We ought to think that we are one of the leaves of a tree, and
the tree is all humanity. We cannot live without the others, without
the tree.
- Pablo Casal
My personal Philosophy on Life
If you want an accounting of your worth count your friends.
- Merry Browne
I believe that our purpose in this plane and time is to give
each of us opportunities for growth in understanding the truest
aspect of love as we strive to understand our creation and
who we are in that creation. I believe that we have many
opportunities each and everyday for lessons
on growth. As we face these opportunities, we are faced with
the realization that we have choices to make. Those choices
if we will grow and learn from any given situation or if we
are going to have to face that situation again and again
until we
have mastered making the best choice. These learning experiences
or opportunities are for the most part established through
each and every relationship that we have with any other and
all other
people that we interact with at any given moment. Every choice
that we make not only is paramount on our own growth process
but will affect others who are close to us. I believe that
there is
a law of accountability that systematically sets up situations
that will help us to learn the importance of how our choices
effect not only each of us but also how they effect those
around us. I believe that nothing happens by chance and yet
we have complete free will. That free will allows us to create
who we are and how we will impact our world.
It is with the above in mind that I believe that the only real
wealth that any of us ever achieve is in the relationships that
we establish and maintain through out our lives. It is with this
in mind that it is significant that we live as if we would die
tomorrow but learn as if we would live forever. It is only through
knowledge that we eradicate fear and hate and replace them with
trust and love. All truth and all knowledge are only the basis
of our growth in reaching the understanding of an all encompassing
The most important trip you take in life is meeting people halfway.
- Henry Boye in National Enquirer
Open your mind to truth, universal knowledge and your own potential
for creativity. You are at any given moment the sum total of every
experience you have had since your beginning. Live life with a
positive attitude and make choices that place you in situations
that surround you with positive people. If you do this and begin
to understand the choices that you need to make, you will find
that life is beautiful and that your ego will begin to be replaced
with an all inclusive attitude for unity in growth in our world.
It is my hope that you are on the path leading you to living
your life with personal growth as your goal and love at your center.
May your life bloom for all to see!
-Kenneth Z. Thomas

Love is what's left in a relationship after all the selfishness
has been removed.
-Cullen Hightower
I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making
me hate him.
- Booker T. Washington

Within Each of us
The rose is an excellent example of how we each should look upon
our life. If we look closely at the growth of a rose we find that
it is often difficult to touch or get near without being pricked
by a thorn. If the rose is not exposed to the nurturing effect
of proper care it will be less able to reach the full potential
of its bloom. It is true also with the life that we each live.
From time to time we each cause others pain just as the thorn
when someone tries to get close. With out the hand of nurturing
love, our lives will never reach their full bloom. As the bloom
takes on its true beauty the thorns are soon forgotten.
Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat
him as he could be, and he will become what he should be.
- Goethe