The Heaven's Embroidered Cloths
Acknowledgements & Credits
The sample images are provided ****ONLY**** so you can identify their source. This is not intended as a graphics collection: please do not treat it as such. If you like a particular graphic then please go to its source or site of origin and read the conditions and copyright requirements associated with its use (the bare minimum is acknowledgment and a link; some graphics are for use on personal home pages only). There are some wonderful internet graphics designers in this group; please respect and honour their work by not stealing it. Designers whose work has been used within this site are welcome to advise if they wish their work to be withdrawn. The graphics on this page may cause it to take a little time to load.
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Border Bonanza - original designs by Debbie Rutkowski |
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Microsoft Publisher clipart |
Claris Home Page clipart |
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The backgrounds on these two pages are from Lori's Background Boutique (images too large to reproduce here) A Quilt of Stories (pastel patchwork) The Summer Giant and the Winter Giant (country scene) | |
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Image available to homesteaders (members) at Geocities |
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Web Ground - which does have some excellent useable textures, particularly among the light colours - when you're sick of psychedelia that has nothing to do with backgrounding text, this is the site to visit. Copyright OK for noncommercial sites, but check out his copyright conditions. |
origin unknown
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This site is maintained by Ruth Buchanan. All content is copyright Ruth Buchanan 1998 with all rights reserved; copyright not held by Ruth Buchanan is acknowledged where known (refer individual pages and acknowledgements page). Pleae advise re any discrepancies.
Page created 1 January 1998 and most recently updated 18 January 1998.