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![]() Handmade Egyptian Gifts (papyrus, perfume bottles, stationery, etc.) Very cool, and reasonable prices too! Click the above banner to go to byfar.com. The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx
Many believe they may not have (or at least not by themselves.) Any
textbook or archaeology professor you run across will cheerfully tell you
that The Great Pyramid was constructed by the Pharaohs of the Fourth Dynasty
in approximately 2500 B.C., however there are many who believe that evidence to
the contrary exists and has been largely ignored. Why would evidence be ignored? Most in the "scientific"
and archaeological communities would have to admit to being wrong, textbooks would have to be
re-written and most just plain refuse to seriously investigate the evidence since it does not
fit into their paradigm (therefore it "can't be true.")
Inside the pyramid there are no
writings, no markings and no tombs, however in the mid-1800's Colonel Howard Vyse
made an amazing discovery that the scientific and archaeological communities
have held as absolute proof that the Pharaoh Khufu was the builder of the
pyramid. Vyse "discovered" quarryman's markings, or "graffiti"
inside the King's Chamber of the pyramid. There are, however, some very
obvious problems with these "quarry marks", pointed out by Graham
Hancock and Robert Bauval in their 1996 book So what about prophecy?The
measurement of the pyramid is done in what is called "pyramid inches."
Adding up the feet and inches of the pyramid and applying a little math
and science you will find that the precision of the monument is
incredible. First of all, the value of pi can be found (the
original pyramid complete with it's outer casing was 481.3949 feet which when compared to
it's base of 3032.16 feet is the same relationship that a circle has to it's radius...481.3949 feet * 2 * 3.14=3023.16 feet.)
The Egyptians weren't even supposed to have had this knowledge!
Analyzing the math again you will find the dimensions of the Earth,
the equatorial circumference of the Earth, the number of years (and days)
of the precession of the equinoxes, etc., etc. Using a system of pyramid-inches
on the inside many believe that a calendar can be found of human
history. Through the narrow passages, wide galleries and chambers inside
The Great Pyramid it has been found that the walls and turns coincide perfectly
with significant world events, such as the birth of Christ, the Crusades,
both world wars and a highly significant event that is to take place on
September 17, 2001 (date from Moira Timms' "Beyond Prophecy and Prediction"). This date corresponds to a stone within the antechamber at the entrance to the king's chamber, believed to symbolize a final
purification of some type. According to Timms it is the last date anywhere in the Great Pyramid. In addition, still others have proposed another path...down the descending passage, which ends in a pit dropping deep below the pyramid. The date the pit is reached is also sometime in the year 2001 (presumably around September also.) Either way you map it out, the pyramid's dating system ends in 2001. Does this mean doom for
us, or a chance for transformation resulting in a whole new level of being,
a level that the pyramid builders could not see? Many cosmic theories have
been proposed about the "pyramid calendar." There are firm believers
in the absolute authenticity of these claims, and there are just as firm
debunkers. ![]() ![]() The SphinxThe Sphinx is also purported to have been built around 2500 B.C., however with all the recent research surrounding it there is finally a growing number of scientists and archaeologists willing to believe that this date is false. The structure is also a marvel of engineering. Standing 66 feet high and over 240 feet long, this great monument of ancient times faces due east to catch the first rays of the sun (and the first sight of the rising constellations in the night sky.) Time and weather have taken their toll, however and the entire structure is heavily eroded by what can only have been water. When did it rain heavily in the Sahara? Far more than 4000 years ago. It has been estimated that the last period of heavy precipitation occurred over 8000 years ago. The Sphinx shows signs of very heavy rain erosion, meaning that it had to have been standing in the pouring rain for a great many years. While scientists argue about the date of its building, let's discuss another topic just as fascinating. Back in the earlier part of this century Edgar Cayce, the "Sleeping Prophet" (learn more about Edgar Cayce on the Links Page) did several readings stating that in the period that we are currently in (the late 1990's) a chamber beneath the Sphinx would be found by a few "initiates" of the day. Within this chamber would be found the entire recorded history of Atlantis and of early Egypt. This Hall of Records would bring to light a whole new history of humankind, shattering the long-held beliefs of our present civilization. Cayce's timeline of the building of the Sphinx and of The Great Pyramid corresponds to the present research of, among others, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, and John Anthony West. This date of approximately 10,000-12,000 years ago was the same time-frame Cayce gave for the final destruction and evacuation of Atlantis. The Atlanteans fled to many areas of the world, including Egypt, North America, and South America. But is there a chamber below the Sphinx? Yes there is a chamber below the Sphinx! Several, in fact. This discovery was made fairly recently with the help of updated technology (which the scientists can use if they are lucky enough to get permission from the Egyptian government...which is increasingly hard to come by.)The opening of the first chamber revealed nothing, but there are many more openings slated to occur within the next two years. What will be found? I personally believe that the Hall of Records will indeed be uncovered. When Cayce first mentioned "chambers under the Sphinx" it was a laughing matter. None had been discovered. But now... ![]() Although there is a great deal more information about these subjects,
I cannot include it all on my page. It would be a 500-page book! I would
gladly write this book if I felt it was necessary, but luckily this information
is easy to obtain. I highly recommend reading ![]() ![]() Copyright © 1997 Deb's Ancient Future Home Page |