Kenneth Z. Thomas

We create our world through the choices we make.

My Definition of
" What is the Internet?"

The Internet is a loose association of computers, networks and people in an electronic world wide community for the purpose of sharing information. The Internet is a vast resource, spanning over 100 countries on all seven continents, and encompassing the collected efforts of over 20 million people. Often people confuse the terms "internet" and "World Wide Web". They do not mean the same thing. The World Wide Web is an abstract collection of hypertext documents stored on numerous computers around the world commonly viewed with a browser. The internet refers to the physical collection of computers, cables and lines connecting each seperate computer to all the others that are on the net. This network is established in such a way that if part of this network fails, the information will be routed a different direction so that the information will still get through. There are very few rules and one must keep in mind that all information that is attainable is necessarily accurate. The source of that information must be evaluated when there is a question as to accuracy. This world wide community allows an individual to communicate with friends and strangers from many different places. It provides opportunities to visit far away lands, look at great museums and enjoy many different art galleries. It opens doors in which all sort of items can be purchased. Information can be retrieved from great libraries and government agencies. Money transactions can be achieved. Games and different forms of entertainment can be played and viewed. It is an information highway in which one can lose all sense of time. It can be very beneficial or detrimental depending on any particular individual's choice. But this is true of every road in life. It can be a time saver or a waste of time. It opens wide the world to millions of people with very little expense. It opens the floodgates on information and its future is limited only by our imaginations.

Preceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.
-Merry Browne