Readings from Edgar Cayce relating to Astrology and the Soul

1. It should be understood that Life is One... 294-155

2. ... ye are part and parcel of a universal consciousness, or God--and thus [part of] all that is within the universal consciousness, or the universal awareness; as the stars, the planets, the sun, the moon. 2794-3

3. Then the Destiny of the Soul--as of all creation--is to be one with Him; continually growing, growing, for that association. 262-88

4. ...the coming into the earth has been and is for the evolution or the evolving of the soul unto its awareness... 5749-5

5. ... in patience we become aware of our souls, of our identity, of our being each a corpuscle, as it were, in the great body, in the heart, of our God. 262-114

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Edgar Cayce
