Christmas Recipes

Darcy's Christmas - a new Australian Christmas story

May you have a Christmas filled with peace and a New Year abounding in joy!

It came upon a midnight clear,

That glorious song of old,

From angels bending near the earth

To touch their harps of gold:-

'Peace on the earth, good will to men,

From heaven's all gracious King!'

The world in solemn stillness lay

To hear the angels sing.


Still through the cloven skies they come

With peaceful wings unfurled;

And still their heavenly music floats

O'er all the weary world;

Above its sad and lowly plains

They bend on hovering wing,

And ever o'er its Babel sounds

The blessed angels sing.


For lo! the days are hastening on,

By prophet bards foretold,

When with the ever-circling years

Comes round the age of gold,

When peace shall over all the earth

Its ancient splendours fling,

And the whole world give back the song

Which now the angels sing.

In ten years' time I'll probably be amazed at how crudely-designed this is: but for now I've achieved an online Christmas card. I haven't yet managed to successfully scan the stencilled angel image from my handmade snailmail cards. That design is based on an old American folk art weathervane which is in its own way crude, but also beautiful. The carol is one of my favourites, for its optimism and rich imagery.

Whether you're from among my family and friends reading this, or a stranger in cyberspace, I hope for you equally that Christmas holds the joy of children, the pleasure of music and laughter, the companionship of friends and family, the grace of giving, the love of God and in all and through all, peace.


Christmas 1997

My plans for this site go beyond an online Christmas card, so on your next visit you should see more. The Christmas recipes are just the beginning - gingerbread biscuits and lime shortbread, lemonade and truffles. There is a Christmas serial for you to enjoy - click here to begin reading Darcy's Christmas.

If you'd like to email a greeting, then click here for an email blank, or do sign the Guestbook

Always appreciated!

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The Heaven's Embroidered Cloths



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This site is maintained by Ruth Buchanan. All content is copyright Ruth Buchanan 1998 with all rights reserved; copyright not held by Ruth Buchanan is acknowledged where known (refer individual pages and Acknowledgements page). Pleae advise re any discrepancies.

Page most recently updated 3 January 1998.