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Main Menu Great Pyramid & Sphinx Maya & Hopi prophecy May 5, 2000 MANY LINKS! Message Board Pictures Downloads E-mail me!
Handmade Egyptian Gifts (papyrus, perfume bottles, stationery, etc.)
Very cool, and reasonable prices too! Click the above banner to go to


Click on the thumbnail images for full display.
These photos were taken from Printmaster Platinum, Corel Gallery and other picture CDs. If you need to save and/or print them, that's fine. You just can't sell them...


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My Aura Pictures & Some Weird Art
Aura pictures are taken with a special camera that captures the energy field of the body. The aura changes with mood and health. For the first one I was pretty much normal. The second one was taken on a bad day and I was just ticked off about everything. The third one was taken when I had a bad cold.

Some of my weird artwork! (You can see more on another page).