Sydney Harbour in the early morning..........
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Looking east towards the heads, with one of the "wedding cake" buoys in the foreground. | |
The CBD and the Sydney Opera House on Bennelong Point, with Farm Cove, where the First Fleet landed and white settlement was established in 1788. The Royal Botanic Gardens now occupy the land around Farm Cove. |
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The Sydney Opera House, with Farm Cove and the cranes of the RAN's dock at Garden Island in the background, and Circular Quay curving in the foreground. | |
The Sydney Harbour Bridge, looking back up the Harbour towards the Heads. Fort Denison, built in the 1850s on a rocky outcrop known as Pinchgut, is on the left; the Sydney Opera House is on the right. |
All photographs by and copyright 1998 R. Buchanan, all rights reserved. Please do not steal these original images.
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This site is maintained by Ruth Buchanan. All content is copyright Ruth Buchanan 1998 with all rights reserved; copyright not held by Ruth Buchanan is acknowledged where known (refer individual pages and acknowledgements page). Please advise re any discrepancies.
Page created 3 March 1998 and most recently updated 3 March 1998.