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Handmade Egyptian Gifts (papyrus, perfume bottles, stationery, etc.)
Very cool, and reasonable prices too! Click the above banner to go to
Click here for web rings
- Lots-of-Info Links
The Mystical WWW
Art Bell...
Millennium Matters (an absolutely GREAT site!)
SpiritWeb (a big resource)
NewHeavenNewEarth (prophecy and more!)
Spirit Network (prophecy, paranormal,etc.)
Testament: A New Consciousness Bible, internet editions
Tom Chase's prophecy page (Shroud of Turin, Hale-Bopp, Astrological predictions, etc.)
Study Web (lots of info)
- Earth Changes
Jim Berkland's amazingly accurate scientific earthquake predictions
Stan Deyo "Millenium Ark" (earth changes & prophecy--some GREAT links!)
Lori Toye's I Am America Map
Latest Earthquake Information from the USGS
University of Washington Geophysics Program
- Pyramids and the Sphinx
Latest information from Graham Hancock ("Message of the Sphinx")
A Virtual Reality tour of the pyramids & more from NOVA/PBS
The Orion Mystery
Giza On Line
Secrets of the Sphinx (precession of the equinoxes, etc.)
- The Mayans
Mystery of the Maya
Why 2012? (in-depth info on the Mayan calendar)
Easy to understand calendar information!(from SpiritWeb)
- Native American
The Hopi Way
Native American Prophecies
Wolf Lodge
- Edgar Cayce
Association of Research & Enlightenment
The Edgar Cayce Resource Center
- Wicca and Paganism
Wicca and Pagan Resources (many links)
Ashlynn's Grove Pagan Info Resource
- Astrology and Numerology
Astrological Consultations (Seattle area)
The Mountain Astrologer magazine
- Miscellaneous
The Forbidden Knowledge (what they don't want you to know...)
The Crop Circle Connector
Richard Hoagland's "The Enterprise Mission" (he saw the chambers under the Sphinx...)
BEAUTIFUL Space Artwork by David Seal
The Ghost Web (GREAT ghost pictures!)
Reverse Speech (what do we really mean when we speak?)
G's Page
- Resources and Merchants
The Sierra Club
National Audubon Society
World Wildlife Fund
The Windstar Foundation (formed by John Denver to save our environment & wildlife)

Barnes & Noble (Save up to 40% on bestselling books!)
CDNow... CD's
& more ordered over a secure server & shipped right away!
Richter's Herb Specialists
Herbal Healer Academy Inc.
Moonrise Herbs
Ancient Future, a world fusion music group!
Netscape's Search Page with ALL the search engines!
