Empirical Evidence for Free will

1) The existence of the introspective sense of FW. (Determinists will quickly tell you this is down to not understanding the causes of our actions, but why don't we intuitively see our actions as being random or determined ? It is not as if we can't conceive of either of those).

2) The tendency to value freedom. (No-one, even a determinist would want a benevolent dictator making their decisions, even if the decisions in questions were better thant the ones they would have made).

3) Our ability to detect greater and lesser amounts of 'robotic' or 'zombie' like behaviour in others.

4) Creativity and innovation. (Determinists often make a hand-waving argument listing all the influences that go to act on an individual, and conclude that there is no room left for any individual contribution. But then why aren't we still in caves ?)