The Heaven's Embroidered Cloths

A Cornucopia of Links

Even less under construction than it was

Really Mad Silly Links

Intelligent Stuff to Read in Cyberspace

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Intelligent Chat Options

There are none. Most vapid lot of conversations you've ever found. If you can call them conversations. Let people choose a silly name and they go bananas! Let me know if you can prove me wrong.....

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Books and Writing

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English Teaching

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Teacher Librarianship

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Popular Culture & News

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HTML & Web Page Construction


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Personal Web Pages of the Charming People who are my Dear Dear Friends (or they wrote in my Guestbook and were nice, or I'm returning a listing favour)

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Search Engines


Seekers of Knowledge

Always appreciated!

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The Heaven's Embroidered Cloths

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This site is maintained by Ruth Buchanan. All content is copyright Ruth Buchanan 1998 with all rights reserved; copyright not held by Ruth Buchanan is acknowledged where known (refer individual pages and Acknowledgements page). Pleae advise re any discrepancies. These links are provided as a service but no claims are made for their effectiveness, veracity, charm or even existence and no responsibility is taken by this site or its maintenance engineer.

Page created 1 January 1998 and most recently updated 25 April (Anzac Day) 1998.