



*Reflection With Words* This is a little
bio of the author of this page.

* Mere Ramblings* is my online "journal".
I love writing and expressing myself so this
is a mighty good way to do it. *smile*

*Poems* I love reading Poems, just can't
write them! This page is filled with poems
written by my cousin and my other very good
friend. Worth reading.

*Vent* Ever had something on your chest
and you just had to get it out? Well then
get it off your chest!

* ENDLESS CHATTER * Another place I can
express myself.. but this time to people who
want to hear it. :)

*L i t t l e D r e a m e r* I love learning about
dreams and this is the perfect place to do it.

*Star Filled Night* I'm obsessed with Space.
It's one of two of my greatest loves and passions
in my life.

*The Rose* This is a wonderful poem that I'm
attached to. I really like it so I thought I'd give
it a page of its own.

*Butterflies* This is a little "club" I've made.
Its a lil graphic you put on your page to spiffy it
all up. *smiles*

*Reasons to Breathe* These are reasons to
breathe. Campaigns and such I'm for.

*Astrological Correspondances* This is a list
of Sun Signs and it gives you more info on
each one. Good way to learn about yourself.

*My Mystical Links* I've always thought
Paganism was a rather interesting subject.
This is a list of links to very well done Pagan
related sites.

*Linkies* I surf the web all the time. These
are some of my *favorite* pages.

*My Award!!* Sign up to win my award.
Its not that hard really *WINK*

*Webrings I'm Apart of* Did you follow a
ring here? Exit here. I'll miss you.. really.. I
will :( *SOB* *CRY*

*Award BookShelf* This is where I show off
my awards.

*Sign or View my Guestbook* Obvious enough. :)