Sample Web Pages From Previous Classes
Terms Related to Web Sites
Counters – A scripted link added to a web page to keep
track of the number of times the page has been accessed (hit).
Gif – A common graphic image file (format created by
Compu serve). Used for images that move (animated gifs) and
line drawn graphics.
Graphics Editing Program – A computer program used to
make, alter,\ or enhance images for a web page.
Guest Book – A link that allows visitors to your web
site, leave a message or contact information.
Home Page – The first page of a web Site. Usually set
as the index page.
HTML – Hypertext markup language is a code that allows
different computer formats to view a web page.
Hyperlink – Text or graphics which are interactive taking
you to another place on that page, another page on that site
or another site altogether.
Jpeg – A common graphic file. This format usually used
for pictures.
Meta Tags - information inserted into the "head" area
of your web pages. Information in the head area of your web
pages is not seen by those viewing your pages in browsers.
Meta information in this area is used to communicate information
that a human visitor may not be concerned with. Meta tags,
for example, can tell a browser what "character set" to
use or whether a web page has self-rated itself in terms of
adult content, or provide information used by search engines.
Tables – An organizational form divided into rows and
columns containing uniform cells, that are used to control
the placement of text and graphics on a web page.
Web browser – Computer program used to view and navigate
web sites on the internet.
Web Editing program – Computer program used to create
web pages.
Web Folder – The folder that contains all of the web
pages and sub folders for a web site.
Web Host – A commercial server that stores web sites.
Web pages – Individual pages that make up a web site.
Web site – A set of web pages under one domain name
or a sub domain name.