Kenneth Z. Thomas

We create our world through the choices we make.

Ken’s Web Sites:


Kenington - Personal Web Site

Barts Centenary United Methodist Church Ken’s Church Web Site

Rotarty Littlestown Rotary Club

Interact Littlestown High School Interact Club

Littlestown Littlestown Information

Prosper Littlestown Middle School/ Penn State Strengthening Families

Educational Links Links to Educational sites by Subject and interest areas

Web Development Used for adult Education class on making a web page with a Microsoft Word.

TSA LHS Technology Student Association

Choosing a Career Use to help Students understand how to look for a career and how to apply for a job

LHS Guidance Information compiled for LHS Guidance

Biglerville High School Class of 1962 Ken’s high School Class Reunion Site

Graduation Project Littlestown High School Graduation Project Information Page

The Littlestown Chamber of Commerence