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My Theory on the Eternal Now

Diagram of Theory

One night a couple of years ago I was meditating on the concept of the Eternal Now. I saw this image in my head and it made sense to me (at least, as much sense as something so cosmic could make to a human brain entrapped in the material world!)

Imagine that the universe (both physical and non-physical) was nothing but a great big circle drawn on a piece of paper or your computer screen. The circle has frequently been used as a symbolic representation of eternity (the serpent eating its tail, alpha and omega), so this works out quite nicely. In the center of this circle is the Creator, or God, or Great Spirit, or...insert your personal belief here. From this center one could see and know everything that was going on around the entire circle. Being located at one particular point along the circle, however, you are at a great disadvantage. If you take a tiny piece of that circle and look only at that piece, what are you looking at?...nothing but a line.(See my attempt at an illustration.) The timeline. The illusion of time itself. This is the material world. We cannot see the past, nor can we see the future. We can't see that the "line" that we live on is actually a great circle.
That's great, but what would that mean? Well, I believe that this would explain (at least symbolically) why so many of us have experience precognitive dreams and deja vu. If the soul or spirit exists in several planes...material...astral...and higher...and higher, and being on the line is the material, would it not make sense that as you progress into higher realms (such as the astral plane of dreams and out of body adventures) you may be just high enough above the "timeline" to see a little bit into the future? Many cultures believe that we leave our bodies at night as we dream and it seems just as likely that we may leap up there just for a quick glance every now and then on an subconscious or unconscious level. From that vantage point just above the edge of the circle this uncanny knowing of the future (or in some cases the past) would seem just plain logical. What do you think?

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