Who was Edgar Cayce?

He is modern day history's most accurate and phenomenal psychic. His most amazing ability was to diagnose and cure people's diseases and ailments with astonishing results. He later also gave readings to enquiring people who wanted to know about Jesus, Atlantis, and Egypt for example.

I beleive that the person receiving the reading was the sole individual who was responsible for the accuracy of the readings. For instance, if one wanted to receive the location of underground oil for profit, they usually got an innaccurate reading. On the other hand, if an individual wanted to know how to help someone or whatever and their intention was truely self-less, they received amazingly accurate and wonderful readings.

If you have never heard of Edgar Cayce and would like to learn more, I suggest two things: 1) This website under the links section has a link to the A.R.E. This will give out some general information as well as how to further contact with that organization, 2) Find the book "There is a River" by Thomas Sugrue. If you can't find it anywhere, you can order it directly from the A.R.E. Press at 1-800-ARE-0050.

General Philosophy Colors & Auras The Revelation
Free Will and the Chakras A note on the Baptisms and the Law of Grace An explanation of the chart on the Revelation
Soul Development and Astrology Timeline of events from our past From the Readings
In the beginning -- Genesis Concerning the Bible The Soul and Astrology
Zodiac and the Apostles

Here are some links to sites that are relevant to the readings for further research:
