.
© 1997