Fearless.. you can do things without fear. You're very self confident and feel like the world is at your finger tips.
Friendly.. you like being friendly to people and are often so. As a result you have a lot of friends, and would do almost anything for a good friend of yours.
Calm.. in any situation you appear cool and calm, even though on the inside you might be far from it. Or you're naturally calm in any situation and if you're like that.. LUCKY!! hehe.

Whats your personality?
Pick out which personality fits you best then email me with,
**Your name**
**Your email address**
**The URL of your page***
**The title of your page***
**and which Butterfly you would like**
When you do that and I check out for your page to see if the graphic is there.. and linked back to me.. then I'll add you to the members list below!! Please remember to download it onto your own server. Its THAT simple! So show off your personality!
* Welcome to my piece of the world!
* Jupiters Daughter
* Elysium

* Parcae's Place
* Xero's Homepage