My Mystical Links

If you have any suggestions or if you would like me to add your page to my list of links, please e-mail me at

The Green Pages

The Acorn Guild Excellent stuff

Island of Avalon

Circle Sanctuary

Amethyst's Pagan Parlor

Irminsul's Page

Pagan Resources Page

The Covenant of the Goddess

The Order of Bards, Ouates, and Druids

Pagan & other Alternative Religions and Philosophies

FAQ on Druidism

Amunt's Page

Church of Dancing Flame

Circle of Sand

Earth Religious Legal Assistance Network

The Witches League for Public Awareness

The Witches Voice

The Pagan Federation on the Web

Cleome's Wiccan Resourse Page

Liliths Pagan Resources

Pagan Pages

Whispering Trees

The Burning Times

Young Pagan Links

Young Pagans <--CHECK THIS OUT!!

Teen Pagan Networking

Daughters of the Goddess

Pagan Youth Webring

Pagan Moonlight

Beliefs and Practices

About Witchcraft - with FAQ, holidays, basic philosophy, definitions, and a bibliography.

Athena the Wiccan

Feast of the Unicorn - areas include: About Wicca, the Sabbats, holidays, astrological readings, herbal remedies, the Wiccan Rede, moon cycles, incense, Pagan rituals, and Wiccan tools.

Francesca Dubie's Wiccan & Faerie Grimoire - wiccan articles, poems, announcements, resources, love spells, and rituals.

Janus Gate, The - Wiccan rituals, teaching material, structure and history of Spawn Far Coven.

Lucretia's Reflections - find thoughts on Wicca and Paganism, and some hints for others practising Wicca in the Southern Hemisphere.

Mystical Cauldron - information about Wicca and pre-Gardnerian witchcraft.

Open Sesame - place for witchcraft, white magic, occult lore, herbs, poetry, mythology, spells and incantations.

Sabbats of Wicca - witches have eight festivals, or Sabbats, that honor nature and mark the year as it turns through its seasons.

Stardancer's Wheel of the Year

Sun Dragon Wicca Page - dedicated the positive public awareness of Wicca, Witches and Magick.

Volute's Witchy Site

Wicca: What it is and What it is not

Wiccan Grove - information on the Wheel of the Year, moon cycles, and traditions.

Wiccan's World of Witchcraft - information angled toward the beginner of wicca, witchcraft, and paganism.

Witchcraft: The Facts - synopsis of Wicca. FAQs, links, and sound files.

Witches' Web - reference for witches and pagans. More than 365 days of festivals and feasts, it explores folklore of ancient and modern history, legend, and lore.


Assembly of the Sacred Wheel - a legally recognized, Wiccan, non-profit, religious organization for the mid-Atlantic states. Sponsors open rituals, educational events, and conferences.

Association of Cymry Wiccae and Y Tylwyth Teg - provides information about Celtic/Welsh witchcraft for the general public, news media, and the Pagan community.

Central Vermont Open Circle of Wicca & Wicce

Ecclasian Fellowship - outreach group serving our community through open public rituals and Wicca classes.

Iowa Witches' Alliance

Living Wicca Foundation - a legally recognized Wiccan church.

New York State Witches - contains vital information for New York witches and Pagans in general.

Ontario Society of Wiccans Against Religious Discrimination (OSWARD)

PanTHea Circle - a growing group of Thelemic Wiccans following the NROOGD tradition.

Spirits of Avalon - learning fellowship offering classes, newsletter, events calendar, and history and traditions information.

StarKindler Wicca - information on traditional initiatory Wicca and on the StarKindler Tradition of Wicca.

Strand by Strand Collective - feminist witches offering classes and public rituals.

Temple of the Eternal Light - Caballistic Wicca - the temple is an amalgam of Caballa and Wicca; open Sabbaths, gnostic masses, rituals group, and home study programs.

Temple of THOTH

ULC Church of Amazement

Wiccan Church of Canada

Witches' League for Public Awareness (WLPA) - proactive educational network dedicated to correcting misinformation about Witches and Witchcraft.

Witches' Voice - educational network dedicated to correcting misinformation about Witches and Witchcraft.

FAQ - Church of the Iron Oak