Really Mad Silly
Stuff to Read in Cyberspace
- A Quilt of Stories: new stories
by Ruth Buchanan (well, I'd have to be silly not to
include my own writing!)
- Salon magazine:
essays and features on books and films and news and popular
culture, special sections include technology, entertainment and
articles for mothers who think. Extensive & accessible
- The Hungry Mind
Review: American quarterly with book reviews, features and
essays (and free e-postcards)
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the page
Chat Options
There are none. Most vapid lot of conversations you've ever found.
If you can call them conversations. Let people choose a silly name
and they go bananas! Let me know if you can prove me
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the page
and Writing
- Varuna Writers'
Centre, Katoomba, Blue Mountains, Australia - wonderful
writers' retreat
- BookWire - American
booktrade news, reviews, features, bestsellers, Publishers Weekly
& other journals on line
- OzLit:
hundreds of pages of Australian book news, reviews, links, author
info and more
- Booksellers on line
- Writing advice sites
- See also all the links on the page with an
annotated listing of my favourite books.
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the page
- The Best Films - an idiosyncratic list. Do you agree?
- Initial candidate: Cinema
- Childhood Favourite:
The Sound of
Music - on this Fox site (Take me to Salzburg!) you can
test your yodelling skills in the music room, find out more
than you would believe possible about the cast, the making of
the film and other stuff.
- Reviews & Information
- Rumours
- Corona in
Canada has the gossip you didn't think to ask from moles
throughout the film industry
- Cinemas
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the page
- School Librarian
Links - extensive, comprehensive, admirable, searchable.
- An Australian listserv for teacher librarians. This link is to
the home page, which has joining info.
- How much time do we spend teaching them to tweak the
technology rather than wrangle information?:
we ready for the library of the future ?- an article from the
archives of Salon
- More TL sites (coming one day soon)
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the page
Culture & News
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the page
& Web Page Construction
- Acknowledgements page - some great
sources for graphics (links provided)
- Other graphics sources
- Geocities - get your
own free home page (but watch out for those irritating pop-up ads)
- Free email - so you can access your email from any terminal,
any computer anywhere.
- Yahoo! mail
- MailExcite
- Hotmail - although
every time I load their home page all the images come up broken
& incomprehensible. Try the others first.
- HTML advice
- Kate.net's Toybox of
free stuff including
screensavers, wallpapers and more (not web page stuff, but for
your computer)
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the page
Personal Web Pages
of the Charming People who are my Dear Dear Friends
(or they wrote in my Guestbook and were nice, or I'm
returning a listing favour)
- Angela's
Marry Me Campo Page - will the short guy of
Rugby-the-game-they-play-in-heaven be fleetfooted enough to catch
this prize? (Second listing for this significant site)
- The Vines Family (if RV gets organised)
- Cayzer
Inc - if you're into hermeneutics and theology (and aren't we
all?), this will be the page you've been waiting for
- Grandma
George in the US for graphics and cheerfulness (no, she's not
my granny)
- The
Great Buchanan Links Page - Randall B is kind enough to list
me as Ruth Buchanan, Storyteller , so I shall return the favour.
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the page
- International
- Multi-engine searches
- Search engines for Australian stuff
Seekers of
| A Quilt of
Stories | Celebrations | High School English
| Poetry |
| Film |
| Awards | Sydney in
Photographs |
Webmaster skills
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This site is maintained by Ruth
Buchanan. All content is copyright Ruth Buchanan 1998 with all rights
reserved; copyright not held by Ruth Buchanan is acknowledged where
known (refer individual pages and
page). Pleae advise re any discrepancies. These links are provided
as a service but no claims are made for their effectiveness,
veracity, charm or even existence and no responsibility is taken by
this site or its maintenance engineer.
Page created 1 January 1998 and most
recently updated 25 April (Anzac Day) 1998.