
General references to philosophy

Logical Fallacies
The Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
The stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy

Home Pages of philosophers

Prof.Ted Honderich (including stuff on determinism and free will
Norman Swartz's determinism pages Dr Peter Suber
David Chalmers


The Friesian school
The Determinism Web Site
The March of Metaphysics
Metaphysics of Mind

Quantum Mechanics

Measurement FAQ
The Transactional Interpretation
Bell's Theorem
Keith Brown on Indeterminism in QM
Alfred Einstead on QM
The Quantum measurement FAQ
Ian Thompson's dispositional QM
Overview of QM Electron waves

Other Physics

Jeremy Butterfield's review of the "End of Time"
Lack of clear-cut determinmism in physics, by John Earman

Shocking and Radical Thoughts

Physical Systems are NOT necessarily computable
Physics has never been clearly determinsitic, no, not even classical physics The brain is NOT a computer The brain is NOT a computer he notion that the brain is a kind of computer is an error of such magnitude, Mr. Edelman believes, that cognitive science is on the brink of a crisis. "I claim," he writes, "that the entire structure on which the cognitivist enterprise is based is incoherent and not borne out by the facts." The brain is NOT a computer

Classic Papers

TBD Two Dogmas of Empricism
What is it like to be a Bat ?
Quining Qualia
Absent Qualia, Fading Qualia, Dancing Qualia
Naming and Necessity
On Denotation (Russel)