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Mayan and Hopi Prophecy

For Mayan Prophecy, click here.

The Hopi

The Hopi people are a peaceful nation who believe they were placed in the Black Mesa area of Arizona by the Great Spirit to protect and care for the land. They treat the land and all creatures who inhabit it with respect, recognizing the sacredness of all life. Unfortunately, protecting this " spiritual center" has been, and continues to be, an inexcusable battle. From the United States government to the mining and digging in the Black Mesa area, the Hopi people have had to fight for their rights to the land which the Great Spirit had given them.

Our exploration of Hopi prophecy begins with the cycle of creation. Three other worlds have existed before our present one, but were destroyed in purifications (apocolypses) when the spirituality of the people had become corrupted. The only survivors of the previous worlds were kept safe in underground caverns until a new world had been created. They were then taken up to the surface through a reed by the Great Spirit. After the creation of the 4th world (ours), the people spread across the many lands. Before they began their long journeys they were offered ears of corn so that they would have food. The Hopi leader waited until he was last and had the least. This compassion and understanding for the others made the Hopi the "chosen ones" and they were given the sacred land of Black Mesa.

One of the most important aspects of Hopi prophecy is the prophecy rock. Carved on a wall in Arizona, it describes the life path of our world. The people were told that when the white brother (a whole other story that I won't go into here) returned to the land, he would be carrying a cross within the sacred circle. But, they were warned, if he returned with only the cross and not the circle it could be the beginning of the Great Purification that would end the world.
Beginning in the lower left corner, we find the Great Spirit holding the reed which the people went through to enter the 4th world. There are 2 main paths: the upper horizontal line indicates the materialistic path, and the lower represents the spiritual path. The first vertical line (just before the circles) is the moment the white people came back to Hopi land. Notice that the people on the top are not connected with their heads (their spirituality and connection to the Creator!) The first two circles represent World War I and II. The next vertical line is the pretty much the last chance to change our ways. It shows that the white people (not necessarily just white people; think of this as our modern culture) could have joined the spiritual path at that point and thus become survivors of this world. The materialistic path then becomes very jagged and fades away, while the spiritual path leads to abundance and joy in the 5th world.

So where are we now? The Hopi believe we are just about at the time of the Great Purification, which is prophesized to be even worse than the ending of the first three worlds. What leads them to believe we are that close, past the last chance to change? Well, several of the "last days" prophecies have already come to pass. Among these are:
-A bug moving along a black ribbon (the automobile.)
-The bug being tossed into the sky, making paths in the air beginning at the time of the first great war (airplane.)
-Cobwebs in the air all over the land (power lines.)
-A gourd of ashes being dropped from the sky that will burn the land and everything on it and cause nothing to grow for years (nuclear weapons.)
-Men will travel to the moon and stars.
-When a house is built in the sky, the Great Purification is very near (space station.)
So if we are that close, what form will the 3rd circle (the 3rd great war) take? It is symbolized by the color red. This color will cause the annihilation of almost all life on earth. The first circles were associated with the sun and the swatiska. What could this color red be? Some refer to them as the "red hat and cloak people." Further clues say that they will have a very large population and will come from the East. Does this sound like China to you? The prophecies also say that there will be further signs just before the purificaton occurs: trees dying, dramatic climate changes, land sinking and rising and the appearance of a blue star that was not yet visible.

What would the blue star be? Well...a star! In 1987, at the time of the Mayan Harmonic Convergence, the light from a supernova in the Greater Magellanic Cloud (SN1987A) finally reached us. It was indeed a bright blue star, as seen from Earth. This supernova was regarded as the fulfillment of the prophecy and one of the definitive signs that we are quickly approaching the last days of the 4th world.

To get more information about Hopi prophecy, try a hard to find book (!) called Beyond Prophecies and Predictions by Moira Timms, visit the Native American section of my Links Page , or try a keyword search on the link below to Barnes & Noble:
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