This timetable comes from the author Jeffrey Furst, ed in his book "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus." "Not all of the dates were given in the Readings. Some approximations have been made for the more ancient periods." (Furst, Story of Jesus, pg. 43)

It should be noted here that there are Life Readings given by Edgar Cayce which state that an individual was upon the earth over ten million years ago. Now that is a thought for anthropologists!

1,000,000 - 800,000 B.C. --- Early Lemurian development.
500,000 B.C. --- Lemuria inundated by water, peoples scattered.
400,000 - 300,000 B.C. --- Lemuria inhabited and civilization advanced.
250,000 B.C. --- Second, Lemurian catastrophe, possibly by fire.
80,000 B.C. --- First Atlantean disturbance. Final Lemurian submergence.
28,000 B.C. --- Second Atlantean disturbance. Recorded biblically as the Great Flood.
10,700 B.C. --- Final destruction and sinking of Atlantis.
10,390 B.C. -- Completion of The Great Pyramid in Egypt by the priests Ra-Ta and Hermes.

Edgar Cayce
