The following readings have been copied from the book "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" by Jeffrey Furst, ed. They relate to the beginning of man or Genesis of the Old Testament. When you run across a "Q." or "A.", it means "question" by the one receiving the reading and "answer" by Edgar Cayce, respectively.

1. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was God, the Word was with God. "HE MOVED". Hence, as He moved, Souls, portions of Himself, came into being. (263-13)

2. The entity (2497) was in the beginning, WHEN ALL WERE IN THE SPIRITUAL FORCE, when the morning stars sang together in the glory of the coming of the Lord to make possible the developing of man's influence in the world.

The First Day

3. Before that the entity (341) was among those when the forces of the Universe came together, when upon the waters there was the sound of the coming together of THE SONS OF GOD--The morning stars sang together, and over the face of the waters there was the voice of the glory of the coming of the plane for man's indwelling. (341-1)

4. Read, first, five or six verses at the beginning of the first chapter of Genesis, and in the third verse understand what it means that the knowledge is within thine own self, the light necessary for yourself to be one of the best men God ever created.

They are not foolishness, my friend! It's the law of the Lord, and you must one day face it! (2879)

5. For thyself came not merely by chance. For the earth is a causation world; in the earth cause and effect are as the natural law. And as each soul enters this material plane it is to meet or to give those lessons or truths that others, too, may gain the more knowledge of the purpose for which each soul enters.

For did the Master Jesus come by chance? Or was it not accordding to the preparation made from the very foundations of the world? For as another has indicated, "Without Him there was not anything made that was made." When ye, as a soul-entity, in the beginning sought companionship with God, losing that companionship with God, losing by choice of that which would satisfy or gratify a material desire only, ye, as the Master did, entered again and again, ye come to fulfill the law, the law that brought thy soul into being to be one with Him. (3645)

6. Before that we find the entity (5056) was in the Atlantean land, and in those periods BEFORE ADAM was in the earth. The entity was among those who were the THOUGHT PROJECTIONS and a real musician on pipes and reed insturments.

7. Ye (1857) were with him (Cayce) in the beginning. Ye were both then, as it were (for comparison) as the WIND upon the waters, that announced the glory of the coming of man! Hence ye were both as SPIRITUAL.

8. Among those who first came into the earth's sphere, before it was habitable to human life. Only then, as vision, did the entity view the earth's sphere, and passed to the other spheres about the earth. (228-2)

9. In that particular experience there still were those who were physically entangled in the animal kingdom, with the appendages, with cloven hoofs, with four legs, with portions of trees, with tails, with scales, with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to seperate the purpose of God's creation of man as man--not as animal. (2072-8)

10. The entity was among the children of the Law of One, those that were the SONS OF MEN, yet of the Daughters of the Lord--or those who had become purified of those entanglements in the animal forces that became manifest among many. (1066)

11. Some brought about monstrosities, as those of its associations with beasts of various characters. Hence, those of the styx, satyr and the like; those of the sea, or mermaids; those of the unicorn, and those of various forms (364-10)

"Accordingly, the Sons of God set themselves to working at creation also (in accord with Divine guidance) and fashioned or evolved the flesh bodies which were intended to be the channels for man's eventual release from his material being. This was done by thought form projection...through the glandular centers of the higher developed species of primates that were chosen as the most advantageous of the animals then inhabiting the earth (for the purposes and problems involved)." (Furst, pg. 36)

12. Then the earth brought forth seed in her season, and man appeared in five places at once--the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations. (5748-1)

13. Q. Did the appearance of what became the five races occur simultaneously?
A. Occurred at once.

14. Q. Are the places designated for the beginning of the five races correct?
A. As we find--those in the Gobi, the yellow; the white in the Carpathians; the red in the Atlantean and in the American; the brown in the Andean; the black in the plain and the Sudan or in the African. (364-13)

15. In the period then some 198,000 years before the entry of Ram into India, there lived in this land of Atlantis one Amilius, who had first noted the seperations of the beings as inhabited that portion of the earth's sphere or plane of those peoples, into male and female as seperate entities or individuals. As to their forms in the physical sense, these were rather of the nature of thought forms, or able to push out of themselves in that direction in which development took shape in thought--much in the way and manner as the amoeba would in the waters of a stagnant bay or lake in the present. (364-3)

16. Q. How is the legend of Lilith, the legendary first woman, connected with the period of Amilius?
A. In the beginning, as was outlined, there was presented that that became as the Sons of God, in that male and female were as in one, with those abilities for those changes as were able or capable of being brought about. In the changes that came from those things, as were of the projections of the abilities of those entities to project, this as a being came as the companion; and when there was that turning to the within, through the sources of creation, as to make for the helpmeet of that as created by the First Cause, or of the Creative Forces that brought into being that as was made, then--from out of self--was brought that as was to be th helpmeet, not just companion, of the body. Hence the legend of the associations of the body during that period before there was brought into being the last of the creations, which was not of that that was made, and a helpmeet to the body, that there might be no change in the relationship of the Sons of God with those relationships of the Sons and Daughters of Men. (364-7)

17. Q. What is meant by the Sons of the Highest in Atlantis and the second coming of souls to the earth, as mentioned in a Life Reading given through this channel (Cayce)?
A. In this period or age, as was seen--there is fault of words here to project that as actually occurs in the formation of that as comes about! There was, with the will of that as came into being through the correct channels, of that as created by the Creator, that of the continuing of the souls in its projection and profection--see? While in that aas was of the offspring, of that as pushed itself inot form to satisfy, gratify, that of the desire of that known as carnal forces of the senses, of those created, there continued to be the war one with another and there were then--from the other sources (worlds) the continuing entering of those that would make for the keeping of the balance, as of the first purpose of the Creative Forces, as it magnifies itself in that given sphere of activity, of that that had been given the ability to create with its own activity--see? And hence the second, or the continued entering of souls into that known as the earth's plane during this period, for that activity as was brought about. Let's remember that as was given, in the second, third from Adam, or fourth, or from Amilius, there was "In that day did they call upon the name of the Lord"--is right! And ever, when the elements that make for littleness, uncleanness, are crucified in the body, the Spirit of the Lord, of God, is present! When these are overbalanced, so that the body (physical), the mental man, the imagination of its heart, is evil, or his purpose is evil, then is that war continuing--as from the beginning. Just the continued warring of those things within self as from the beginning; for with these changes as brought sin into the world, with the same came the fruits of same, or the seed as of sin, which we see in the material world as those things that corrupt good ground, those that corrupt the elements that are of the compounds of those of the first causes, or elementals and pests are seen, and the like, see? So does it follow throughout all creative forces, that the fruits of that as is active brings that seed that makes for the corrupting of, or the clearing of, in the activative forces of, that being acted upon. (364-7)

18. Q. What was meant by "As in the first Adam sin entered, so in the last Adam all shall be made alive"?
A. Adam's entry into the world in the beginning, then, must become the saviour of the world, as it was committed to His care, "Be thou fruitful, multiply, and subdue the earth!" Hence Amilius, Adam, the first Adam, the last Adam, becomes--then--that that is given the power over the earth, and--as in each soul the first to be conquered is self--then all things, conditions and elements, are subject unot that self? That's a universal law, as may be seen in that as may be demonstrated either in gases that destroy one another by becoming elements of the same, or that in the mineral or the animal kingdom as may be found that destroy, or become one with the other. Hence, as Adam given--the Son of God--so He must become that that would be able to take the world, the earth, back to that source from which it came, and all power is given in His keeping in the earth, that He has overcome; self, death, hell and the grave even, become subservient unto Him through the conquering of self in that made flesh; for, as in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God, the same was in the beginning. The Word came and dwelt among men, the offspring of self in a material world, and the Word overcame the World--and hence the world becomes, then, as the servant of that that overcame the world! (364-7)

19. Q. Please give the important incarnations of Jesus in the world's history.
A. In the beginning as Amilius, as Adam, as Melchiezdek, as Zend, as Ur, as Asaph, as Jeshua--Joseph--(Joshua)--Jesus.

Then, as that coming into the world in the second coming--for He will come again and receive His own who have prepared themselves through that belief in Him and acting in the manner; for the Spirit is abroad and the time draws near and there will be the reckoning of those even as in the first so in the last and the last shall be first; for there is that Spirit abroad--He standeth near. Ye that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear that music of the coming of the Lord of this vineyard; and art thou ready to give account of that thou hast done with thine opportunity in the earth as the Sons Of God, as the heirs and joint heirs of glory with the Son? Then make thy paths straight, for there must come an answering for that thou hast done with thy Lord! He will not tarry, for having overcome He shall appear even as the Lord and Master. Not as one born, but as one that returneth to his own, for He will walk and talk with men of every clime, and those that are faithful and just in their reckoning shall be caught up with Him to rule and to do judgment for a thousand years! (364-7)

{aquar's words: Through my studies of Edgar Cayce, I have come to learn that this just mentioned 1000 year period is a real promise of God to man and is literal in meaning. I have come across a reading which would help one to understand that 1000 year period better. When I find it again, I will add it here.}

20. ... in the days when the Sons came together in the first of the morning light by the earth's sun, this entity was among Those who gathered to worship the sun. (4543)

21. Q. Please explain the statement given in Genesis, "In six days God made the heaven and the earth!"
A. That each may interpret this according to his own comprehension, let each become aware of the power of the Father in His manifestations in the earth. When it is considered (as was later given, or WRITTEN even before this was written) that "a thousand years is as but a day and a day as but a thousand years in the sight of the Lord," then it may be comprehended that this was colored by the writer's desire to express to the people the power of the Living God--rather than a statement of six days as man comprehends days in the present. Not that such was an impossibility, but rather that men shuld be impressed by the omnipotence of that they were called on to worship as God. (262-57)

The Seventh Day

22. Sure, it is indicated that He rested on the 7th day, to take stock, or to let His purpose flow through that which He perfected in itself. (3491)

23. As to the highest point of civilization (in Atlanis), this would first have to be determined according to the standard as to which it would be judged--as to the highest point was when Amilius ruled with those understandings. As to the one (Amilius) that understood the variations, or whether they become man-made, would depend on whether we are viewing from a spiritual standpoint or a purley material or commercial standpoint; for the variations, as we find, extend over a period of some two hundred thousand years. (364-4)

Edgar Cayce
