This is from chapter 3 of the book "Edgar Cayce on the Story of Jesus by Jeffrey Furst, ed. Most of what will appear on this page are the actual readings of Edgar Cayce, however. I will let you know if anything I write is of the authors own words. When you run acorss a "Q.", that represents a shorthand of the word Question. That questions was asked by the one or group who was receiving the reading. The "A." afterwards is the answer given by Edgar Cayce in his reading.
1. Q. Discuss the various phases of spiritual development
before and after reincarnation in the earth.
A. When there was in the beginning a man's advent into the
plane known as earth, and it became a living soul, amenable
to the laws that govern the plane itself as presented, the
Son of Man entered the earth as the first man. Hence the
Son of Man, the Son of God, the Son of the First Cause,
making manifest in material body. This was not the first
spiritual influence, spiritual body, spiritual
manifestation in the earth, but the first man--flesh and
blood; the first carnal house, the first body amenable to
the laws of the plane in its posistion in the universe
For, the earth is only an atom in the universe of worlds! And man's development began through the laws of the generations in the earth; thus development, retardment, or the alterations in those positions in a material plane.
And with error (sin) entered that as called death, which is only a transition--through God's other door--into that realm where the entity has builded, in its manifestations as related to the knowledge and activity respecting the law of the universal influence.
Hence the development is through the planes of experience that an entity may become one with the First Cause; even as the angels that wait before the Throne bring the access of the influence in the experience through the desires and activities of an entity, or being, in whatever state, place or plane of development the entity is passing.
For, in the comprehension of no time, no space, no beginning, no end, there may be the glimpse of what simple transition or birth inot the material is; as passing through the other door inot another consciousness.
Death in the material plane is passing through the outer door into a consciousness in the material activities that partakes of what the entity, or soul, has done with its spiritual truth in its manifestations in the other sphere.
Hence, as there came the development of that first entity of flesh and blood through the earth plane, he became indeed the Son--through the things which He experienced in the varied planes, as the development came to the oneness with the position in that which man terms the Triune. (5749-3)
2. Q. When did the knowledge come to Jesus that He was to
be the Savior of the world?
A. When He fell in Eden. (1092)
4. Q. Are angels and archangels synonymous with that which
we call laws of the universe; if so, explain and give an
A. They are as the laws of the universe; as in Michael,
the Lord of the Way, not The Way but the Lord of
the Way, hence disputed with the influence of evil as to
the way of the spirit of the teacher or director in his
entrance through the outer door. (5749-3)
7. Each entity should know that every thought and act are the materials out of which thy are building their very being. The sojourns in the various spheres are but the results of their own desires.
In the earth, matter takes all its various forms of presentation of energy or force as radiated from the various solar aspects. All force in the (earth) sphere assumes a three dimensional appearance.
In Jupiter, all ennobling influences are accentuated; whether they be from Earth, Venus, Mercury, or Mars. In Saturn, that (sphere) to which all insufficient matter is cast for its remoulding, preparation is made for returning or re-entering through those influences of the Uranian--which make for extraordinary condition in relationships...throughout other experiences, called in the earth plane occult influences. (311-2)
8. The following is Edgar Cayce's experience while giving
reading 1671-1:
"I thought I was on Saturn. The ring around it was like a
shield, and it was a place where entities learned that they
couldn't go all the way around the ring like they could on
earth. They could go to this place (Saturn) but couldn't
get around it--where the band was around it.
9. For the earth and Saturn are opposites, as it Saturn go those who would renew or begin again; or who have blotted from their experience much that may be set in motion again, through other influences and environs that have been a portion of the entity's experience. (945-1)
The illustration of this we find in the man called Jesus. This man, as man, makes the will the will of the Father; then becoming one with the Father, and the model for man....
When the soul reached that development in which it reached earth's plane, it became the model in the flesh, as it had reached through developments in those spheres, or planets, known in the earth's plane, obtaining then the One in All.
For these are the Akashian records of the entity's or soul's development. As to how the present experience, with its environs, will be acted upon or influenced...there will be little influence from an astrological standpoint. The entity will be governed rather, by earth's plane; by its appearance rather than by astrological influences. (566-1)
12. Each soul, each body, each individual is an individual entity. What is done and what is thought become a living record of the experience of that individual entity--in whatever sphere of consciousness this activity may have been recorded upon the skein of time and space. (1292-1)
13. In giving the interpretations of these records (of the entity) these are upon the skeins of time and space. Oh, that all would realize this and come to the consciousness that what we are is the combined result of what we have done about the ideals we have set. (1549-1)
14. Q. What is meant by the "Book of Life"?
A. The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space, through patience, and is opened when self has attuned to the infinite, and may be read by those attuning to that consciousness. (2533-8)
15. Remember, all ye may know of heaven or hell is within your own self. All ye may know of God is within your own self. (4035-1)
16. Q. What is meant by the Akashic Records?
A. Those made by the individual....(2533-8)
17. For the light moves on in time, in space; and upon that skein between them are the records written by each soul in its activity through eternity--through its awareness--not only in matter but in thought, in whatever realm the entity builds for itself in its experience, in its journey, in its activity. The physicist builds in the field of mathematics, the artist in the field of demonstration and color, the musician in sound, and so on. All are a part of the soul's ability, according to that field in which it has developed. (815-1)
But hast thou conceived--or canst thou conceive--requirements of influence to meet all the idiosyncrasies of a single soul? How many systems would it require? (5755-2)
19. As such, the Universe was created for our awareness and coming to understanding of its design and purpose.
As has been indicated by some, ye are part and parcel of a Universal Consciousness, or God. And thus (part) of all that is within, the Universal Consciousness, or Universal Awareness: as are the stars, the planets, the Sun and the Moon.
Do ye rule them or do they rule thee? They were made for thine own use, as an individual. Yea, that is the part (they play), the thought which thy Maker, thy Father-God, thinks of thee. For ye are as a corpuscle in the body of God; thus a co-creator with Him, in what ye think and in what ye do. (2794-3)
20. When the heavens and the earth came into being, this meant the Universe as the inhabitants of the earth know it. Yet there are many suns in the Universe--even those (suns) about which our Sun, our earth, revolves. And all are moving toward some place--yet space and time appear to be incomplete.
Then time and space are but one. Yet the sun that is the center of this particular solar system is the center; and has been known of old, it (the Sun) is that about which the earth and its companion planets circulate or revolve. A beginning in understanding these (facts) and the influence upon the lives of individuals was thought out--or evloved, or interpreted--by those of old, who were without the means for observing which are considered necessary today, in order to understand.
Astronomy is considered a science, and astrology foolishness. Which is correct? One (the science) holds that because of the posistion of the earth, the Sun and the planets, they are balanced one with another in some manner or some way--yet that they have nothing to do with man's life, or the expanse of life, or the emotions of the physcial being on earth.
Then why and how do the effects of the Sun so greatly influence other life in the earth--and not affect man's life and man's emotions?
Since the Sun has been set as the ruler of this solar system, does it not appear reasonable that it does have an effect upon the inhabitants of the earth as well as upon plant and mineral life in the earth? ... Thus we find given in th Bible: "The sun and the moon and the stars were made also"; this being the writer's attempt to convey to the individual the realization that there is also an influence in their activity.
For remember: they... the sun, the moon and the planets... have their marching orders from the Divine, and they move in these. Man alone is given the birthright of free will. He, alone, may defy his God. (5757-1)
22. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The Universe He called into being for these purposes: so that individual souls who might be one with Him would have the influences for bringing this to pass--or so that this might come into the experience of every soul. For hath it not been given that the Lord, thy God hath not willed that any soul should perish? But He hath prepared with every temptation a means and a way of escape? Hence the period of the entrance (birth) is not ruled by the position (of sun and planets) but may be judged by the position, as to influences upon an entity's experience; (influences) because of the entity's application of self's abilities, relative to its position in the universal scheme of things....(1347-1)
23. For when thou beholdest the glory of the Father in the earth, how orderly are all His glories! Hast thou watched the Sun in his orbit? How orderly are those places of the inhabitation of the souls of men--even in thine own understanding of this solar system! How orderly are brought into manifestation day and night, heat and cold, spring and summer. Canst thou, as His son, be more un-orderly than He, and expect His blessings? (440-14)
25. Also, during the interims between such (material) sojourns, there are consciousnesses or awarenesses. For the soul is eternal and it lives on--and it has a consciousness and awareness of that which it has built. (2620-2)
26. For it is not strange that music, color and vibration are all a part of the planets, just as the planets are a part--and a pattern--of the whole universe. (5755)
27. Then there are the sojourns in other realms of the solar system which represent certain attributes. Not that ye maintain a physical earth-body in Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn.... There is, however, an awareness or consciousness in those realms, when absent from the body; and there is a response to the posistion those planets occupy in this solar system....
Hence ye often find in thy experiences that places, peoples, things and conditions seem a part of self, as if ye had been in the consciousness of them. (2823-1)
28. In giving that which may be helpful to this entity in the present experience, respecting the sojourns in the earth, it is well that the planetary of astrological aspects also be given. It should be understood, then, that the sojourning of the soul in that environ (planetary), rather than the position (square, trine, etc, of planets at birth), makes for a greater influence in the experience of an entity or body, in any given plane.
This is not to belittle that which has been the study of the Ancients, but rather it is to give the understanding of same. And, as we have indicated, it is not so much (important) that an entity is influenced because the Moon is in Aquarius or the Sun in Capricorn; or Venus or Mercury in that or the other house or sign; or the Moon in Sun sign; or that one of the planets is in this or tha position in the heavens. But rather because those positions in the heavens are from the entity having been in that sojourn as a soul!
This is how the planets have the greater influence in the earth upon the entity, see? For the application of an experience is what makes for development of a body, a mind, a soul. (630-2)
29. Thus we find that the sojourns about the earth, during the interims between earthly sojourns, are called astrological aspects. Not that an entity may have manifested physically on such planets, but (have manifested) in that consciousness of that environ. And these (consciousnesses) have been accredited with certain potential influences in the mental aspect of an entity. (2144-1)
30. Being absent from the material body is manifested in what we call astrological aspects, which become a phase of each and every soul and are signposts along the individual way. For... all of these are a part of thy heritage, thy innate urge--that arise from and produce influences in the material experience in the present. (1745-1)
31. Astrologically, then, we find the influences are not merely because of the position of a star or planet, Sun or Moon, or any of the astrological aspects or effects or influences. Rather, because... of sojurns and activities of the innate or soul-self through such environs.... The material sojourns find expression in the emotional portion of the entity's being.... But from the astrological, we find the influences innate. Some are to be cultivated so that they may grow and expand and become more of a portion of the influence. Just as others are to be curbed, and a lesson gained and applied--rather than allowed to drift. (1700-1)
32. As to the appearances in the earth, not all may be given, except as a pattern indicated in the personality and individuality of this individual entity. Personality is that which ye wish others to think and see. Individuality is that which your soul prays for, hopes for, desires. These (two) need not necessarily be one; but their purpose must be one, even as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one. So must body, mind and soul be one in purpose and in aim. (5246)
33. For the entity finds itself a body, mind, and soul: three. Or the earth consciousness is a three-dimensional plane in one. So man's concept of the Godhead is three-dimensional: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The communication or activity or motivating force, then we find, is three-dimensional: time, space, and patience. None of these exists in fact, except in the conception of the individual, as he may apply (self) to time, space or patience. (4035-1)
34. Each entity is a part of the Universal Whole. Then all the knowledge and understanding which has ever been a part of the entity's consciousness has a part in the entity's experience. Thus unfoldment, in the present, consists merely in becoming aware of experiences through which the entity has passed, in any consciousness, either in body or in mind. (2823-1)
36. Each planetary influence vibrates at a different rate of vibration. An entity entering that influence enters that vibration: (it is) not necessary that he change, but it is the grace of God that he may! It is part of the Universal Consciousness, the Universal Law. (281-55)
37. Hence the entity passes through those stages which some have seen as planes, some as steps, some have seen as cycles, and others have experienced as places. (5755-1)
38. As in the studies of the entity: it is seen that the soul of man is a mere speck in space; yet the soul is that vital force or activity which is everlasting. Though the earth or the stars may pass away; though there may be changes in the universe as to relative positions; these are (all) brought about by the combinations of those specks of human activity, in respect to the soul's expression in any sphere of existence. (1297-1)
39. In thyself, thou dost oft find one friend for that or this relationship--one for the prop, (support) another to arouse. Yet all are the work of His hand, and are thine to possess, thine to use.
Thus, though there may be many worlds and many universes, even solar systems greater than our own which we enjoy in the present; this earthly experience, or this earth, is a mere speck when considered as to our own solar system. Yet the soul of man, thy soul, encompasses all in this solar system, or in others. (5755-2)
40. Q. Are any of the planets, other than the earth, inhabited by human beings or animal life of any kind?
A. No. For only upon the earth plane, at present, do we find man is flesh and blood. Upon others, we find those (conditions) of his own making, in preparation for his own development. (3744)
42. The inclinations of man are ruled by the planets under which he is born, for the destiny of man lies within the sphere or scope of the planets... but let there be understood here--no action of any planet, or the phases of the sun, the moon, or any of the heavenly bodies surpasses the rule of man's willpower. (3744-3)
43. In giving that which may be understandable, and that which may be helpful from the material angle at this time, as we find, it would be well that all consider the varying aspects from that considered as astrological influence.
As we have given through these channels, astrological influences are effective in the experience of each and every entity. However, when the activities of a soul-entity have been such as to cause or to form the appearance of the entity in a particular sphere of (planetary) activity, the position of the sojourn of the entity to the earth has the greater has the greater influence than just the adverse or benevolent positions of the planet or of a whole solar system upon the entity's activity!
Then it is as this: When the activities of an entity, a soul in the earth, have been such that its passage from the earth would become a birth into the realm of matter known as Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Moon, Mercury, Polaris, or any of these effective in the universal influence, you see, the sojourn there and the positions of any of the planets are more effective than the influence brought to bear because of a posistion in a certain place or portion of the universal forces. See?
Hence, as we find, these conditions are only as urges. (398-2)
44. As to those (influences) of the constellations or of the Zodiacal signs in the life of this entity, these are merely the wavering influences in the life... and not those directing forces ever present in the inner soul of this entity. These (facts), we find, are in opposition to much that is taught at present, or given in the earth plane. (8-1)
45. Yet may this entity be set apart: for through its experiences in the earth it has advanced from a low degree, to that which may not even necissitate a reincarnation in the earth! Not that it has reached perfection; but there are realms for instruction where the entity may go, if the entity will hold fast to the ideal.... Remember, there are material urges (here), and there are also materials in other consciousnesses, not alone in the three-dimensional. (5366-1)
Thus environment and hereditary forces (as generally accepted) are in reality the activities of the mind of the entity, in its choices, through its experiences in the material, in the mental and in the spiritual planes....
There are then those accredited signs or omens--or indications of characteristics--in the innate and manifested activities of the entity. But these are irrespective of what the entity is to do, or will do, respecting same. In interpreting the records here, we find from the astrological aspects the entity is influenced not because of the position of the Sun, the Moon, or of the earth in its relationship to planets or Zodiacal signs or other influences. Yet all of these are recognized as part of the entity's environment. (1796-1)
47. For life is a continuous experience. And the mind, the soul and the will are the influences that act through material manifestations, for the improvement and development--or for retardment--in the whole of the experience.
For each soul enters each experience for development, that it may be prepared to dwell with that which it seeks as its goal. Hence the necessity for each entity to set its ideal in each experience.
Hence we find that the developments throughout the entity's activities, either in a material sojourn or through an astrological experience are but an evolution--or a making-practical. For it is not what an individual entity may proclaim that counts; but what each soul--does about what it has set as its ideal, in relationship to other individuals around it! (1235-1)
48. Astrological aspects may or may not become a part of the experience, physically, for the entity. For these are merely urges, and the will--that which designates God's creatioin of man from the rest of the animal world--rules as to what an individual soul does with his opportunities, in his relationship with his fellow man. (3340-1)
49. Then what are sun spots? A natural consequence of that turmoil which the sons of God in the earth reflect upon same (the Sun). Thus they oft bring confusion to those who become aware of them.
Know (then) that thy mind--thy mind--is the builder! As what does they soul appear? A spot, a blot, upon the Sun? Or as that which giveth light unot those who sit in darkness, who cry aloud for hope? (5757-1)
But let it be understood here: no action of any planet or phase of the Sun, Moon or heavenly body surpasses the rulership of man's individual will power. For this is the power given by the Creator to man, in the beginning when he became a living soul, with the power to choose for himself.
The inclinations of man, then, are ruled by the planets under which he was born. To this extent, the destiny of man lies within the scope or sphere of the planets. Given a position of the solar system at the time of the individual's birth, it can be worked out--that is, the inclinations and actions (can be worked out), without regard to the power of the will, or without the will being taken into consideration. (3744)
51. Will... that factor which may be trained, even as may be the mental forces; will, that developer in the material force--being the balance between influences innately built or of karmic influence; which makes for freedom of the mental being. For, in truth one finds freedom, and he who findeth truth is free indeed. (1719-1)
52. For will is the factor which affords the opportunity to choose what is for development or for retardation. As so oft has been indicated: "There is today, now, set before thee--before each and every soul-entity--that which is life or death, good or evil". Each soul chooses its manifestations. (1646-2)
54. Not that there are not definite helps to be found in astrology; but those who live by it are more often controlled than controlling. Astrology is a fact, in most instances, but astrological aspects are only signs and symbols. No influence is of greater value or help than the will of an individual. Use such directions (from the planets) as stepping stones and do not let them become stumbling stones in thy experience. (815-6)
55. Q. What are the laws governing relativity of all force?
A. In giving the manifestation of such a law, which does exist, we first must consider that, (which) is called force, and that force then in its relations, or the relativity of that force to all force.
There were set in the beginning, as far as the concern is of this physical earth plane, those rules or laws in the relative force of those that govern the earth, and the beings of the earth plane, and also that same law governs the planets, stars, constellations, groups and those that constitute the sphere, the space, in which the planets move. These are of one force, and we see the manifestation of the relation of one force with another in the many various phases as is shown, (here in the readings) for in fact that which to the human mind exists, in fact does not exist, for it has been in past before it is to the human mind in existence.
In this we see the law of the relations of conditions, space or time and its relation to human mind, as is capable of obtaining information upon the earth plane from a normal force or condition. Hence, we bring the same word, relativity of force, to prove its own self, and condition, for we have as in this:
The earth in its motion is held in space by that force of attraction or detraction, or gravitation, or lack of gravitation in its force, so those things that do appear to have reality, and their reality to the human mind, have in reality passed into past conditions before they have reached the mind, for with the earth's laws, and its relations to other spheres, has to man become a past condition. So it is reached only in the further forces as will show, and as is given, for man to understand in this developing, or this evolution from sphere to sphere, or from plane to plane, in this condition.
Hence, we find the normal mind, there is no law as to relativity of force, save as the individual may apply same in the individual's needs of them. That is sufficient.
56. The study from the human standpoint, of subconscious, subliminal, psychic soul forces, is and should be the great study for the human family--for through self man will understand its Maker, when it understands its relation to its Maker. And it will only understand that through itself. And that understanding is the knowledge as is given in this state. (3744-4)
"The following reading (5749-14), was given to Thomas Sugrue as a basis for the philosophy chapter in There Is A River. It has been reproduced in its entirety:" (Furst, pg. 69)
You can read this chapter by Thomas Sugrue from this link: General Philosophy.
You will have before you the inquiring mind of the entity, Thomas Sugrue, present in this room, and certain of the problems confronting him in composing the manuscript of There Is A River.
The entity is now ready to describe the philosophical concepts which have been given through this source, and wishes to parallel and align them known religious tenets, especially those of Christian theology.
The entity does not wish to set forth a system of thought, nor to imply that all questions of a philosophical nature can be answered through this source--the limits of the finite mind preventing this.
But the entity wishes to answer those questions which will naturally arise in the mind of the reader of many of the questions which are being asked by all people in the world today.
Therefore the entity presents certain problems and questions, which you will answer as befits the entity's understanding and the task of interpretation before him.
Mr. Cayce: Yes, we have the inquiring mind, Thomas Sugrue, and those problems, those questions that arise in the mind of the entity as this period. Ready for questions.
Q. 1 The first problem concerns the reason for creation. Should this be given as God's desire to experience Himself, God's desire for companionship, or in some other way?
A. 1 God's desire for companionship and expression.
Q. 2 The second problem concerns that which is variously called evil, darkness, negation, sin. Should it be said this condition existed as a necessary element of creation, and the soul, given free will, found itself with the power to indulge in it, or lose itself in it? Or should it be said that this is a condition created by the activity of the soul itself? Should it be described, in either case, as a state of consciousness, a gradual lack of awareness of self and self's relation to God?
A. 2 It is the free will and its losing itself in its relationship to God.
Q. 3 The third problem has to do with the fall of man. Should this be described as something which was inevitable in the destiny of souls, or something which God did not desire but which He did not prevent once He had given free will? The problem here is to reconcile the omniscience of God and His knowledge of all things with the free will of the soul and the soul's fall from grace.
A. 3 He did not prevent, once having given free will. For He made the individual entities or souls in the beginning. The beginnings of sin, of course, were in seeking expression of themselves outside of the plan or way in which God had expressed same. Thus it was the individual, see?
Having given free will, then--though having the foreknowledge, though being omnipotent and omnipresent--it is only when the soul, that is a portion of God, chooses that God knows the end thereof.
Q. 4 The fourth problem concerns man's tenacy on earth. Was it originally intended that souls remain out of earthly forms, and were the races originated as a necessity resulting from error?
A. 4 The earth and its manifestations were only the expressions of God and not necessarily as a place of tenancy for the souls of men, until man was created to meet the needs of existing conditions.
Q. 5 The fifth problem concerns an explanation of the Life Readings. From a study of these it seems that there is a trend downward from early incarnations toward greater earthliness and less mentality. Then there is a swing upward, accompanied by suffering, patience and understanding. Is this the normal pattern which results in virtue and oneness with God obtained by free will and mind?
A. 5 This is correct. It is the pattern as it is set in Him. (The Master)
Q. 6 The sixth problem concerns interplanetary and intersystem dwelling between earthly lives. It was given through this source that the entity Edgar Cayce, after the experience as Uhjltd, went to the system of Arcturus, and then returned to earth. Does this indicate a usual or unusual step in soul evolution?
A. 6 As indicated, or as has been indicated in other sources besides this one as respecting this very problem, Arcturus is that which may be called the center of this universe, through which individuals pass and at which perioid there comes the choice of the individual as to whether it is to return to complete there--that is, in this planetary system, or to pass on to others. This was an unusual step, and yet a usual one.
Q. 7 The seventh problem concerns implications form the sixth problem. Is it necessary to finish the solar system cycle before going on to other systems?
A. 7 Necessary to finish the solar cycle.
Q. 8 Can oneness be attained--or the finish of evolution reached--on any system, or must it be in a particular one?
A. 8 Depending upon what system the entity has entered, to be sure. It may be completed in any of the many systems.
Q. 9 Must the solar cycle be finished on earth or can it be completed on another planet, or does each planet have a cycle of its own which must be finished?
A. 9 If it is begun on the earth it must be finished on the earth. The solar system of which the earth is a part is only a portion of the whole. For, as indicated in the number of planets about the earth, they are of one and the same--and they are relative one to another. It is the cycle of the whole system that is finished, see?
Q. 10 This problem concerns the pattern made by parents at conception. Should it be said that this pattern attracts a certain soul because it approximates conditions which that soul wishes to work with?
A. 10 It approximates conditions. It does not set. For the individual entity or soul, given the oppurtunity, has its own free will to work in or out of those problems as presented by that very union. Yet the very union, of course, attracts or brings a channel or an oppurtunity for the expression of an individual entity.
Q. 11 Does the incoming soul take on of necessity some of the parents' karma?
A. 11 Because of its relationship to same, yes. Otherwise, no.
Q. 12 Does the soul itself have an earthly pattern which fits into the one created by the parents?
A. 12 Just as indicated, it is relative--as one related to another and because of the union of activities they are brought into the pattern. For in such there is the explanation of universal or divine laws, which are ever one and the same; as indicated in the expression that God moved within Himself and He didn't change, though did bring to Himself that of His own being, made, crucified even in the flesh.
Q. 13 Are there several patterns which a soul might take on, depending on what phase of development it is wished to work on--i.e., could a soul choose to be one of several personalities, any of which fit its individuality?
A. 13 Correct.
Q. 14 Is the average fulfillment of the soul's expectation more or less than fifty percent?
A. 14 It's a continuous advancement, so it is more than fifty percent.
Q. 15 Are heredity, environment, and will equal factors in aiding or retarding the entity's development?
A. 15 Will is the greatest factor, for it may overcome any or all of the others; provided that will is made one with the pattern, see? No influence of heredity, environment or what not surpass the will; else why would there have been that pattern shown in which the individual soul, no matter how far astray it may have gone, may enter with Him into the holy of holies?
Q. 16 The probelem which concerns the proper symbols, or similies, for the Master, the Christ. Should Jesus be described as the Soul who first went through the cycle of earthly lives to attain perfection including perfection in the planetary lives also?
A. 16 He should be. This is as the man, see?
Q. 17 Should this be described as a voluntary mission (on the part of) One who was already perfected and returned to God, having accomplished His oneness in other planes and systems?
A. 17 Correct.
Q. 18 Should the Christ-Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God?
A. 18 Correct. That's the idea exactly.
Q. 19 Please list the names of the incarnations of the Christ, as Jesus, indicating where the development of the man Jesus began.
A. 19 First, in the beginning, of course (as Adam or Amilius); Then as Enoch, Melchizedek, in the perfection. Then in the earth as Joseph, Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus.
Q. 20 Concerning the factors of soul evolution. Should mind, the builder, be described as the last development because it should not unfold until it has a firm foundation of emotional virtues?
A. 20 This might be answered Yes and No, both. But if it is presented in that there is kept, willfully, see, that desire to be in at-one-ment, then it is necessary for that attainment before it recognizes mind as the way.
Q. 21 A problem that concerns a parallel with Christianity. Is Gnosticism the closest type of Christianity to that which is given through this source? (Reincarnation)
A. 21 This is a parallel, and was commonly accepted one until there began to be set rules in which there were attempts to take short cuts. And there are none in Christianity.
Q. 22 What action of the early church, or council, can be mentioned as that which ruled (out) reincarnation from Christian theology?
A. 22 Just as indicated (above)--the attempts of individuals to accept or take advantage of, because of this knowledge, see?
Q. 23 Do souls become entangled in other systems as they did in this system?
A. 23 In other systems that represent the same as the earth does in this system, yes.
Q. 24 Is there any other advice which may be given to this entity at this time in the preparation of these chapters?
A. 24 Hold fast to that ideal, using Him ever as the Ideal. And hold up that necessity for each to meet the same problems. And do not attempt to shed or to surpass (sidestep) or go around the Cross. This is that upon which each and every soul must look and know it is to be borne in self with Him. (5749-14)
57. ...Mind is the Builder, being both spiritual and material; and the consciousness of same reaches man only in his awareness of his consciousness through the senses of his physical being. (826-11)
58. Q. Is the body at birth aware of the destiny of the physical body?
A. God Himself knows not what man will destine to do with himself, else would He (not) have repented that He had made man! ...Man may hold an ideal at the time of birth that would determine his destiny. (262-86)