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No links here, just names and summaries. If you must know more about a twit,
YAHOO him (almost all my twits are male - the most corrupt, violent, nasty, fundamentalist, fascistic, retro, conspiratorial, sexist, polluting, undemocratic, reactionary people tend to be male - exceptions to this rule will be made in those cases where a woman helped cause a major degradation to US and/or world democracy). Know ye the creeps and you can be free from them.

Jeff Miller: Rep. Congressman Florida, for bad: child health, spying, security, tax cuts, Iraq war, troop surge, homelessness, fence, torture, trade, flag fetish, research

Howard McKeon: Rep. Congressman California, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions, homelessness, security, fence, torture, trade, flag fetish

John McHugh: Rep. Congressman New York, for bad: spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, fence, flag fetish, research

Patrick McHenry: Rep. Congressman North Carolina, for bad: child health, spying, security, Iraq war, troop surge, student loans, prescriptions, homelessness, fence, tax cuts, torture, flag fetish, research

Thad McCotter: Rep. Congressman Michigan, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, fence, flag fetish, research

Michael McCaul: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, homelessness, fence, trade, research

Kenny Marchant: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions, fence, homelessness, torture, trade, flag fetish, research

Don Manzullo: Rep. Congressman Illinois, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, homelessness, security, fence, trade, flag fetish, research

Dan Lungren: Rep. Congressman California, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions, homelessness, security, fence, torture, trade, flag fetish, research, stimulus.

Frank LoBiondo: Rep. Congressman New Jersey, for bad: spying, Iraq war, fence, tax cuts, student loans, homelessness, flag fetish, research

Robert Latta: Rep. Congressman Ohio, for bad: recovery, women's choice, child health, natural resources, issues responses to citizens

Steven LaTourette: Rep. Congressman Ohio, for bad: spying, Iraq war, tax cuts, fence, trade, flag fetish

John Kuhl: Rep. Congressman New York, for bad: abortion rights, conservatism, Bush policies, Iraq war, labor, research, mortgages, Patriot Act, gay rights, voting

John Kline: Rep. Congressman Minnesota, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions, homelessness, security, fence, trade, flag fetish, research

Mark Kirk: Rep. Congressman Illinois, for bad: spying, Iraq war, fence, taxcuts, homelessness, unfair trade, flag fetish

Steve King: Rep. Congressman Iowa, for bad: child health, spying, security, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions, homelessness, fence, torture, trade, research.

Pete King: Rep. Congressman New York, for bad: spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, fence, homelessness, torture, trade, research.

Tim Johnson: Rep. Congressman Illinois, for bad: child health, Iraq war, fence, tax cuts for big oil and the rich, trade, flag fetish, research

Darrell Issa: Rep. Congressman California, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions, homelessness

Bob Inglis: Rep. Congressman South Carolina, for bad: child health, spying, security, Iraq war, prescriptions, homelessness, fence, tax cuts, trade

Kenny Hulshof: Rep. Congressman Missouri, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, fence, homelessness,trade

Pete Hoekstra: Rep. Congressman Michigan, for bad: child health,spying,security,Iraq war,troop surge,tax cuts,student loans,torture,homelessness

Dave Hobson: Rep. Congressman Ohio, for bad: spying, Iraq war, troup surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, homelessness, fence, torture, trade, research

Jeb Hensarling: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, Iraq war, spying, troup surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions,torture,security

Robin Hayes: Rep. Congressman North Carolina, for bad: child health, Iraq war, troup surge, prescriptions, fence, tax cuts, homelessness, torture

Sam Graves: Rep. Congressman Missouri, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troup surge, tax cuts, prescriptions,homelessness,security,torture

Bob Goodlatte: Rep. Congressman Virginia, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, tax cuts, security, fence,homelessness,trade,flag fetish,research

Virgil Goode: Rep. Congressman Virginia, for bad: child health, security, Iraq war, tax cuts, prescriptions, spying, homelessness, torture, research

Louie Gohmert: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, surge, tax cuts, prescriptions,homelessness,security,fence,torture

Wayne Gilchrest: Rep. Congressman Maryland, for bad: spying, prescriptions, security, fence, rich tax cuts, homelessness, unfair trade

Jim Gerlach: Rep. Congressman Pennsylvania, for bad: spying, Iraq war, surge, prescriptions, fence, tax cuts, coddling Oil, unfair trade, flag fetish

Scot Garrett: Rep. Congressman New Jersey, for bad: child health, spying,Iraq war,surge,tax cuts,prescriptions,student loans,security,fence,torture

Elton Gallegly: Rep. Congressman California, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, homelessness, torture,trade

Rodney Frelinghuysen: Rep. Congressman New Jersey, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, fence, trade

Trent Franks: Rep. Congressman Arizona, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, surge, tax cuts, student loans, homelessness, torture, trade

Vito Fossella: Rep. Congressman New York, for bad: spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, fence, homelessness, torture, trade, flag fetish

Jeff Fortenberry: Rep. Congressman Nebraska, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, student loans,prescriptions,homelessness,trade

J. Randy Forbes: Rep. Congressman Virginia, for bad:child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge,tax cuts,prescriptions,homelessness,security,trade

Jeff Flake: Rep. Congressman Arizona, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, prescriptions,homelessness,fence,tax cuts,student loans

Mike Ferguson: Rep. Congressman New Jersey, for bad: spying, Iraq war, troop surge, prescriptions, fence, tax cuts, homelessness,trade,research

Phil English: Rep. Congressman Pennsylvania, for bad: spying, Iraq war, tax cuts, prescriptions, security, fence, homelessness, trade, research

Vernon Ehlers: Rep. Congressman Michigan, for bad: spying, Iraq war, surge, prescriptions, security, fence, tax cuts, homelessness, trade,research

John Duncan: Rep. Congressman Tennessee, for bad: child health, spying, security, Iraq war, tax cuts, prescriptions, fence, homelessness, trade

David Dreier: Rep. Congressman California, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war,surge,tax cuts,student loans,prescriptions, homelessness,torture

Lincoln Diaz-Balart: Rep. Congressman Florida, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, homelessness, trade,research

Charley Dent: Rep. Congressman Pennsylvania, for bad: spying, Iraq war, surge, tax cuts, prescriptions,fence,homelessness,unfair trade,flag fetish

Nathan Deal: Rep. Congressman Georgia, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, surge, tax cuts, prescriptions, loans, security, fence, torture, trade

Geoff Davis: Rep. Congressman Kentucky, for bad: child health, spying, security, Iraq war, surge. tax cuts, prescriptions, fence, trade, research

John Culberson: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, spying, security, Iraq war, surge,tax cuts, student loans,prescriptions,torture,trade

Ander Crenshaw: Rep Congressman Florida, for bad: child health, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, prescriptions,security,homelessness,torture,trade

Mike Conaway: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, tax cuts, student loans, prescriptions, wages, torture

Tom Cole: Rep. Congressman Oklahoma, for bad: child health, spying, Iraq war, troop surge, prescriptions, wages,security,fence,tax breaks,torture

Howard Coble: Rep. Congressman North Carolina, for bad: child health, spying, security, Iraq war,tax breaks,student loans,starvation,fence,torture

Steve Chabot: Rep. Congressman Ohio, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, Iraq war, energy, starvation, fence, tax breaks, torture, trade

Michael Castle: Rep. Congressman Delaware, for bad: spying on Americans, Iraq war, fence, rich tax breaks, homelessness,unfair trade,flag fetish

John Carter: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, Iraq war, surge, energy, loans, prescriptions, wages, torture

Eric Cantor: Rep. Congressman Virginia, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, Iraq war, surge, energy, loans, prescriptions, wages, torture

Chris Cannon: Rep. Congressman Utah, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, Iraq war, energy, surge, loans, prescriptions, wages, torture

John Campbell: Rep. Congressman California, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, Iraq war, energy, surge, student loans, wages, torture

Michael Burgess: Rep. Congressman Texas, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, Iraq war, energy, surge, student loans, wages, torture

Henry Brown: Rep. Congressman South Carolina, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, Iraq war, energy, surge, student loans, wages

Paul Broun: Rep. Congressman Georgia, for bad: child health, spying on Americans, trails, miner protection, energy, insurance, lending

Charles Boustany: Rep. Congressman Louisianna, for bad: child health/spying/Iraq war/oil pollution/prescriptions/security/taxes/poverty/ethics

John Boozman: Rep.Congressman Arkansas, for bad: child health/spying/Iraq/oil pollution/prescriptions/security/taxes/fence/poverty/environment

Joe Bonner: Rep. Congressman Alabama, for: sick children, spying on citizens, Iraq war, oil pollution, less college, costly drugs, poverty, torture

Rob Bishop: Rep. Congressman Utah, for: oil dependency, unhealthy children, polluting energy, dirty water, spying on citizens, preditory lending

Brian Bilbray: Rep. Congressman California, for: sick children, spying on citizens, bad security, Iraq war, excess oil profits, polluting fuels, poverty

Gresham Barrett: Rep. Congressman South Carolina, for: sick children, spying on citizens, bad security, Iraq war, polluting fuels, poverty, torture

Rodney Alexander: Rep. Congressman Louisianna, for: bad child health, spying on citizens, long Iraq war, rich tax cuts, expensive drugs, bad ethics

Todd Akin: Rep. Congressman Missouri, for: unhealthy children, spying on citizens, long/deadly Iraq war, rich tax cuts, expensive drugs, poverty

John Warner: Rep. US Senator Virginia, for bad: spying, immigration reform, Iraq war, Military Commissions, tax breaks, welfare, Gonzales, Alito

George Voinovich: Rep. US Senator Ohio, for bad: spying/health/Gonzales/immigration/Iraq war/bankruptcy/Alito/welfare/corporations/trade

David Vitter: Rep. US Senator Louisiana, for: promiscuity, Guiliani, far right, spying on citizens, bad health care, Gonzales, Iraq war, rich tax cuts

John Sununu: Rep. US Senator New Hampshire, for bad water/food/immigration/judges, Bush, rich tax cuts, sick/hungry/uneducated children

Arlan Specter: Rep. US Senator Pennsylvania, for: death penalty, guns, flat tax, spying on citizens, Iraq war, rich tax breaks, rich CEOs, Bolton

Mel Martinez: Rep. US Senator Florida, for: spying on Americans, bad health care, bad Gonzalez, bad immigration, Iraq war, bad research,pollution

Richard Lugar: Rep. US Senator Indiana, for: Alberto Gonzales,Iraq war,no immigration reform,rich tax breaks,bad Supreme Court,fake free trade

Judd Greg: Republican US Senator New Hampshire, 86.6 % party, for: criminal soldiers, Iraq war, bad health care,war against poor,global warming

Michael Enzi: Republican US Senator Wyoming, 6th most conservative Sen., anti: internet, peace, civil rights, good soldiers, good water, poor folks

John Ensign:Republican US Senator Nevada, is anti: peace, UN, fair taxes, fair research,fair Supreme Court, fair welfare,fair trade,fair bankruptcy

Jim DeMint: Republican US Senator South Carolina is anti: ending Iraq war, revising Iraq policy, fair taxes, decent welfare, decent Supreme Court

John Cornyn: Republican US Senator Texas, is anti sex/stem cell/education/constitution/tax, for global warming/poison/guns/corruption/war

Thad Cochran: Rep US Senator Mississippi,anti:Iraq benchmarks/timetable/withdrawal & for:rich tax cuts/poorer poor/torture/greed/racism/sexism

John Barraso: Republican US Senator Wyoming, pro-life/NRA/public school prayer/95.2 % partisan/anti-gay

Lamar Alexander: Republican US Senator Tennessee, Nixonish, ex Gov, 88.1 % partisan; for Iraq war, rich tax cuts, poverty

Tim Walberg: new Republican Congressman Michigan, likes: Bushies, Iraq war, drilling Great Lakes, unFairness, guns, bad health care

Adrian Smith: new Rep Congressman Nebraska, anti: stem cell research, renewable energy, railroad travel, affordable education, peace, troop rest

Bill Sali: new Republican Congressman, Idaho, anti: empathy, taxes, abortion, foreigners, students, living wage, homeland security

Peter Roskam: new R Congress Illinois,pro:concealed weapons,Iraq deaths,expensive drugs,death penalty,rich tax cuts,earmarks,Bush,low wages

Kevin McCarthy: Republican Congressman California, for: Iraq war/one-man-woman/CEO crooks/death penalty/vouchers/abstinance/lots of guns

Doug Lamborn: Colorado Republican Congressman, opposes gun control, abortion, stem cell research, whistleblowers, affordable drugs, Iraq peace

Jim Jordan: Ohio Republican Congressman, for continuing escalation of Iraq dead, more subsidy oil profits, education of rich only, slave wages

Dean Heller: Nevada Republican Congressman, backed by casinos, speculators, other corporate cash & Bushie criminals

David Davis: new Republican Congressman, Tennessee, favors all Bushie faults like illegal wars and torture

Bob Corker: Tennessee, only new Republican US Senator, sleezy businessman, favors rich tax cuts & poor to war/warming

Vern Buchanan: Florida Republican Congressman, crashed American Speedy Printing, backs war criminals Cheney/Bush

Gus Bilirakis: Florida Congressman likes Bushies; wants to end income tax; worships English and Jerusalem

Butch Otter: Idaho Gov., contributions from Abramoff, anti: environment, public education, public health, seniors, ACLU, choice, labor, gay

Galen Fox: Hawaii: state Rep.,convicted sexual misconduct against sleeping woman on flight, resigned

Dalton Tanonaka: 3 months prison + 3 months house arrest for lying about money received during Hawaii campaigns

Felix Camacho: Guam Gov., Abramoff ties, falsely demoted a US Attorney with Attorney General Gonzales' help

John Linder: Georgia Congressman, Abramoff sucker, against voting/woman/gay/health/social security/death/poor rights

Jack Kingston: Georgia Congressman, Abramoff sucker, pro death, anti health research, pro war crimes

Phil Gingrey: Georgia Congressman, Abramoff contributions, Iraq war hawk, torture hawk, Iran hater, Delay money sucker

Saxby Chambliss:Georgia US Senator,contributions from Abramoff,smeared Max Cleland,0%NARAL,7%ACLU, 0%conservation,15%AFL-CIO

John Isakson: Georgia US Senator, contributions from Abramoff, Right to Life, anti Humane Society, 0% civil liberties 03-04, bigot

Mario Diaz-Balart: Florida Republican Congressman received MZM Mitchell Wade money, supported Children's Defense Fund 0%

Tom Feeney: US Rep. Florida, received Abramoff contributions, ties overbilling Florida, helped W steal 2000 presidency

Rob Simmons: ex-Connecticut Representative, contributions from Abramoff/Delay's ARMPAC, voted to weaken House ethics, antienvironment

Colorado Republican Party: contributions from Delay/Abramoff ripping off Native American tribes

Bill Lowery: ex-Congressman, lobbyist, 300+ bad checks, accepted many bribes, did many gross earmarks

Jerry Lewis: California Rep. , very corrupt, Rolling Stone says one of the worst Representatives

Ed Royce: Congressman received contributions from Abramoff and casinos and he helped convicted felon Rubin

Doug Ose: retired Cal. Rep. received contributions from Abramoff and from Native American groups who hired him

Dana Rohrabacher: California Representative tied to Jack Abramoff, said "He's a very honest man"

Rick Renzi: Rep. Congressman 1st district Arizona, contributions from Jack Abramoff/Mitchell Wade, antienvironmental/pro corruption

J.D. Hayworth: Arizona Representative received contributions from Jack Abramoff, lost his seat in 2006 elections

Mickey Stumbah: Arkansas cop/mayor drew 33 days of disciplinary suspensions

Arkansas Rep. Party: contributions from Tom Delay's ARMPAC linked to Jack Abramoff felony charges

Pete Kott: Alaska State Rep., offices searched by FBI/IRS for ties to corrupt VECO Corp, brutal to 1st wife

Bruce Weyrauch: Alaska State Rep., probed by FBI, IRS for ties to corrupt VECO Corp, on ethics commitee

Tom Anderson: Alaska State Rep., arrested by FBI, bribery warrant involving corrupt VECO Corp.

John Cowdery: Alaska State Senate Rules Chairman, office searched by FBI, ties to corrupt VECO Corp.

Ben Stevens: Alaska State Senate President guilty of corruption galore; office raided by FBI and IRS

Robert Riley: Alabama Gov, received contributions from Abramoff and from Delay's ARMPAC

Roger G. Stilwell: Interior, indicted, pled guilty accepting Jack Abramoff bribes, false financial dislosure report

Tony Rudy: Delay dep.chief of staff, Abramoff lobbyist, pled guilty 1 conspiracy, cooperating with investigators

Mitchell Wade: defense contractor, illegally pressured employees to contribute to PAC, pled guilty to 4 felonies

Patricia Harrison: CEO Public Broadcasting; lacks expertise; partisan Republican destroyer of free speach

Kenneth Tomlinson:chair Broadcasting Board of Governors;tries to make broadcasting a Bush propaganda organ

Larry Franklin: guilty of passing secret USA policy on Iran to Israel through AIPAC, got almost 13 years jail

Keith Weisman: AIPAC ME analyst; indicted with Franklin & Rosen; conspiring to steal US secrets for Israel

Steve Rosen: conspired to steal USA secrets for Israel; was indicted with Franklin & Weisman

Michael Scanlon: Abramoff partner guilty conspiring to bribe Congress and other officials

Adam Kidan: Jack Abramoff associate, 5 yr 10 mo jail, conspiracy & fraud + $21 million restitution +

Dennis Hastert: House Speaker, got most corrupt house money thru Abramoff, pushes corrupt Bushie bankruptcy

Susan Schwab:Bush Trade Rep.,trade talks collapsing amid gloom, she/Bush pushing US toward bad economy

Joseph Lieberman: US Senator, lost Dem. primary, independent run, sucks on illegal Bush war tit & lie factory

Allen Hubbard: Bush Director Economic Policy/assistant, pushes economic greed/dominion

Henry Paulson: Bush Treasury Sec.,Goldman Sachs, other corp's, Pentagon, Nixon, wants violent global dominion

Stephen Harper: Canada PM, immoral, illegal, murderous Bush lapdog for USA/Israeli war crimes

Islam Karimov:President Uzbekistan,dictator,stolen elections,no human rights/press freedom,tortures, Bush lover

Ehud Olmert: Israel Prime Minister commiting war crimes against the people of Lebanon

Ann Coulter: Bush pusher, plagiariser, adds own lies, wants invasion/war/death, is anti-real Christianity

John Walters: Bush Drug Control, believes drug fictions & pushes stupid and inappropriate campaigns

Stephen Johnson: EPA Administrator OKs toxic testing of pesticides on kids to increase greedy chemical profits

Rob Portman: Bush Director Management/Budget; is anti- science, human rights, civil rights, environment

Clay Johnson II: Bush's Deputy who wants to dogmatize the feds and diminish our freedoms

Joshua B. Bolten: Bush Chief of Staff, etc. wants to "stabilize" the Bush presidency, an impossible task

Alphonso Jackson: Bush Housing/Urban Dev. Sec., hires Bush-loving contractors/others

Norman Mineta: Bush Transportation Sec., does for transport executives not for people/environments

Samuel W. Bodman: Bush Energy Secretary, pushing false Gods of Nukes and Dominion

Margaret Spellings: Bush Education Sec., wacky No Child Left Behind Act (not) and goofy vouchers

Carlos Gutierrez: Bush Sec. Commerce, reformed Kellogg Co., can't reform the Bushie criminals

Lynn Scarlett:InteriorDept,anti:environment&consumers,pro:polution,munitions,chemicals,wars,poor nutrition

Mike Johanns: Bush Secretary of Agriculture, makes Ag CEOs richer and poor farmers poorer

Brian J. Doyle: Dept Homeland Security, tried to seduce "14 yr old" internet sting detective, weird Bushie

Sam Brownback: Kansas Senator, throwback against all rights for women, minorities and workers

Stephen J. Hadley:Bush National Security Advisor,sucks people's money into military-industrial complex scams

Claude A. Allen: Bush's Assistant Domestic Policy, resigned, arrested felony theft, hates M.L.King, Jr.

John W. Snow: Bush's Secretary/Treasury, supports NAFTA, S. Security deform, war, richest, low wages

William J. Haynes II: chief Bush legal eagle ok'd torture, killing, war crimes & other immoral/illegal acts

"Abu Zainab": Iraq sergeant impersonating lieut. gen. Jamal al-Ghurairy to fake Iraq war legitimacy for Cheney

George Deutsch: Bush's NASA guy to indoctrinate/smear scientists who disagreed with Bush dogma; resigned

Geoffrey Miller, Maj. Gen.:created/oversaw torture at Guantanamo/Abu Ghraib = war crimes for Bushies

Ricardo Sanchez: former US Military Commander Iraq, authorized Bushie torture in Iraq

Michael Chertoff: Bush 2nd Sec. Homeland Security, Patriot Act, bungled Katrina, pro rich, anti poor

Jay Bybee: 9th Circuit Appeals Judge, anticivil rights, antidemocracy, promedieval torture

Peter Pace: Chair Joint Chiefs, sucks on Cheney/Bush criminal tit to bomb/kill/maim occupied Iraqis

John Yoo: law whore who cooked an OK for Bushies' medieval torture of humans

Tommy Franks:Operation Iraqi Freedom,Prez Medal of Freedom for pushing illegal Iraq war & other bad plans

Richard Meyers: Chair Joint Chiefs, Prez Medal of Freedom for pushing illegal Iraq war & other bad plans

George Tenet: Director CIA; Prez Medal of Freedom for pushing illegal Iraq war & other bad plans

Tom Noe: involved/connected to many Ohio political scandals; disappeared $37 million

Ernie Fletcher: Rep Gov Kentucky; pardoned 9 adm. crooks; corrupt political machine

Randy Cunningham: Ca 50 Congressman; sex harassment; huge bribe, won't run 06

John Hannah: Cheney deputy security, helps Cheney diss CIA truth tellers majorly

David S. Addington: CIA, House, Reagan, Defense; helps Cheney be cruel/inhuman

Samuel Alito: Bush Supremes nominee; anti: choice, rights, women, poor, workers

Mike DeWine: Ohio US Senator; 0% NARAL, 40% ACLU; pro: war/enviro/electoral crimes

Lester M. Crawford: FDA Commissioner, resigned; too cozy with corrupt/secretive drug pushers

Matt Blunt: Gov. Missouri; as Sec. of State caused fake election of himself, 1 of many US fakes

David Safarian:Bush's US General Services/Management & Budget,arrested in Indian Gambling Scandal

Joe Allbaugh:Bush/Cheney 2000 campaign;FEMA Director;resigned;influence-buying scandal

Bob Ney: shady deals Ohio Congressman, corrupt deals with native casinos, ethics, etc.

Jack Abramoff: corrupt lobbyist; stole money from Natives/others; greedy fraudster

Michael Brown: Bush's head Katrina cleanup/rescue, dismal failure, resigned

Judge John Bates: US District Judge, DC, always rules in Bush favor because corrupt

Bob Taft: Rep. Gov. Ohio, criminal misdemeanors for hiding favors & helped rig Bush 04

J. Kenneth Blackwell: Republican Secretary of State Ohio who illegally re-elected Bush 04

Jack Roger Williams: Secretary of State of Texas, $300,000+ to Bush Baby from Hell

Eric Tanenblatt: Senior Managing Director McKenna Long & Aldridge. $300,000+ to Bush

Thomas Stephenson: Chair Benefit Point of Sequoia Capital. $300,000 to Bush Baby

Craig N. Stapleton: President Marsh & McLenan Real Estate Advisors, $300,000+ to Bush

Manuel N. Stamatakis: President/CEO Capital Management Enterprises, $300,000+ to Bush

Stephen B. Smith: Sec./Treasurer Haury & Smith Contractors, $300,000+ to Bush

Gregory Slayton: President/CEO ClickAction, Inc. , $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Peter Secchia: ex Chair Universal Forest Products, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Dwight C. Schar: Chair/CEO NVR Inc., $300,000+ to Bush Baby from Hell

Thomas A. Saunders III: Director Dollar Tree Stores, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Larry Ruvo: Senior Managing Director Southern Wines & Spirits, $300,000+ to Bush

Aubrey Rothrock: top lobbyist Patten Boggs, $300,000+ to Bush Hell Baby

Lindsay Rosenwald: Chair Paramount Capital Investments, $300,000+ to Bush

Francis Rooney: Owner Rooney Holdings, $300,000+ to Bush Hell Baby

James Reynolds: Chair/CEO Reynolds Plantation, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Michael L. Retzer: Chair Retzer Resources, Inc. , $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Stanley Davis Phillips: President Phillips Industries, Inc. , $300,000+ to Bush

Jerry Perenchio: Chair/CEO Univision Communications, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Jack Overstreet: President/CEO Legacy International, Inc. , $300,000+ to Bush

James B. Nicholson: CEO/President PVS Chemicals, Inc., $300,000+ to Bush

Bob and Sue Nardelli: Chair/CEO Home Depot, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

H. Gary Morse: President Villages of Lake-Sumpter, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Fred Meyer: Chair Aladdin Industries, $300,000+ to Bush Baby from Hell

Linda Maynor: Attorney/Lobbiest Balch & Bingham, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Carl H. Lindner Jr. : CEO American Financial Group, $300,000+ to Bush Baby

Edward C. Levy Jr. : President Edw. C. Levy Co. , $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

Michael Lebovitz: Senior VP CBL Associates Properties, Inc., $300,000+ to Bush

Fred 'Ted' W. Lazenby: retired Chair/CEO Southlife Holding Co.,$300,000+ to Bush

C. Michael Kojaian: Exec. Vice President Kojaian Companies, $300,000+ to Bush

Karen/Kent Knutson: lobbyists ML Strategies/Home Depot, $300,000+ to Bush

Richard/Nancy Kinder:Chair/CEO KinderMorganEnergyPartners;$300,000+toBush

John C. Kern: Managing Director Reynolds DeWitt & Co. ; $300,000+ to Bush

Jonathon Javitt: Vice Chair Health Directions; $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

Richard E. Hug: retired Chair Environmental Elements; $300,000+ to Bush fiend

John Hotchkis: Chair/CEO Ramajal, LCC; got $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

Alfred Hoffman, Jr. : Chair/CEO Watermark Communities; $300,000+ to Bush

James A. Haslam III: Chair/Founder Pilot Corp. ; $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

John D. Hammes: retired President Hammes & Co. ; $300,000+ to Bush fiend

Charles L. Glazer: President C. L. Glazer Co.; got $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

David F. Girard-diCarlo: Chair Blank Rome; got $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

Yousif Ghafari: Chair, Ghafari Companies, got $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

Bradford M. Freeman: Freeman Spogly & Co., got $300,000+ to Bush warmonger

Richard T. Farmer: Chair/Founder of Cintas Corp. ; got $300,000+ to Bush fiend

Elizabeth Fago: Chair Home Quality Management; got $300,000+ to Bush fiend

Lewis Eisenberg: CEO of Granite Capital International Group; $300,000+ to Bush

Jack Donahue: Founder/Chairman/Director Federated Investors; $300,000+ to Bush

William O. DeWitt, Jr.: President Reynolds DeWitt & Co.; $300,000+ to Bush fiend

Betsy DeVos: Spouse of Richard; leads Michigan R effort; got $300,000+ to Bush

James B. Culbertson: Founder/President Financial Computing; got $300,000+ to Bush

Peter R. Coneway: Goldman Sachs Co.; Bush transition; got $300,000+ to Bush fiend

Norman Coleman: Minnesota US Senator replaced Wellstone; $300,000+ to Bush

B.C. "Scooter" Clippard:CDO First Bank;Ayers Foundation;$300,000+ to Bush beast

Alberto R. Cardenas: Tew Cardenas Rebak Kellogg lobbyist;$300,000+ to Bush beast

Joseph C. Canizaro: CEO; Columbia Properties; found $300,000+ for Bush beast

James P. Cain: lobbyist for Killpatrick Stockton; found $300,000+ for Bush hellion

William H.T."Bucky"Bush:GWB uncle; Bush-O'Donnell;got $300,000+ for Bush hell

Stephen & Kimmy F. Brauer: Hunter Eng. ; Belgium Amb. ; got $300,000+ for Bush

Donald "Boysie" Bollinger:Chair/CEO Bollinger Shipyards;found $300,000+ for Bush

Frank E. Baxter:Chair/CEO Jefferies & Co.; found $300,000+ for the Bush torturers

James L. Brulte: Calif. State Senator; rounded up $200,000+ for the Bush torturers

C. David Brown II: Chair Broad & Cassel; found $200,000+ for the Bush torturers

Elliot B. Broidy: Elliot Capital Management; found $200,000+ for the Bush torturers

William O. Brisben: Brisben Companies; construction; found $200,000+ for the Bush

Katherine E. Boyd: Interior Decoration;rounded up $200,000+ for the Bush torturers

Rudy Boschwitz: Chair Home Valu; lost to Wellstone; sent $200,000+ to Bushbeasts

Michael M. Boone: Haynes & Boone, found over $200,000+ for Bush multicriminals

Geoffrey T. Boise: JP Morgan, MENTOR, found over $200,000+ for Bush torturers

Teel Bivins: promoted pollution,Sweden Ambassador,rounded up $200,000+ for Bush

Wayne/Lea Berman: Berman Enterprises, lobbying, rounded up $200,000+ for Bush

Bruce D. Benson: Chair/Prez Benson Mineral Group; rounded up $200,000+ for Bush

Karen Hughes went back to White House & back to being #3 liar after Bush & Rove

Philip D. Zelikow: executive director of 9/11 Commission, keeps Bush secrets from us

Robert T. Bennett: Chair Ohio Rep. Party; rounded up $200,000+ for Bushies 2004

Lawrence E. Bathgate II: New Jersey law firm; rounded up $200,000+ for Bushies

Robert Asher: Asher's Candies; rounded up $200,000+ for corrupt candyman Bush

Jose Maria Aznar: Spain PM, supports illegal US wars; infected by Bush lies/crimes

William Luti: Defense Iraq/Near East/South Asia: early advocate of fascist invasions

Catherine Todd Baily: Chrysalis Ventures; rounded up $200,000+ for the Bush beast

Frank Kosa: NSA, helped bug UN Security Council members for more Bush dominion

Alistair Campbell: Blair's communications chief who resigned for too obviously lying

David Frum writes fantasies to prop up corrupt decency-destroyers like the Bush

Lord Hutton: UK's #1 whitewasher of official misconduct from Pinochet to Blair

Alfred S. Austin: Austin Companies, real estate; rounded up $200,000+ for Bush beast

Roland and Dawn Arnall:Ameriquest Capital Corp;collected $200,000+ for Bush beast

W. Andrew Adams: President National Healthcare Corp, collected $200,000+ for Bush

Harold Rhode: Islam specialist, Pentagon, helped create lies to justify Iraq war

Duane W.Acklie:trucking,banking,insurance;collected $200,000+ to push the other W

Peter J. Fluor:executive Fluor Corp., profits mightily from Iraq war/occupation/rebuild

Frank Wisner, Jr:Enron;CIA dad;positioned for huge profits from Iraq war/occupation

Edward P. Djerejian: profiting mightily from Iraq war; typical Bushy corruption

Jack Sheehan:General;Bechtel;pushes $billions to Bechtel by advising Rummy wars

William G. Boykin: Defense(war); believes terror war=battle with Satan; Bush dope

Michael Ledeen: pushes Bush's war of dominion; a fascist like those he beats up on

John Podhoretz: is on right wing media pushing Bush wars and stolen elections

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Cal Gov will help Bush cause Armageddonic mass murder

Myron Ebell: prime pusher of psuedoscientific poopooing of global warming reality

John R. Bolton: Bush Undersecretary, Arms..., USA war crimes pusher for profit

Gale Norton: Bush's Interior Sec. who commonly helps crooks ruin environments

Rick Perry:Texas Gov after Bush;executes innocents;has criminal corporate backers

Steven Griles: oil/gas/coal lobbyist; Bush's #2 at Interior; makes dirty air/water/biz

Michael Leavitt: Bush's nominated EPA administrator; increaser of pollution deaths

James Connaughton: antienvironmentalist helping Bush make Americans sicker

Elaine Chao: Bush Labor Secretary has no respect/sympathy/empathy for US workers

Condoleeza Rice: has decreased national security by furthering Bush's insane beliefs

James Woolsey: former CIA chief who pushes perpetual war from here to Armageddon

Andrew Natsios:US corrupting/dominating/warping/reducing international development

Daniel Pipes: Bush's fascist warmonger choice for US Institute of Peace; Islam hater

James A. Baker III: long-term Bushie; Daddy Warbucks of the corporate war system

Scott McClellan: new Bush press secretary; he has been good at lying since 3rd grade

Dennis Miller: comic supporter of global fascism/lies/war crimes/Bushies/fraud/poverty

Tony Blair: UK PM; conspired with crazy God-hearing Bush to create Iraq war crimes

William Pryor: Bush Appeals nominee; discriminates against many groups; is fascist

Ed Gillespie: Bush's Republican National Committee Chair; a super-corrupt Enronite

Keith Payne: insane Bush/Rumsfeld/Pentagon's strangest pusher of mini-nuke suicide

Ford Motor Co.:degenerate SUV/car/truck maker; 100 years of shame/maim/pollution

William Myers III:Solicitor Interior,Bush nominee Appeals court,antienvironmentalist

Franklin Graham:fundamentalist Christian evangelist; hates Islam; loved by Pentagon

L.Paul Bremer III:Bush's new Iraq Lord corruptly serves USA money not Iraqi people

Priscilla Owen: Bush Appeals Court choice; a menace to women's and society's rights

Ahmad Chalabi: charming crook; charmed Bush into choosing him to lead Iraq astray

Jay M.Garner:Bush's General/crook making an Iraq of crooks,by crooks & for crooks

Fox News: USA's pusher of illegitimate presidencies, illegal fascist wars, fascist CEOs

Bill Kristol:Enron;pushes Bush's war policy;Weekly Standard;New American Century

Douglas Feith: Policy for USA Offensiveness; anti Arab/Muslim bigot: fire Feith/Bush

Donald Rumsfeld:Bush's Sec. Offensive War,war criminal,blundering/misguided bomb

Mort Zuckerman:Owner/Editor US News&World Report;backs/instigates fascist wars

Ralph Reed: Christian Coalition, Enron employee, Republican strategist, Bush lover

Don Evans:Bush chief campaign fundraiser;Sec. of Commerce;Lay-Enron-Bush crook

Alberto Gonzales: crooked Enron/crooked Lay/crooked Bush law-warping schemer

Patrick H. Wood III: Chair Federal Energy Regulation Commission; Ken Lay did it

Richard Perle: an early warmonger who signed on to Bush's fascist pre-emptive war

Paul Wolfowitz helped create Bush's pre-emptive fascist-empire-strikes-first policy

Scooter Libby: assists Bush/Cheney; helped create fascist-empire-strikes-first policy

Robert Zoellick: Enron advisor, Bush's USA Trade Representative, Bush crook

Lawrence B. Lindsey: Enron consultant, creator of Bush's Enronized policies, crook

Wendy Gramm: Enron whore; prime example of corporate/government collusion

Marc Racicot: Montanna Gov, Enron lobbyist, R National Chair, a top R corruptor

Thomas White: Bush's Sec. of Army,10 year Enron exec,price gouger,crook,corruptor

Cliford Sobel: president Net2Phone; 10th highest buyer of Bush/other Rs; corruptor

John Price:Utah commercial real estate; 9th highest buyer of Bush/other Rs;corruptor

Heinz C. Prechter: 8th highest buyer of Bush/other Rs; transportation, etc; corruptor

John N. Palmer, Sr.:7th highest buyer of Bush/other Rs; financier; creates corruption

Richard/Nancy Kinder: 6th highest buyers of Bush/other Rs; gas tycoon; corruptors

Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. : 5th highest buyer of Bush/other Rs; energy tycoon, corruptor

Tom/Nancy Loeffler:4th highest buyers of Bush/other Rs;ex-Congressman;corruptors

Michael G. Oxley: Ohio Congressman liked Bush's corrupt SEC choices,Pitt/Webster

W. David Hager:Bush's chair women's health policy;superstitious quack hates women

Bob Novak: narrowminded slanderer of Jimmy Carter and the Nobel Peace Prize

Sam Fox: 2nd highest contributor to Bush/other R politicians;sucks taxpayers big time

Alex G. Spanos: top contributor to Bush's presidency = top sucker from taxpayers

Jim Ryan: Illinois Attorney General who loves to help execute innocent inmates

George Argyros: Bush Spain Ambassador = corrupt rich Bush supporter/fundraiser

Eric Javits: Bush Disarmament Ambassador = biggest joke of Bush Administration

Alan Fitzsimmons: inspired the Bushey antienvironmental "wildfire prevention" bull

Michael J. Creppy: chief US Imm. judge who directed imm. judges to blanket secrecy

Bill Simon is a cowpieman who throws cowpies in the people's faces (R for Calif. gov)

Harvey Pitt: Bush's S.E.C. Chairman; shieldmaster of Bushey corporate wrongdoers

Hosni Mubarak: Egypt President; undemocratic jailer of numerous political prisoners

NewsMax.com: worships Lott/Helms/Bush & hates Hillary Clinton/Cynthia McKinney

Jim Trafficant: fake Democrat expelled from House for Republicanesque corruption

ConAgra Beef Co.: recalled 19 megalbs of sickening beef; too cheap to test properly

Larry Thompson: corrupt Bush appointee to crack down on corrupt corporate fraud?!!!

John Thune:SD Representative for Senator against Johnson;hates Daschle's goodness

Ken Mehlman: Bush assistant & White House pol; works on reelecting the worst Bush

Al Cors, Jr.:Gov't Affairs for NTU/NTUF & he loves the demented National Rifle Ass.

Tom McClosky: NTU Analyst and fervent supporter of the US's worst political party

David Burgert: Montanna white racist militia freak who plotted assassinations & more

US Congress: crippled Middle East peace process with "unqualified support for Israel"

Kentucky's Primary Election 2002: two candidates were murdered; others intimidated

Israel's Likud Party: Jewry's lunatics say no Palestinian State ever and Jews uber alles

Bahrain's first free election in 30 years elected no women to municipal councils:shame!

Charlotte Beers' impossible & ugly task: sell #1 world terrorist Bush as an antiterrorist

Demian S. Brady: policy analyst NTUF who greases the skids of the rich getting richer

Dave Stanley: Chairman of the NTU & NTUF; they batter the poor and help the rich

John Berthoud:Pres.National Taxpayers Union & Found. Makes rich richer/poor poorer

Eric V. Schlecht of National Taxpayers Union secures DC by lowering taxes on the rich?

James Graves, Florida MD had a "pill mill" causing 4+ OD deaths from OxyContin, etc.

Some Catholic and other Bishops and Priests guilty of abusing kids sexually & otherwise

Mark Watson & Christie Richardson: narcotics detectives who corrupted KY justice

Oregon's Republican Legislature: killing education & democracy by coddling the rich

David Westerfield: apparently abducted and killed a 7 year-old California girl = twittiest

Brandi Hesse: National Alliance, white supremacist, wants whites uber alles in the world

Robert DeMarais:National Alliance,white supremacist, white only schools/neighborhoods

Lee Raymond: Chairman/CEO ExxonMobil; spearheads enviro/human/demo degradation

John Musumeci: Lane County Oregon developer, predator, con artist, corruption king

Ken Lay: Enron CEO; corporate predator; stole from employees, investors and consumers

Matt Hale: World Church of the Creator, white supremecist, twittiest hate monger of all

Christian Michael Longo: apparent wife and children killer; patriarchy gone mad in the US

Robert L. Strickland: Chairman Lowe's Companies, Wal-Mart, Federalist Society biggie

Paul S. Stevens: Gen. Counsel Investment Co. Inst., Biz Adv. Cou. Fed-Soc,Money mouth

Nicholas John Stathis: VP Orpheus, Chair NY Lawyers Fed-Soc, Biz Adv. Council Fed-Soc

John G. Medlin, Jr: Wachovia financial manipulation; Fed-Soc Business Advisory Council

R. Crosby Kemper III: Pres. United Missouri Bank; Fed-Soc Business Advisory Council

Joseph Cannon: CEO/Chair, Geneva Steel; Federalist Society Business Advisory Council

Anthrax Anonymous Right Wing Freak(s): bioterrorism against progressive U.S. Senators

John Stewart Bryan III:Media General CEO,Business Advisory Council,Federalist Society

Wm. Bradford Reynolds:Fed-Soc,believes black slaves enjoyed their unique individualities

Gerald Walpin: lawyer, Bill Clinton hater, on Board of Visitors of the Federalist Society

Misla Aldarondo: ex-president of Puerto Rico's House; arrested for hospital sale bribery

T. Kenneth Crib, Jr.:served Reagan and Edmund Meese; now serves Federalist Society

Eugene B. Meyer:a Director of Federalist Society,Exec. Director of its staff,central figure

Gary Lawson: a Director of Federalist Society; damaged by choking on US Constitution

Bush, Laden, Sharon: the three warmongering musketeers of our 21st century time

David M. McIntosh: Federalist Society, Scalia, Reagan, rightly well connected indeed

Steven G. Calabresi: was under Reagan, Bush, Quayle, Bork. now Federalist Society (wow)

Robert Bork:Federalist Society,Nixon advisor,Solicitor General,Reagan nominee,total twit

G. Boyden Gray: Federalist Society and otherwise member of the organized far right plague

Edwin Meese: Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, Reagan AG, Hoover Inst., twittiest

L.Lynn Hogue:orig. member Federalist Society,right wing zealot,Clinton hater,military freak

Ted Olson:trustee of Federalist Society;Solicitor General;helps Ashcroft destroy democracy

John Rowland: CT Gov who vetoed cleanup of worst power plants, passed by legislature

Rich DeVos:Amway cofounder,a leader of Council for National Policy & W buyer (3X bad)

Jay Van Andel: Amway cofounder, a leader of Council for National Policy and W buyer

Coors Family: beer pushers, rich pushers, CEO pushers, W pushers, dictatorial pushers

George Landrith: directs Frontiers of Freedom Institute, a front for corporate plunderers

Malcolm Wallop: smudge pot for ecoterrorist corporations who destroy our web of life

Ron Arnold: antienvironmentalist for ecoterrorist corporations who destroy our web of life

School of the Americas aka School of Assassins aka WHIS:#1 human rights abusing school

Dick Cheney: Vice President, real power behind W's corrupt,wobbly,& illegitimate throne

Marshall Wittman: Heritage Foundation, a twit spawned by corporate/media corruption

Bill O'Reilly: corrupt, rabid, race-warped, money-warped "news" on Fox News Channel

Harold Rogers, R, KY5, US House scores 7% on environmental caring = ETWIT

Charlie Norwood, R, GA10, US House scores 10% on environmental caring = ETWIT

George Radanovich, R, CA19, US House scores 10% on environmental caring = ETWIT

US State of Texas: biggest air polluter in North America and biggest polluter of W's mind

Christine Todd Whitman: helps Bush have an extraordinarily bad environmental record

Fred Phelps: Kansas minister obsessed with bashing homosexuals and their rights

Karl Rove: Senior White House Advisor & chief architect of the stolen presidential election

Katherine Harris: Florida Sec. of State, a key player in helping crown the wrong president

Anthony Kennedy: US Supreme Court Justice who helped make W the wrong president

Sandra Day O'Conner: US Supreme Court Justice who helped make W the wrong president

Clarence Thomas: US Supreme Court Justice who helped make W the wrong president

William Reynquist: supreme chief criminal who helped make W the wrong president

Antonin Scalia: ringleader of 5 supreme criminals who made W the wrong president

Jeb Bush: Florida Governor helped his brother steal the presidency in his key state

Ariel Sharon: new Israeli PM is narrowminded fundamentalist anti-Arab peace killer

Richard Pombo,R,CA11,US House scores 0% on 00 environment caring=ETWIT

Asa Hutchinson, R,AR3,US House scores 0% on 00 environment caring=ETWIT

William Goodling, R, PA19, US House scores 0% on 00 environ caring = ETWIT

Tom Ewing, R, IL15, US House scores 0% on 00 environmental caring = ETWIT

Tom DeLay, R, TX22, US House scores 0% on 00 environmental caring=ETWIT

David Vitter, R, LA1, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Charles Stenholm, D, TX17, US House scores 0% on 99 environ caring = ETWIT

Mark Souder, R, IN4, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring =ETWIT

Bill Young, R, FL10,US House scores 0% on 99,00 environmental caring=ETWIT

Wes Watkins,R,OK3,US House scores 0% on 99,00 environment caring=ETWIT

Michael Simpson, R, ID2, US House scores 0% on 99,00 environ caring =ETWIT

Jim Ryun, R, KS2, US House scores 0% on 99,00 environmental caring = ETWIT

Ron Packard, R,CA48,US House scores 0% on 99,00 environment caring=ETWIT

Jim Nussle, R, IA2, US House scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Robert Ney, R, OH18, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Gary Miller, R, CA41, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

John Mica, R, FL7, US House scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

James McCrery:R,LA4,US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring=ETWIT

Tom Latham: R, IA5, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Chris John: D, LA7, US House scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Henry Hyde: R, IL6, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Duncan Hunter:R,CA52,US House scores 0% on 99 environment caring=ETWIT

Doc Hastings:R,WA4,US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Ralph Hall: D, TX4, US House scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Paul Gillmor: R, OH5, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

George Gekas: R,PA17, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring=ETWIT

Jay Dickey: R, AR4, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Dave Camp: R, MI4, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Ken Calvert: R,CA43, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Richard Burr: R, NC5, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Roy Blunt: R, MO7, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Michael Bilirakus:R,FL9,US House scores 0% on 99environmental caring=ETWIT

Herbert Bateman:R,VA1,US House scores 0% on 99environmental caring=ETWIT

Bill Barret: R, NE3, US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Spencer Bachus:R,AL6,US House scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Alberto Fujimori:Peruvian President-corrupted the government & stole the election.

Vladimir Putin: Russian President - stole the election and is destroying environment.

Fred Thompson: R, TN, US Senate scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Ted Stevens: R, AK, US Senate scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Robert Smith: R, NH, US Senate scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Rick Santorum: R, PA, US Senate scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Tim Hutchinson: R, AR, US Senate scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Orrin Hatch: R, UT, US Senate scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Bill Frist: R, TN, US Senate scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Pete Domenici: R, NM, US Senate scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Michael Crapo: R, ID, US Senate scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Ben Campbell: R, CO, US Senate scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

John Breaux: D, LA, US Senate scores 0% on 1999 environmental caring = ETWIT

Christopher Bond: R,MO,US Senate scores 0% on 99 environmental caring = ETWIT

Bill Sizemore: Oregon's futurewrecker makes rich richer & poor/schools/nature poorer

Kansas' BoardofEd captured by education/scientific illiterates:Kansas=throwback USA

Spencer Abraham: R,MI, US Senate scores 0% on 99 environmental caring =ETWIT

John Shadegg: R, AZ4, US House scores 0% on 98 environmental caring = ETWIT

George W. Bush: anti-environmental and warmongering terrorist, CEO/CIA servant.

Barry Dean Williams: ignorant, brainwashed, bigoted, narrowminded OCA leader.

Robert Shapiro: makes Monsanto hostile to healthy human life and other life forms.

Joe Knollenberg:R, MI11,US House scores 8% on 98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Richard Mellon Scaife destroys democracy, justice, freedom and compassion.

Henry Kissinger: world's leading unpunished war criminal, megadead Vietnamese...

Jerry Falwell: religious/political/economic conservatism/bigotry gone ape.

Sam Johnson: R, TX3, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Frank Lucas: R, OK6, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Frank Riggs: R, CA1, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Vincent Snowbarger: R,KS3,US House scores 7% on 97/98environment caring=ETWIT

Bob Stump: R, AZ3, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Charles Taylor: R, NC11, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

William Thornberry:R,TX13,US House scores 7% on 97/98environment caring=ETWIT

Todd Tiahrt:R from KS4, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Roger Wicker:R from MS1,US House scores 7%on 97/98environmental caring=ETWIT

W. Tauzin: R from LA3, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Floyd Spence:R from SC2, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Lamar Smith:R from TX21,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Bud Shuster: R from PA9, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring =ETWIT

John Shimkos:R from IL20,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Bob Shaffer: R from CO4, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Dan Schaefer:R from CO6, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Charles Pickering:R from MS3,US House scores7%on 97/98environment caring=ETWIT

Mike Parker: R from MS4, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Michael Oxley:R from OH4,US House scores 7% on 97/98environmental caring=ETWIT

Robert Livingston:Rfrom LA1,US House scores7%on97/98environmental caring=ETWIT

Ernest Istook: R from OK5,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

John Hostettler:R from IN8,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Walley Herger:R from CA2,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Lindsey Graham:R from SC3,US House scores7% on97/98 environmentalcaring=ETWIT

John Doolittle: R from CA4,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Sonny Callahan:R from AL1,US House scores 7% on 97/98environmental caring=ETWIT

Steven Buyer:R from IN5, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Jim Bunning: R from KY4, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Henry Bonnila:R from TX23,US House scores 7% on 97/98environmental caring=ETWIT

John Boehner: R from OH8,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Thomas Bliley: R from VA7,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Roscoe Bartlett:R fromMD6,US House scores 7% on97/98 environmentalcaring=ETWIT

Joe Barton: R from TX 6, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Cass Ballenger:R fromNC10,US House scores 7% on97/98 environmentalcaring=ETWIT

Richard Baker:R from LA6,US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Don Young: R from AK 1, US House scores 7% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

J.C. Watts: R from OK 4, US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Robert Smith:R from OR2,US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Pete Sessions:R from TX5,US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Bob Riley: R from AL 3, US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

John Peterson:R from PA5,US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring =ETWIT

Ron Lewis: R from KY2, US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

William Jenkins:R from TN1,US House scores 3% on97/98 environmentalcaring=ETWIT

Terry Everett: R from AL2, US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Larry Combest:R from TX19,US House scores 3% on97/98environmental caring=ETWIT

Thomas Coburn:R from OK2,US House scores 3% on97/98environmental caring=ETWIT

Kevin Brady:R from TX 8, US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Robert Alderholt: R from AL 4, US House scores 3% on 97/98 environmental = ETWIT

Strom Thurmond:R from SC, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Craig Thomas: R from WY, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Richard Shelby: R from AL, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring =ETWIT

Jeff Sessions: R from AL, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Pat Roberts:R from Kansas,US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring =ETWIT

Don Nickles: R from Oklahoma,US Sen. scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring =ETWIT

Frank Murkowski: R from AK, US Sen. scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Mitch McConnell: R from KY, US Sen. scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Connie Mack: R from FL, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Jon Kyle: R from Arizona, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Dirk Kempthorne:R from ID,US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

James Inhofe: R from OK, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Charles Hagel: R from NE, US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring = ETWIT

Charles Grassley: R from IA,US Senator scores 0 on 97/98 environmental caring=ETWIT

Rod Gramms: R from MN, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Phil Gramm: R from Texas, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Slade Gorton: R from WA, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Michael Enzi: R from WY, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Larry Craig: R from Idaho, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Paul Coverdale: R from GA, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Thad Cochran: R from MS, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

John Ashcroft: R from MO, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Wayne Allard: R from CO, US Senator scores 0 on 1997 environmental caring = ETWIT

Pat Robertson: plans to make the USA a narrowminded, bigoted christian theocracy

Anti-environment US Representatives: of 48 worst, 45 are Republicans, 3 are Democrats(see League of Conservation Voters web site)

Anti-environment US Senators:the 30 who got 0% environment scores are all Republicans(see League of Conservation Voters web site)

Clarence Thomas/Antonin Scalia: Patriarchal Fundamentalist Supremes blind to justice

J.Patrick Rooney:finances chunks of Fossil Right like Newtie and other justice roadblocks

Grover Norquist:Beware KingCon Norquist pushing heaven for the few; hell for the many

Ron Sunseri: Oregon anti-environment freak who wants to exploit & pollute everything.

BobBarr:corrupt conspirator,US Rep.,CIA,Clinton basher,right-wing groupie,futurebasher

Howard Ahmanson: back to stoneage imperialism/theocracy/tribal warfare/narrowminded

Roger Ailes: Fox News corrupter, sleazemeister, warpmeister, truthslayer, brainwasher

Dan Burton: Indiana's most famous clown/liar/fool/framer/corrupter/brainwasher/cong.

David Duke makes me puke with his brainwashed bigotry and fascistic crap

Thom Robb: headsKKK, whitewashed/narrowminded ethnic purist, throwback-dingbat

William Pierce: TurnerDiaries,NationalAlliance,NaziLover hates all except SnowWhites

Steven Goldstone: world's most immoral drug pusher and health destroyer thru tobacco

Richard Butler: Aryan Nation freak hooked on an irrational/unscientific pure race fantasy

Don Black: a white supremacist who is as twitty as twitty can be

Register-Guard: Eugene's daily helps stifle democratic media/politics in Eugene/Lane Cty

President Suharto: killed/burned/raped East Timor and Indonesia for over 32 years

Paul Engler: Leader of the dumb cattle twits who sued Oprah for being a nice person

Randall Terry: hateful, intolerant, sexist, radical bigot who is running for congress

Trent Lott:Senate majority leader who is happy with the bigotry/hate of ultraright Rs

John McCain: Bloodthirsty Republican US Senator wants to bomb Iraq back to stone age

Bill Bennett: Likes indoctrination,dogmas,brainwashings,propaganda,character assassins

Kenneth Starr: corrupt judge/counsel/prosecutor/puppet of USA's fascistic ultraright

Gordon Smith: US Senator, Destroyer of Old Growth, Fish, Wilderness & Clean Water

Phillip Morris: Cigarette Addictor, Mr Death at the biggest scale in human history

Dick Armey: Meanspirited Majority Leader, helps corporations steal people's money

Rush Limbaugh: Disinformation King, Compulsive liar, Straight-arrow Beast, Radio Bigot

Phil Knight: ShoeNazi, SwooshBeast, NikeSweatshopper, UniversityCorrupter, GreedyPig


Newt Gingrich: twitty Speaker, corruption king, master puppet, modern scrooge, dingbat


Benjamin Natanyahu: twitty PM, peace process destroyer, ethnic addict, needs peace

Jesse Helms: twitty Senator,censor/tobacco freak, racist, sexist, homophobe, ignoramus

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