{ R e f l e c t i o n - w i t h - w o r d s }

My name is Lisa Nicole. I'm a 14 years old and I live in southwest Florida. I go to Junior High ( 8th grade now ), where I make B's most of the time. When I'm older I’m going to go to college then either be an actress, an astronaut, or an astronomer. Notice I'm saying I'm GOING to be these things instead of hoping to be. hehe, I think I could manage 3 jobs. :)
My parents divorced when I was 8. I was and still am very happy about this because life is much better for both of my parents now that they're apart. My father is State Representative of District 72 and my mother has a State Farm insurance office. My dad is single and my mother has a boyfriend named Charlie. He's pretty cool.. I think they'll marry sometime soon. I have a 17 year old brother named Loren. He just got his drivers license.. Woohoo now he can drive me places!! Yeah right, in my dreams.
I sort of like school. Except for Math. I hate Math. I have a passion for Horse Back Riding, and reading. I usually read just about anything I can get my hands on.. Like New Age books ( I have a growing fascination with Paganism ), History, Mythology, anything and everything dealing with space, and probably every other category that books go under. I love to read. :) I'm obsessed ( yes I mean that, hehe ) With Space Science, the Planets, Astrology, Astronomy, and Drama... oh and also with my boyfriend, Matt. :) I like to Horse back ride ( English ) and am going to start taking karate soon. I also LOVE to draw and paint. I love going to museums and looking at others paintings and what not. Oh, and I'm also an IRCaddict.
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