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Beer and Bars in Brussels
Beer and Pubs in London
Stuck on Concrete
Aspects of Causality
Neither Determinism nor Randomness can be Proved
Conceits of Compatibilism Confounded
Darwin vs. Burridan: Free will requires indeterminism.
Dilemma of Determinism Dismantled
Empirical Evidence for Free will
The Laws Of Nature And The Nature Of Laws
Free Will Defended: a Reply to Gordon Orloff
Overview of Free Will
Indeterminism is Not Randomness
Essence and Kind, Chicken and egg or why I don't believe in Aristotle.
Against Antipodeans
Reactions to Daniel Dennett's views on consciousnes
"Is the brain a machine?"
Mind and Matter
Here is my reason for thinking that reality is not an algorithm:
The Laws of Nature and The Nature Of Laws
Map of Metaphysics
map of metaphysics
Moral and Natural Laws
Metaphysics: An Overview
Forms, Ideas and Representations
who's afraid of qualia?
Refutation of the Simulation argument
Extrinsic Identity and the Problem
Time, Endurance and Causality
Time and Becoming
Relativity is not Relativism
Waves and Particles:
Ayn Rand's Law of Identity
Scepticism and the Senses
Space and Relations
Time on Trial
Kant Was Wrong About Time
Time and Possibilites
Why Mathematics Works