new stories by Ruth Buchanan

Stories to enjoy, to give you pleasure in reading, time out from whatever clutters your days: that's the goal of these stories. They go on the net in serial form, so bookmarking this site, or adding it to your Favourites, will enable you to return to continue reading. They are all original and copyright - see note below. December 1999 additional note: after months of being unable to access this site to edit/change/add anything, I have just regained these choices and will be making some changes soon. Thanks for your patience.

Darcy's Christmas

An Australian story of Christmases past and Christmas present.

A Valentine for Neroli

Valentine's Day in Australia - the end of summer. Neroli bought a card, but to whom should she send it?

The next story

This will begin on line in 1998: The Summer Giant and the Winter Giant.


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Copyright Notice

Author Information



I have one novel completed and another in progress - neither one yet under contract by a publisher. I have had freelance articles published in major newspapers. Writing is part of my professional life, a pleasure and a necessity. Please email me for further information. Publishers/agents are welcome to enquire. As of late January over 1,400 people have hit the first story.  It's been very rewarding to put a story online and obtain feedback from readers all over the world, Dickens-style in cyberspace.


These stories are for you to read and enjoy, but not to steal. They are original and copyright, with all rights reserved and reproduction in any form or by any means absolutely forbidden without written permission from the copyright owner, Ruth Buchanan.


The background graphic: Lori's Background Boutique. The "new" graphic: The ShockZone. The purple bar: Jelane's Family of Graphics. The Geocities button: Becki's Garden of Graphics. Sun icon: MS Publisher. Heart graphic: source unknown.

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This site is maintained by Ruth Buchanan. All content is copyright Ruth Buchanan 1998 with all rights reserved; copyright not held by Ruth Buchanan is acknowledged where known (refer individual pages and Acknowledgements page). Pleae advise re any discrepancies.

Page most recently updated 18 January, 1998